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A Day in My Community: October 11, 2001

Results of Query:

County: Reno

Page 5 of 26 showing 50 records of 1258 total, starting on record 201
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Title Location Notes About Letter Contents
Letter by Kelly Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Lived in Kansas her whole life. Favorite thing is the love, friendship, and caring people. Open spaces. 
Letter by Kennedy Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  [None] 
Letter by Kenneth Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Youd like my home when it is swept up. School neat and organized. School fun. 
Letter by Kenning Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  [None] 
Letter by Kevin Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  House, trees, sun picture. 
Letter by Kevin Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Story-school, terror. 
Letter by Kylie Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  9/11 & parents getting divorce. So sad. Field trip to State Fair on Sept 11. 
Letter by Lacy Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Likes police and fire departments.Story/picture. 
Letter by Lee Ann Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  [None] 
Letter by Leigha Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Listing family, friends, activities. 
Letter by Luke Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Plays soccer, football. Scared of spiders. Picture Twin Towers. 
Letter by Mabrey Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  [None] 
Letter by Makala Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Picture people who help firefighters. 
Letter by Mandy Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Poster 11x17 w/rel. Picture&Letter to Gov Graves. 
Letter by Mandy Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Story glad no terrorists in Kansas. Life in Kansas is great. Raceway Park picture 11 x 17. 
Letter by Mariah Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Spelling words. 
Letter by Mario Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Playground picture 
Letter by Marny Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Really good education. People care about others. 
Letter by Matney Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Picture 
Letter by Matt Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Lists family, teachers, friends. 
Letter by Megan Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  9/11, Day horseback riding, favorite food. 
Letter by Michael Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Life in Kansas is good. School is hard in 3rd grade. 
Letter by Michelle Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Picture of girl in evening dress. 
Letter by Mikey Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Don't like the way people litter. Where my home is, we are family. 
Letter by Mitch Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Gas explosion, hepatitis outbreak. 
Letter by Morgan Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  [None] 
Letter by Morrisso Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Picture kids on swing set. 
Letter by Nichole Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Picture people. Likes substitute teacher. 
Letter by Nickos Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Picture head of man. 
Letter by Paige Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Ks safe place. Dont like how people trash yards. 
Letter by Pam Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Likes Hutchinson. Have good education, big spaces, good people. 
Letter by Philip Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Likes "Montana Mike's." 5 people can eat for $20.99. 
Letter by Puerta Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Daily school schedule. 
Letter by Quartecox Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Drop Everyhing & Read READ school project. 
Letter by Randy Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Not noisy, trashy. People use good clean words. 
Letter by Raul Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Picture family in front of house. 
Letter by Rebecca Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Would some day like to visit Japan & China. 
Letter by Regina Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Picture of person with stars. 
Letter by Rick Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  [None] 
Letter by Ricky Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Lives with mom Glenda, Acassi,stepdad, brother, sister and nephew. 
Letter by Rosa Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Loves Décor store. Wants everything there. 
Letter by Sara Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Story and 11/17 picture of state fair. 
Letter by Schonelle Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Picture Salt City Splash 
Letter by Schuyler Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Likes teachers, looking at houses, friends. 
Letter by September Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Likes to play in park. Picture/story. 
Letter by Shaguelle Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Halloween picture. 
Letter by Shalondlo Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Picture w/story. Likes to play in park. 
Letter by Shanee Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  McCandless Elem. Flags up after disaster. 
Letter by Sharon Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  [None] 
Letter by Shelby Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  State Fair rides, people at fair. 
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