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A Day in My Community: October 11, 2001

Results of Query:

County: Atchison

Page 1 of 6 showing 50 records of 259 total, starting on record 1
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Title Location Notes About Letter Contents
Letter by Nathan Andreas  Atchison, Atchison County  Atchison/ Maur Hill 
Letter by Anonymous  Cummings, Atchison County  Lives in quaint community near Effingham 
Letter by Anonymous  Good Intent, Atchison County  Town of 15 people. Lives on little farm. Student 
Letter by Anonymous  Effingham, Atchison County  9/11. Crops still need to be harvested. 
Letter by Anonymous  Effingham, Atchison County  Student lives on farm. Family has cows. 
Letter by Anonymous  Effingham, Atchison County  Community is boring. 
Letter by Anonymous  Effingham, Atchison County  Dislikes town, people. 
Letter by Anonymous  Effingham, Atchison County  Does not life Effingham. Too small. Dislikes ACCHS. 
Letter by Anonymous  Effingham, Atchison County  Bet best friend Mike Deal will lead this country some day. 
Letter by Anonymous  Lancaster, Atchison County  Building park in honor of former Lions club member. 
Letter by Anonymous  Atchison, Atchison County  [None] 
Letter by Anonymous  Atchison, Atchison County  [None] 
Letter by Anonymous  Effingham, Atchison County  Nice town, people. 
Letter by Anonymous  Atchison, Atchison County  Atchison Student 
Letter by Anonymous  Effingham, Atchison County  Bad thing; if you do something wrong, everyone in town finds out 
Letter by Anonymous  Effingham, Atchison County  School schedule. 
Letter by Anonymous  Effingham, Atchison County  Lives in quaint community near Atchison 
Letter by Anonymous  Effingham, Atchison County  Effingham Student 
Letter by Anonymous  Effingham, Atchison County  Sr involved in Jazz Band, sports 
Letter by Anonymous  Effingham, Atchison County  Effingham Student 
Letter by Anonymous  Atchison, Atchison County  Atchison Student 
Letter by Anonymous  Muscotah, Atchison County  Sr in Effingham. Involved in many extracurricular activities 
Letter by Anonymous  Atchison, Atchison County  [None] 
Letter by Anonymous  Good Intent, Atchison County  Too light to read. 
Letter by Jenna Anonymous  Effingham, Atchison County  Effingham Student 
Letter by Tiffanie Anonymous  Effingham, Atchison County  Small but safe town. 
Letter by Brent Arnold  Atchison, Atchison County  Atchison Student 
Letter by Jason Baker  Effingham, Atchison County  Effingham Student 
Letter by Travis Bales  Muscotah, Atchison County  Countryside is my home. Enjoys animals, fresh air and privacy. 
Letter by Jenny Bell  Good Intent, Atchison County  Wrestles in school. Helps Dad, a truck driver. 
Letter by Sarah Besancon  Lancaster, Atchison County  Lancaster Student 
Letter by Devin Bilgi  Atchison, Atchison County  Atchison Student 
Letter by Alicia Billings  Effingham, Atchison County  Effingham Student 
Letter by Ian Billings  Atchison, Atchison County  Atchison Student 
Letter by Sarah Bindel  Effingham, Atchison County  Student. Letter writing too light to read. 
Letter by Kate Blair  Effingham, Atchison County  Effingham Student 
Letter by Jenifer Blya  Muscotah, Atchison County  Muskotah Student 
Letter by Ryan Bodenhausen  Muscotah, Atchison County  70 registered holstein, 2,200 acres row crops, etc 
Letter by Ashley Bomburger  Effingham, Atchison County  Effingham Student 
Letter by Jordan Bottorff  Lancaster, Atchison County  Does odd jobs around dad's construction office 
Letter by Mary Lou Bowen  Effingham, Atchison County  Effingham Student 
Letter by Tracy Bowman  Effingham, Atchison County  Effingham Student 
Letter by Aron Boyce  Effingham, Atchison County  Effingham Student 
Letter by Holly Bradley  Effingham, Atchison County  Effingham Student 
Letter by Ashley Briggs  Atchison, Atchison County  Atchison Student 
Letter by Heather Brown  Lancaster, Atchison County  Community very interesting. Farmers are harvesting. Cheerleader. 
Letter by Kristen Brown  Cummings, Atchison County  Tiny community. Have social gatherings & parties often just to add a little excitement. 
Letter by Patricia Brox  Huron, Atchison County  9/11. Farming land 3 generations. Prices crops, equipment. 
Letter by Jessica Buckim  Effingham, Atchison County  Effingham Student 
Letter by Kurtiss Burge  Atchison, Atchison County  Atchison Student 
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