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Military Discharge Records

Creator: Atchison County. Register of Deeds

Date: 1943-1990

Level of Description: Series

Material Type: Government record

Call Number: Unavailable

Unit ID: 59051

Restrictions: KSA 45-221(a)(46)

Space Required/Quantity:

  • 5.00 Microfilm roll(s) (35mm)

Title (Main title): Military Discharge Records

Scope and Content

Scope and content: Copies of soldiers discharges from military service, showing name of soldier; rank; company; regiment; volunteer; date of service; date discharged; length of service; if disabled, name, place and date of battle; if entitled to pension, amount; place of birth; occupation; physical description; honorary mention. Arranged chronologically, index by surname. This record generally covers veterans from World War I to the present.


Locator Contents
020-09-10-03  Reels AR 6647 & MF 7248 contain military discharge records dating from approximately 1951 to 1990. If these are DD-214 discharge forms, Kansas Statute 45-221(a)(46) closes them as follows: "Any information or material received by the register of deeds of a county from military discharge papers, DD Form 214. Such papers shall be disclosed: To the military dischargee; to such dischargee's immediate family members and lineal descendants; to such dischargee's heirs, agents or assigns; to the licensed funeral director who has custody of the body of the deceased dischargee; when required by a department or agency of the federal or state government or a political subdivision thereof; when the form is required to perfect the claim of military service or honorable discharge or a claim of a dependent of the dischargee; and upon the written approval of the commissioner of veterans affairs, to a person conducting research." 


  • AR 6619: Vol. 272 & 274 1945-1951
  • AR 6647: Vol. 298 & 332 1951-1970
  • MF 7248: 1970-1990
  • MF 7251 no. 3: Index, WWI & WWII discharges 1919-1945

Index Terms


    Atchison County (Kan.) -- Genealogy
    Military discharge -- Kansas -- Atchison County
    Soldiers -- Kansas -- Atchison County

Agency Classification:

    Local Government Agencies. Atchison County. County Offices. Register of Deeds.

Additional Information for Researchers

Restrictions: KSA 45-221(a)(46)