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A Day in My Community: October 11, 2001

Results of Query:

County: Reno

Page 8 of 26 showing 50 records of 1258 total, starting on record 351
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Title Location Notes About Letter Contents
Letter by Calube Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Kansas is Great. Like "Salt City Splash." 
Letter by Cameron Byard  Hutchinson, Reno County  Had Ricerd Crag come from Ireland & live with them 1 month. 
Letter by Cameron Whitford  Hutchinson, Reno County  Always get great stuff at Christmas. 
Letter by Candace Batkin  Hutchinson, Reno County  Stepdad in Arizona Sept 11. Was scared. Cried in class on Sept. 12. 
Letter by Candice Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  AMERICA is GREAT 
Letter by Candyce Christopher  Hutchinson, Reno County  Lives in brown house, family of 6 including Grandma live there. 
Letter by Carey Moll  Hutchinson, Reno County  Poster AMERICA 
Letter by Carissa Evans  Hutchinson, Reno County  Likes Kansas State Fair. 
Letter by Carissa Halbeib  Hutchinson, Reno County  Guy sat on the front porch & waved. He died. 
Letter by Carly Marshall  Hutchinson, Reno County  7 hrs at school, sports, homework, sleep is her day. 
Letter by Carol Hayes  Hutchinson, Reno County  Book: Wiley Elem 
Letter by Carolann Chalmers  Hutchinson, Reno County  Brother killed in car wreck. 
Letter by Carolina Guerrero  Hutchinson, Reno County  After 9/11 worried about war. 
Letter by Carson Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Life in Kansas scary because of the bombing. 
Letter by Casey Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Analytical report of terror attack - 2 wrongs does not make right. 
Letter by Casey Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Have many celebrations in Hutchinson with our Mexican family. 
Letter by Casey Cook  Hutchinson, Reno County  School schedule. Likes to build & play sports. 
Letter by Casey Miller  Hutchinson, Reno County  School day routine. Helps parents cook supper. 
Letter by Cassandra Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Life in Kansas is Great. Mostly likes Salt City Splash because it is so much fun. 
Letter by Cassandra Branin  Hutchinson, Reno County  People helpful to new citizens as she is. 
Letter by Cassandra Spencer  Hutchinson, Reno County  School, family. 
Letter by Cassi Purrington  Hutchinson, Reno County  Terror. Descriptive story. 
Letter by Cassie Barber  Hutchinson, Reno County  Showed spirit after Sept. 11. God Bless America. 
Letter by Cassie Sollers  Hutchinson, Reno County  Gas explosion, Wiley Elem. news. Has 2 pets. 
Letter by Catherine Bloodsaw  Hutchinson, Reno County  Normal house, normal parents. Has stepdad - he never did anything illegal. 
Letter by Cayla Neil  Hutchinson, Reno County  Nice state, nice people. KS is the Bread Basket. 
Letter by Cegan Lansdown  Hutchinson, Reno County  Terror. Different words kids his age use. Names of groups. 
Letter by Celeste Dauner  Hutchinson, Reno County  [None] 
Letter by Chanin Smith  Hutchinson, Reno County  Mom cleans houses. Looks up to her so much. Dad works at Frank Witt Motors 
Letter by Charlie Bonnet  Hutchinson, Reno County  Picture school job: recycle paper, pick up attendance. 
Letter by Chasity Gilley  Hutchinson, Reno County  Feels safe living in Hutchison. Doesn't have many shootings or robberies. 
Letter by Chelsea Brown  Hutchinson, Reno County  Churches of many faiths give choices. Always adding on to Cosmosphere. 
Letter by Austin Strawn  Hutchinson, Reno County  Parents divorced & spends half time with each parent.Hopes to be nuerologist. 
Letter by Chelsea Morey  Hutchinson, Reno County  Mom recently got cancer but okay now. 
Letter by Chelsea Seeger  Hutchinson, Reno County  Gov Graves picture w/99 Class & Release. 
Letter by Chelsea Shubb  Hutchinson, Reno County  Story. 
Letter by Chelsey Brown  Hutchinson, Reno County  Looking for ways she & other kids could help NY Terror victims. 
Letter by Chelsi Farney  Hutchinson, Reno County  Picture. Community has been brought closer together since 9-11. 
Letter by Chelsi Tinin  Hutchinson, Reno County  Poster, Letter to Governor Graves - read at KSHS Presentation of Letters w/release. 
Letter by Austin Smith  Hutchinson, Reno County  Picture: BRAVE 
Letter by Chelsie Feezor  Hutchinson, Reno County  Terror attack. Knows we are going to war. Feels numb. 
Letter by Chenille Peterson  Hutchinson, Reno County  Fun Valley-baseball park. 
Letter by Cheyenne Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  Picture/story. Carey Park playground equipment. 
Letter by Cheyenne L.  Hutchinson, Reno County  Playground at Carey Park 
Letter by Cheyenne S.  Hutchinson, Reno County  Playground picture. 
Letter by Chris Carson  Hutchinson, Reno County  Lives in 3-bedroom house on 15th St. Lots of activities. 
Letter by Chris Givan  Hutchinson, Reno County  Release only. 
Letter by Chris Mosher  Hutchinson, Reno County  Likes to fish, swim & climb. 
Letter by Chris Richards  Hutchinson, Reno County  Release for Kristina Richards Poster 
Letter by Anonymous  Hutchinson, Reno County  10/11. Driving around town with mom, flags are up all over town. Explains how to play football. 
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