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A Day in My Community: October 11, 2001

Results of Query:

County: Reno

Page 5 of 26 showing 50 records of 1258 total, starting on record 201
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Title Location Notes About Letter Contents
Letter by Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  School schedule. Only fun in community is skating rink. Only open on weekends. 
Letter by Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  School, football on Saturday, Church on Sunday. 
Letter by Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  School. Gives both parents big hugs before going out door. 
Letter by Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  School. Hutchison not too big, not too small. 
Letter by Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  School. Swims at Carey Park & YMCA. Fun Valley has awesome baseball fields. 
Letter by Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  School-reading "The Diary of Anne Frank" in Literature. Played "Four Corners." 
Letter by Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Shopping at the Mall. Feelings about Hutchinson 
Letter by Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Skateboarding is favorite thing to do. Life has ruff times, but ruff times turn in to good times. 
Letter by Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Technology in school. Drive gas propelled cars and starting to use electric cars to stop pollution. 
Letter by Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Tree Picture 
Letter by Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Typical week's activities. Life evolves around wrestling in winter. 
Letter by Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Up at 5; let 2 dalmations out; vacuumed 2 bedrooms, to school. 
Letter by Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Uses hair gel, hair highlighted yellow. Plays trombone, guitar. 
Letter by Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Working hard in school, but things dont come out good. Plays YWCA football, mows lawns. 
Letter by Amber Sparks  Hutchinson, Reno County  Picture church. Story notes, "We love church & God." 
Letter by Anonymous Winger  Hutchinson, Reno County  [None] 
Letter by Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Camera Man story - all about school, home 
Letter by Alan Blevins  Hutchinson, Reno County  Lamentation poster - KANSAS. 
Letter by Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Blazing inferno NY 
Letter by Anthony Mendoza  Hutchinson, Reno County  Story 
Letter by Amber Richardson  Hutchinson, Reno County  Picture: "Friendship will Lead the Why." 
Letter by Aric Issik  Hutchinson, Reno County  Need to fix swimming pools, streets, school playgrounds. 
Letter by Alex Mendoza  Hutchinson, Reno County  Dillon Nature Center picture 
Letter by Ashey Idler  Hutchinson, Reno County  Faris School. Lives with mom, stepdad, 2 sisters & brother. 
Letter by Acassi Huff  Hutchinson, Reno County  Likes corndogs with Ketchup at state fair. 
Letter by Ashley Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Likes to go to mall. It has game room, toys & stores. 
Letter by Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Average day-boring classes, home & ck email, gobble food, homework or read, then to bed. 
Letter by Ashley Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  School used to be small. Now big because of air center. 
Letter by Ashley Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Staying with mom, step dad, 1 sister, 2 brothers. Has so many friends. 
Letter by Ashley Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  12-yr-olds play baseball, footbal, soccer, go to movies. 
Letter by Ashley Barden  Hutchinson, Reno County  KS flat land and no mountains. Likes movies at Cosmosphere. 
Letter by Ashley Burns  Hutchinson, Reno County  Dwight D. Eisenhower was U.S.General, President. 
Letter by Ashley Clark  Hutchinson, Reno County  9/11 School story. 
Letter by Ashley Davis  Hutchinson, Reno County  [None] 
Letter by Ashley Dohrmann  Hutchinson, Reno County  See you at the Pole prayer group on 10/11. 
Letter by Ashley Ewing  Hutchinson, Reno County  Want to know, "Will I have a future?" Leaves destiny to God & Pres Bush. 
Letter by Ashley Genschorck  Hutchinson, Reno County  Mix & match day maroon day at school. Outfits weird. 
Letter by Ashley Hansen  Hutchinson, Reno County  Splitting up school has been difficult. 
Letter by Ashley Jacobs  Hutchinson, Reno County  Faris Elem Rides bike and plays with stuffed animals & friends after school. 
Letter by Ashley Knight  Hutchinson, Reno County  Likes to play soccer at Centennial Park. 
Letter by Ashley Lazenby  Hutchinson, Reno County  Kids wear bell-bottoms, platforms & stuff that were in style in 60's & 70's. 
Letter by Ashley Martin  Hutchinson, Reno County  Story - Attack on America. 
Letter by Ashley Redinger  Hutchinson, Reno County  Picture and story. 
Letter by Ashley Smith  Hutchinson, Reno County  Story. 
Letter by Ashley Smith  Hutchinson, Reno County  Story about her hobby, Scrapbooking. 
Letter by Ashley Wakefield  Hutchinson, Reno County  [None] 
Letter by Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  9/11. Have State fare every year, comisfear, and arcade in the mall. 
Letter by Amber Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Natural gas explosion in Hutchinson in last year. 
Letter by Aubrey Adams  Hutchinson, Reno County  Likes going to Mall -game room, toys, stores. 
Letter by Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Another boring day at school. Loves to clean house when she is grounded. 
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