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A Day in My Community: October 11, 2001

Results of Query:

County: Atchison

Page 6 of 6 showing 9 records of 259 total, starting on record 251
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Title Location Notes About Letter Contents
Letter by Anonymous  Effingham, Atchison County  Sr involved in Jazz Band, sports 
Letter by Anonymous  Effingham, Atchison County  Dislikes town, people. 
Letter by Anonymous  Effingham, Atchison County  Does not life Effingham. Too small. Dislikes ACCHS. 
Letter by Anonymous  Effingham, Atchison County  School schedule. 
Letter by Anonymous  Effingham, Atchison County  Effingham Student 
Letter by Anonymous  Effingham, Atchison County  Effingham Student 
Letter by Anonymous  Effingham, Atchison County  9/11. Crops still need to be harvested. 
Letter by Anonymous  Effingham, Atchison County  Lives in quaint community near Atchison 
Letter by Nathan Andreas  Atchison, Atchison County  Atchison/ Maur Hill 
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