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A Hoosier in Kansas: The Diary of Hiram H. Young, 2

1886-1895, Pioneer of Cloud County
Part Two, 1890-1891

Edited by Powell Moore

August 1946 (Vol. 14 No. 3), pages 297 to 352.
Transcribed by lhn;
digitized with permission of the Kansas Historical Society.

Kansas Historical Quarterly, August 1946

June, 1890

8 Sunday. Childrens Day at Hendersons Grove. Dr. MeCasey & family Dinnered with us. Had (2) Bottles of Beer. Alba and the boys went to church in the evening. Preaching by Mrs Rev. Bushong.
9 Monday Pretty fair Day. Boys plowed corn. The old man hoed weeds. Dry and dusty fearful dry.
10 Tuesday. Blessed little rain last night. . . . Every thing looks bright and fresh this morning. Little spotted Sow piged last night 5 Pigs. Fearful warm after noon, 98 in the Shade. Boys plowed corn. Cleaned House.
11 Wednesday. Bully Day. Good rain last night. Jack Matthews Helping plow corn for what John listed for him. Every thing looks fresh and vigorous. Boss. Boss. Finished plowing the listed corn the first time
12 Thursday. Pretty fair day. Went to Aurora after dinner. Cigars 10#. Played a few games of high (5) Had 1 Bottle Beer. Home 7 ½ P. M. Fearful Hot after Dinner. . . . 9 P. M. High wind south.
13 Friday. High wind S. W. Fearful dusty. Disagreeable Boys plowing corn. Bad Dusty and Disagreeable work. Fearful Wind. Cloudy & Hot. 9 P M Awful Hot. 10 P M wind changed to north and turned cooler. Rained a little bit during the night. Sold 18 chickens $4.50
14 Saturday. Fair day. Wind northwest. Mother John George and Mabel went to town. The old Man went to Rice after noon with A D Goble. Attended Alliance at Hen Peck. [23] Paid Dues for John & myself 50¢



went to Rice, fearful hot. Thunder[e]d clouded up and threatened rain afternoon but failed Fearful warm. Light: wind South east & south. 106 Degrees in the Shade, this the warmest day this Season, up to date. Corn is looking Discouraging.
10 Thursday Pretty warm Went to town with John after Dinner. Paid Dr. McCasey cash $2.00 for money Borrowed July 5, 1890. Bought Shoes for John 2.00 Medicine for the old Man 2.00 Soda 10¢ Tobacco 45¢ Flour $1.10 gave John $1.00 Home 8:40 P. M. Took Supper with Dr. McCasey John eat Supper with Democrat Smith Dry & Dusty. Corn is looking Sad. That is the early planted
11 Friday went to Mat Wilcoxs School House to Co. Alliance. Jake Matthews went with me. Home 10:20 P. M. Just got to bed and Dr. McCasey called and Staid all night. For Dinner at Co. Alliance 25¢ cigars 10¢ Total 35¢.
11 [12?] Saturday Bright & clear Hot. Went with Dr. McCasey to Nelse Courvilles, Home 10:20 A. M. Hot Corn looking Sick.
13 Sunday Clear &Hot. Went to Sawdy[s], F. A. Thompson and wife were there. Good visit, Fearful Hot. . . . This is my old Fathers Birth day, 86 years old today. May God spare him longer is the wish of his son.
14 Monday Hot Hoter Hotest Stacking oats. Jack Matthews Stacking and E M De Graff is assisting. Hot Hot 106 in the Shade. About 6 P M wind changed to N. E. and fearful for awhile. Old Jimmy Acton called and Staid for Supper. Dr. McDonald called in the evening. Threatened rain but at this time 9:15 P. M. no prospect. Corn looks Sad. The old Man is Somewhat Discouraged.
15 Tuesday. Cloudy & warm. Finished Stacking Oats, went to Rice. Received news that my Sister Caroline Mrs. J. C. Zimmerman was dead. Died July 12, 1890. George went to Huschers, Paid Huscher cash $15.00 for cutting 20 acres of Oats. Bought Sugar $1.00 cigar 5 stamps 4¢ paper 10¢ = $1.19.
16 Wednesday. Fearful hot after noon. Cloudy & hazy in the morning. Mrs Goble Mollie Kitt and Alice Miller called after noon and Staid for Supper. Attended Alliance meeting at the Center. High wind South.
17 Thursday Cloudy & warm Broughtmy Cattle from Longtins pasture. 4 yearlings 2 cows and 2 calves. 8 in all. Home with cattle 9:30 A M Boys went to help Jack Matthews Stack Oats.


18 Friday. Cloudy & warm. Boys helped Jack Matthews stack Oats till noon. Went fishing after noon. Fishermans luck. John Henderson Taylor Called in the evening. Hot all day Wind S. E. Corn looks bad and the old Man is Discouraged. Bluer than thunder
19 Saturday clear & hot; Attend [ed] Alliance meeting [at] the Center. Had our organ there. Bill Savary and A. J. McCallister spoke. Big crowd and a good time.
20 Sunday. Clear & hot. Went to Dave Skeels. In the evening Clouded up Thundered and promised rain but it all blow[ed] away.
21 Monday. Cloudy & hot. Killed a hog, fearful hot. Frying down meat Warm Job for poor folks. Alba Mother Freddie and Mabel went to Kellenbargers after noon. I went to Gobles after Dinner. Cloudy and pleasant in the evening. Promised rain but all blowed away. Corn sick. The old man Discouraged.
22 Tuesday. Cloudy & warm- went to town with Mother and Freddie. Bought flour 2.00 Tea 40¢ Tob 45¢ starch 5¢ 1 glass burch beer 5¢, gave Mother $1.00 swingletree hook for buggy 10¢ = $4.05 Blessed good rain in the afternoon. We are now more hopeful that [we] will have a little corn. John & George helped William Lillibridge stack oats ½ day for fun. Thank God for the rain.
23 Wednesday. Clear and pleasant. Boys helped John Secrist Thresh after noon. Wash Day. Corn looking Sick prospect awful poor for this [year]. it cant make one fourth of a crop at the best. God only knows how we will get along. Our chances are poor enough at the best.
24 Thursday. Clear & cool. Went to town after noon. Bought Sugar 1.00 pepper 15¢ Oat Meal 25¢ Tooth picks 10¢ 1 Pair over alls 85 Alliant $1.00 Steel traps 60¢ Total $3.95 Home 7 P M Subscribe[d] for the Alliant.
25 Friday Pretty good day. Wind North & N. E. and S. E. & E. John went to Monys, Monty came in the evening.
25 [26?] Saturday. Wind S E & E. Threshed my Oats 540 Bushels Due Monty Helpers $8.10 Jack Matthews 2 Hand & team 2 Huschers (2 Secrist. Settled) 2 Hendersons, 1 Bertram Each ½ day Hot & Dry and dusty corn petered out. Oats light crop. We will go over the hill.
26 [27?] Sunday Clear & warm. Mother Mabel Freddie and the old Man went to Thompsons Proff Sawdy wife and children and H. De Wade were there. Home 7 P. M. Alba went to Stoners The boys at home.


27 [28?] Monday. Clear and warm. High wind South. Fearful wind & Dust this is the last day for our corn. Good by [e] corn. We did our best to get you. But failed A great amount of hard work lost without any return. 7 in our family 95 acres of corn gone. Hard winter in Store for us. It will take grit and economy to winter here. Boys helped old Henderson Thresh till noon. After noon they went to Huschers. Hotter than a . . . after dinner. Its good by[e] John.
28 [29?] Tuesday. High wind S. - Mother John- George Fred Mabel & Alba went to town. The old Man left at home alone. The wind blowed all night and still blowing this morning. This is the last Day on earth for the corn for this year. Good by[e] Dear Corn we tried hard to get you but failed. How we will winter "God" knows.
29 [30?] Wednesday. . . Sold 4 Hogs 1230 lbs 3.20 lb. = $39.36. Received cash $5.00 on hogs. Balance due $34.36 Corn played out. . . . 108 degrees in the Shade.
31 Thursday Clear and hot, wash day. Wind change[d] to West North and N E and E. Beautifully warm. . . . This is School meeting day 2 P. M. The old man was elected Treasure [r] for 3 years, Col. Smith and family came and Staid all night. Mother & Mabel Sick during the night

August, 1890

1 High wind South. Went fishing Dave Skeels Old man Lillibridge E. B. Lillibridge W. B. Lillibridge W. S. Lillibridge Charley Lillibridge Charley Muller George Layman Col. Smith, John, George and the old man. Caught about 300 lbs Home 8 P. M. Col. Smith and family Staid all night
2 Saturday went to town with Smith. Staid all night with Smith. Went to Alliance on the bottom no Alliance. Rained a good Shower.
3 Sunday. Came home Smith brought me home: Had a glass of beer with Dr. McCasey, Home 10 A. M. Coal and fresh this morning. Dr. McCasey&family here for Dinner
4 Monday. Rained a little Shower last night. The old man went to Lillibridges John went to town to Co. Alliance. George went fishing. Cloudy & cool. Wind north. Cool. Alba went to Kellenbargers went to Rice after dinner. Received from Reed $34.35 Due on Hogs Had 2 plow She Sharpened 50t. George caught a good mess of fish John came home about dark. Gave John Cash


90¢, Mother's Shoes repaired 60¢ Ida Kellenbarger Staid all night. Woodruff Threshed to day. Lillibridges all a little better.
5 Tuesday clear& pleasant. Commenced to plow Oats s[t]ubble The old Man unwell, Gut ache. Ida Kellenbarger went home this morning.
6 Wednesday. Good day. Went to Sawdys it being his 68 birth day. Quite a good crowd was there. Fred Thompson made a little speech. John & George went to Sawdys in the evening. At night I went to People's Caucus, was made chairman. W. A. Pierce J. B. Campbell & George Greathouse were elected delegates [to] convention for the 9th:
7 Thursday. Good Day. Wash day. Sada Farnum is here. The boys are plowing Oats ground. Fearful plowing ground dry fearful dry. Boys played ball after noon. Mrs. John S. Campbell died. Fearful hot 108 [degrees] in the Shade. Corn Just all dried up. What the poor farmer will do is hard to tell
8 Friday. Nice cool day Wind north & north east Went to Rice with the old wagon to have it cut down, cost $6.00 John George & Freddie went with me. Alba went fishing with Sadie Farnum As. Burris & Ed. Hass. John went to Bolens in [the] evening
9 Saturday. cloudy & cool. Sowed turnip seed yesterday. Rained a little this morning. Loaned C. C. Eye Tom to go to town Left his horse in our stable. F. A. Thompson left his horse in our stable. Big Ball game in our pasture. Went to Alliance F. A. Thompson had Supper with us and went to the Alliance and Staid all night. Home 10 P. M. Commenced to Rain 10 P M
10 Sunday. Good rain last night. Cloudy and cool this morning. Good rain.
11 Monday cloudy & cool. Boys plowed Oats ground. Jacob Martha went to town after Dinner. J. T. Henderson Called this morning
12 Tuesday cloudy & cool wind south east. Boys plowing. A moving outfit stop[p]ed for water who came from Oregon with team and wagon. They Started last May 3 months on the way Bound for old Mo.
13 Wednesday. Cloudy & warm. John went to Alex. Hadleys to See about Seed wheat & Rye. Received Cash from J. T. Henderson $1.11 school money. Bought Sugar $1.00 Sime Farnum & family Called to day. Frank Ellison from Topeka came today after Dinner. Bought 8 Bushels Rye 60¢ per bus. = $4.80 Boys


and Alba went in the evening to W. A. Pierces. Received a card from G W Coffey President Co. Alliance.
14 Thursday Cloudy & arm. Heck Martin stop[p]ed for water Dave Skeels and crew stop[p]ed at noon. Dave Had dinner with us; The boys went fishing with Dave. Fisherman home in good Season. No fish.
15 Friday cloudy & cool Boys plowing. Alba went to Rice. Walt Kinzer called in the forenoon. Ground getting dry. Mother Freddie Mabel & the Old Man went to town after dinner. Staid all night with Dr. McCasey:
16 Saturday Cloudy & cool Bought flour P. P. 2 Sacks 2.20 Tobacco 45¢ Lye 25¢ broom 25¢ Baking powder 50¢ = 3.70 [?] Home high twelve. Attended Alliance at the Center in, the afternoon. Ball game at home after noon. 10 P M cloudy & cool.
17 Sunday good day. Walt Kinzer was here for dinner. John Henderson Burroughs & young Decker Called after noon.
18 Monday. Cloudy & warm. Wash day, cleaned Hen House. Alba went to Kellenberger's [in] after noon. Boys cut corn after noon. Paid Monty Cash $4.00. Due Monty 4.10 Loaned John Miller my wagon
19 Tuesday Cloudy and cool. Rained a little in the morning. Loaned Lillibridge my wagon. Frank Ellison went to town, from Rice. The old man under the weather to day. Brought old wagon from Shop Paid $6.00 for repairs.
20 Wednesday. Good day. Sawdy & family Sime Farnum & family visited us. Had good time. Dr. McCasey was here for Dinner. Boys halled out manure. Sold 2 Steers and 1 Calf for 30.00 to be delivered in Concordia next Monday. Received Cash on cattle $1.00 Poor Sale, Cattle too cheap.
21 Thursday Went to town with John Bergeron Came home Sick. Awful Sick during the night Dr. McDonald Called and perscribed for Mabel did it for fun.
22 Friday Show day. Boys and Alba went to town. The old Man Sick Dull and all broke up:
23 Saturday. Cloudy and cool. Went to Aurora early in the morning. Got medicine, 70¢ Deck card [s] 2.00 Total 9.00 Home 8.30 A. M. The old Man considerable under the weather, fearful Sick last night. Rained a little.
24 Sunday cloudy & cool. Mother & children went to church. Mr & Mrs Hibs and Mrs Coat came home with them & Staid for dinner and Supper, The Boys and; Alba went to church. Big


Storm South & South east 8:30 P. M. - The old Man considerable under the weather.
25 Monday. Went to town with 3 Steers. Received Cash balance due on them $29:00 Bought Pants 2.75 Shoes for George 1.65 Tobacco 10¢ lamp chimney 1.00 = $4.60. Fearful big rain in town. Good rain at home.
26 Tuesday. Bright & clear. Boys plowing. Gave Mother Cash $5.25. Spotted Sow Piged 5 Ps. Dr. McCasey called on his way to Leander Brickers. I went with him. Stop[p]ed at Aurora. Paid for irons 100 4 bolts 100 Pepsin 150 = 35¢. Dr. Got 1 Pint Brandy. Stop[p]ed at F. A. Thompson. Had a drink Fred. Home at dark. Dr. Staid for supper. Played high 5 till 10 P. M. then Dr. started home.
27 Wednesday. Clear & cool. Wash day. Wind West Jakes Sister had Pigs yesterday. Settled in full with Monty Paid him cash $4.05. Due Monty 10¢ Jack Matthews cut my alfalfa ½ day. Mother Freddie & the old man went to Rice in the evening Bought Sugar 1.00 crackers 250 Pens 5¢ paper 1.00 ink 10¢ =1.50. Home 8 P. M. The old man unwell.
28 Thursday
29 Friday went to town with Dave Skeels. Cigars 10#. Home 2 P. M. Went to the Center to the Alliance.
30 Saturday Went to town with Mother. Bought sugar 1.00 Coffee 50¢ cigar 50¢ =1.55. Home 5 p. m. went down on the Bottom to No 8 Dis. to Alliance. John Jack Matthews & George Layman went with me. Home Low twelve, or mid night. Had Dinner with W B Smith in Concordia. Boys played Ball Down on the Bottom this after noon.
31 Sunday Clear & warm. High wind South east. John & Alba went to Sawdys Young Demamie was burried today. Mother George, Freddie and Mabel attended the burial. The old Man at home alone. Wrote a communication to the Blade. Sadie Farnum came home with Alba & John, John George, Alba, Sadie Farnum and old John Henderson Burroughs went to Dis. 40 to church Nigger Preacher.

September, 1890

1 Monday. Cloudy & hot. Boys cut corn. Alba took Sadie Farnum to Ricer High wind South
2 Tuesday. Fearful wind & dust Went to Bergeron's sale and Stood around there. all day like a damphool. Home 4 P. M Hot wind and Dusty Awful bad day Boys cut corn. Women Folks


visiting. Barcelo Stop[p]ed for water. Cows sold at from $15.00 to $24.00 - Horses dirt cheap
3 Wednesday. Boys cut corn. I went to Rice with Goble. Bought Toba. 50¢. Received Card of invitation from A. H. Dougall to attend the reunion of 88th Ind. Vol. Also from A. J. Hadley inviting me to attend their Alliance next Friday after noon. Rained a little at dark
4 Thursday. Cloudy & Hot John & the old Man worked on the road. Hard Job. George went to Thompson's in the Morning. 5 Friday. High wind South Went to Pleasant Val [l] ey to Alliance, F. A. Thompson John & I:
6 Saturday. John Alba & I went to town. Sugar 1.00 Mrs McCasey & Children came home with us. Switze Goble Called. Dr. McCasey came in about 9.30 P M Played high 5 til 12 P M. Rained Hard. Buggy repaired 50¢
7 Sunday. Great big rain last night best in one year. Dr. McCasey and family Started home 5 P M. John went [to] Sawdys' bought a pup 50¢.
8 Monday. Good day. Boys Sowing Rye & Cultivating in Rye. Peeled apples to dry.
9 Tuesday. Pretty good day. Finished cultivating Rye. John Harrowed wheat ground. Cut Sunflowers. Peeled apples. Gave John Secrist 3 Sack fulls of apples. Old Berk Sow made pigs. John Secrist Called. Secrist gave us a mess of fresh pork yesterday
10 Wednesday. Wash Day. Cloudy & Cool. John Harrowing with three Horses. Measured wheat ground: 5 10/160 acres. Henderson stop[p]ed this morning. Dave Allen of Sulphur springs Called after dinner. A queer Democrat that Can't vote the peoples ticket
11 Thursday. Cloudy & high wind South east. Mother Alba Mabel & Freddie went to J. E. Beans. John & George went to A.. J. Hadleys for seed wheat. The old Man at home alone. Seed wheat $5.40 Tobacco 50¢ Postage 4¢ = $5.94. Threatening rain this evening. Thun[d]ering & lightening
12 Thursday [Friday?]. Rained a little last night. High wind north Cold and cloudy. John & Alba went to Rice. Jack Matthews returned my harness last night.
13 Goad day for Saturday. Went to town with Mother. Bought flour $2:75 Tobacco 30¢, Gave Mother 2.00 Bought Oak sca[n]t


ling for Jack Matthews for Rake head 80¢ Dinner 10¢ meat 80¢ = 6.80[?] Home 5 P. M. Had a good visit while in town.
14 Sunday. A. J. McCallister Staid all night with us last night. Started home 10 A. M. Mrs. & Mr. Cleveland visited us today also John Henderson Taylor. John went to town with Jim Bertram. George & Alba went to church at the Center this evening. Bully good day. Cloudy & pleasant. Rather cool.
15 Monday Sowed wheat. Bought Seed 1 Bus. ½ bus. of J. A. Secrist ½ Bus. of A. J. Hadley. John went to Rice. Rec[e]ived a letter from President Coffey and from J. B. French, State Secretary. [24]
16 Tuesday Jack Matthews mowed. Went to town after Dinner. Sold Tom and Jim. Tom for $65.00 Jim $100.00 = Total $165.00 Bought 1 glass birch beer 5¢. Left my buggy in town. Dr. Day V. S. brought me home.
17 Wednesday. Fearful high wind South. Halling hay. Bad Day for that business. Old Man Regnier helping us. Jimmy Acton Called this morning. Mother Sick. Dr. Day Called. I went with him to Aurora for Dr. McDonald. Home 4 P. M. and Said Mother had neuraligia. Paid him Cash $2.50 Finished Stacking hay late. Due Henry Regnier 1 day. Fearful warm after dinner. 8 P. M. Mother better. Filled the mow with hay & 1 stack out Side
18 Thursday. Went to Clyde. Heard Judge Peffer [25] Speak. Big crowd. Big speech. rained hard at Clyde. Rail road fare to Clyde 52¢ Kerosene oil 1.10 Dinner 25¢ Develish poor Dinner for the money. Cigars 15¢ [Total] $2.02. Wind blowed fearful. Dusty awful wind and Dust. Home 5 P. M John & Switze Goble went to town to hear Peffer speak Home 12 low 12. Mother better
19 Friday, Pretty good day. Killed a hog, Borrowed Gobles Sausage grinder. Jack Matthews came after his harness.
20 Saturday. cloudy & warm Went to town, Bought 4 halters 3.00 rope 40 hatchet 85 Gave John $1.50. Stoner for organ at school house $3.00 Total $8.75. Attended Peoples Caucus at the Center. was made chairman & elected delegat[e] to the Aurora Convention for Sept. 23rd also delegat[e] to Co Convention at Concordia the 27th 1890. Went to Alliance meeting


at Hen Peck, No 1304. A buisy day for the old Man. Boys Played Ball at Rice this afternoon.
21 Sunday. Good day. Cloudy and Pleasant. Alba & John went to Sunday School. Played High (5).
22 Monday. Wash Day Jack Matthews came 9 A. M. to mow. John helped him. . . . John took me to Dave Skeels after night. Staid all night with Dave Skeels. Good Day, Bully.
23 Tuesday. fine day no wind. Went to Aurora with Dave Skeels. Attende[d] Peoples Party Convention, for representative. S. O. Everly [Everley?] was nominated on Second Ballot. W. C. Campbell was chairman Bill Savery [Savery? of Clyde] Secretary, Called on F A Thompson who is sick came home with A. J. Hadley. Came home from Aurora about Sundown. Medicine for Mother 50¢, cigars 10¢, Donation for School house 10¢ = 70¢. F. A. Thompson Seriously ill, Malaria fever, Dr. McDonald the Attending Physician. Boys halled hay. Henry Reginer [Regner] helped 1 day.
24 Wednesday Cloudy & Pleasant. Finished Mowing & Raking. Got in 1 load. Wind East & South East. J. T. Henderson Went to train to meet his Mother & Sister. Happy meeting of Mother Son & Daughter. Paid J. T. Henderson Cash $5.00 for School Order No 59. Paid the Money out of my own Pocket. Did so for accommodation.
25 Thursday. Cloudy & Pleasant. Finished Hailing hay, til noon. Mother, Alba, Mabel & Freddie went to Stoners Mother & Daughter, J. T. Hendersons Mother & Sister came this morning: Mrs. H. B. Parvin Called to day. Went to town after Dinner with J. T. Henderson. Home 6 P: M. Bought cigar 5¢ lamp chimney 5¢ = 10¢
26 Friday Good day John & Alba went to Rice. Mother went to Hendersons. . . . Went to the Center in the evening. S. O. Everly and A. J. McCallister made speeches. Good crowd.
27 Saturday Went to town. Peoples Party Convention. C. C. Stoner was nominated for Judge of Probate. Big crowd in town Home 8 P. M. The Boys Helped Jack Matthews Stack Hay All day. Big Day for the Peoples party. Captain [B. F.] Rose [of Meredith] nominated for Clerk of District Clerk [Court] and Mrs A[lice] S. Bates [of Lyon township] for county Superintendant. Big good strong tick[et] & I hope it will win.- Bought 1 [pair of] shoes for Mabel at Neitzels 1.75 cigars 10¢ Total $1.85


28 Sunday very foggy. Paid the Boys Cash $3.00. The boys went to Rice. Smoking Tobacco 10¢ = $3.10 Went to Dave Skeels & F. A. Thompson's The Political campaign will open Tomorrow. The Boys went to Town to church in the evening. Hom [e] low Twelve.
29 Monday. Bright & clear Boys started to school this morning. This is the 1st Day of School. Wash Day.
30 Tuesday. Cloudy & cool. Went to Rice. Received a letter from Virg. Stewart our Son in law, Stating Nellie our Daught[e]r Had a daughter; Born September 26th 1890: This is Our 1st Grand child. Daughter has been married 4 years ago last April. She being Married 4 and one half years. Proff Dixon [26] Passed by to day: I think its good by [e] John. Hope so at least. And trust the whole damed out [fit] will be Snowed under clear out of Sight.

October, 1890

1 Wednesday. Cloudy & Pleasant. Went to town. [J. F. Willits] Peoples Candidate for Gov. spoke to the multitude estimated at 4000 People. A gala day for the new party. Big crowd Bought whip 75¢
2 Thursday. Clear & warm wind South Went to Rice. Received 2 letters from Virg [Stewart, Albion, Ind.] 1 stating Father was not expected to live, And that Nellie was better. Mother & Daughter Henderson Called on us today: The old Man unwell. Paid Box Re [n] t at P. O. at Rice. . . . The old Man made up his mind to go back to Indiana.
3 Friday morning 4 A. M: The old Man too unwell to think of going away from home. I give up my trip to Indiana. Gut ache this morning. . . . Cant go Must Stay at home, at least for the present. Misting this morning and During the night. Bad morning: Alba went to Rice. Received a letter from Virg stating Father was Dead. Died September 30th 1890 Age 86 years 2 Months and 19 Days. John Young Born, July 13th 1804 Pennsylvania. Died September 30th 1890 Noble County Indiana. Made a Mason 1825 Pennsylvania. A concience [sic] christian all his life. Good By[e] Good old Father. May you rest in Peace. Good by[e]. Cloudy & misty Disagreeable Bad day. The old man feels Depressed from the loss & Death of his Father.


God be good to the Old Father. He was Kind & good on this earth. May he rest in Peace
4 Saturday. Went to town with Mother & Freddie, bought cigars 10¢ Tobacco 40¢, lamp chimney 30¢, Flour 2.55¢ Gave Mother 1.00 = $4.35. Attended Alliance meeting at Hen Peck.
5 Sunday. Misty rained a little Went to see F. A. Thompson, who is sick, with malaria fever. Bad Disagreeable day.
6 Monday. Great big fog this morning & forenoon. Pleasant after Dinner. Mother Alba, Freddie and Frankie McCasey went to Hendersons after dinner. Qunell Called. I sold him our old Stover for 25¢. The Old man alone During the afternoon. Dr. McCasey Called 10 P. M and Staid all night.
7 Tuesday. went to coal Bank for coal, bought 1 Ton coal 2.50 Tobac[c]o 45¢ Total $2.95 Home 5:30 P. M.
8 Wednesday. Fair day. Went to Meredith [27]
with George Greathouse. John Davis Peoples candidate for congress spoke to 300 people. Good time. Home 7 p. m. Greathouse Horse Kicked George. Dr. Jeannette Called in my absence. The Boys and Alba went to the Center to a festival. Brought home a few acorns from Pipe creek.
9 Thursday. Cloudy & high wind north. Very disagreeable day. Misty, moist quite unpretty. Wash day. Boys at school Old Lady Snavely Called in the evening & Staid all night. Boys went to Pin Town to hear John Davis speak.
10 Friday Cloudy & Pleasant Alba went to Rice. Attended Alliance meeting at the Center. Home 10:35 P M
11 Saturday. Cloudy & threatened rain. Went to town, with J. O. McIntosh. Attended Co. Alliance was elected a delegate to State Alliance to [be] held in Topeka, on the 15 inst. Dinner 25¢ cigars 30¢ Total 55¢. Attend[ed] Alliance on Oak creek. Home 9 P.M
12 Sunday. George went to Thompson's. Cloudy
13 Monday. cloudy & cold. High wind north. Went to town. Drew from Cloud Co. Bank $100.00 Paid N. W. Thomas note for Studebaker wagon bought October 14th 1889 $71.50 In full for all demands to date. Bought Day book 20¢ postage 4¢ gave Mother 50¢ Total 72.24 Home 11.30 A. M. Fearful wind north.
14 Tuesday. Ma and Pa and Freddie started this morning for Topeka Fearful cold wind S. W. [Written by Alba.]


15 Wednesday, wash day. Lizzie Bertrand called this morning returning the spade. Cold, wind, North. Will Goble called this evening. [By Alba.]
16 Thursday Very pleasant day, the boys at school. Us youngsters went to No 8 to hear a darkey speech. Had a splendid time. [By Alba.]
17 Friday, Had a letter from Pa. Chas came out this evening started home at 9 P. M. nice day. [By Alba.]
18 Saturday started [home] from Topeka at 11 A. M: arrived at Strong City 4 P. M changed cars for Aurora Layed over (3) hours. Started from Strong City 6 P. M. At Manchester received telegram ordering Mother & I to come home. Arrived at Aurora 10 P. M. Arrived at home 11 P. M. We were surprised our neighbors had taken possession of our home to extend their appreciation and greetings to us. The following named neighbors and friends here to receive us, Mrs and Mr Kellenbarger, Ida, Henry Sallie, and Geo. Secrist, Will and Mollie Goble Mr & Mrs Elias Lillibridge, Lucy, Sarah and Chas Lillibridge. J. E. Hagaman Anna McManimie [McManimee?] Mr and Mrs Bolen Mr. & Mrs Truman Pierce and children Ella Stoner, Mattie Matthews. Went to bed 1:30 P. M. [A. M.?]
19 Sunday. Clear & cool. Found every thing all right at home. Had a good visit while attend[ing] the State Alliance. The States of Georgia and South Carolina Sent greetings. Col. Polk Pres. [of the] National Alliance spoke also Col. Livingston Congressman elect from Atlanta and farmer Wilson of Americus Georgia also Dr. Stone of Atlanta form[er]ly a member of 2nd Michigan Vol. but now of Georgia. All in All we had a good and Profita[b]l[e] meeting. Mr. & Mrs Sawdy Mrs W. B. Smith, Dr. McCasey and family Called today. Good Day and good visit.
20 Monday cloudy & cool Paid J. A. Secrist cash 80¢ for 20 lbs beef. Loaned our cider mill to Jack Matthews.
21 Tuesday. Rained a good shower last night. Killed a hog This morning & traded it to Festus Sawdy for a seed hog. J. E. Stillinger [here] this morning Also Charles Keostter. Stilling[er] and Keostter got into trouble. They want to arbitrate. I went with Keostter but Stillinger failed to put in. cloudy & cool.
22 Wednesday pretty good good day. Went to W. S. Lillibridge in fore noon. After noon went with John Stillingers and assisted him to] make settlement with him and his renter. Charley came home this eve. had supper with us then went to town.


23 Thursday Went to school house in the morning Met Director Lillibridge school Mother & Davy Secrist and made a little settlement. [28] I then went to Skeel's had Dinner with Dave, then went to Aurora. Bought stove pipe for School house Candy 10¢& coffee 65¢= 90¢ [?]
24 Friday Good day. Mother & Alba went to town. Gave Mother 1.00 I went to Aurora in the evening with Jake Matthews. Bought Pens 5¢ Pen Holders 10¢ Pepsin 10¢ paper 10¢ flour 1.25 = $1.60. Home 10:30 P. M.
25 Saturday. Made cider & Picked apples in forenoon. Went to town with John after dinner. Bought Shoes for John Cash $2.50 socks 50¢ Tobacco 15¢ Subscribed for the Alliant one year for Virg Stewart Wolf Lake Ind. Paid Cash 1.00 Subscribed for the Blade for one year for T. J. Young Merriam Ind Paid cash $1.00 Total $5.15 Attended Alliance at Dis. No 8 Home 11 P M
26 Sunday. Went visiting to Truman Pierce. Called at Stoner's home at Sundown. Boys went to Hen Peck this evening.
27 Monday. Good day. Went to town, was introduced to his excellency Hon. Mayor Clemens of Wichita. Also to Hon. D. A. Banta of Great Bend. Mr. Banta is the resubmission can didate for Lieutenant Governor. Bought Tobacco 45¢ Dr. gave me 1 pint of good whiskey, home 7 p. m. Drew School fund $43.40 Deposited it with Cloud Co. Bank.
28 Tuesday Pretty good day. High wind North West. C. C. Stoner Bill H. Savery Mr. Rose, Candidates for Judge of probate, County Attorney and clerk of the District Court Called this Morning. Bill H. Bolen brought me J. C. Zimmermans corn about 25 bushels of stuff worth about 15 or 20¢ per Bushel. Corn worth $3.75 Due J. C. Zimmerman that amount. Turned Sow in pen with "Festus." Big speech at the school house tonight. Judge Stoner B. F. Rose, Billy Savery and Coon Burdett tailed in the evening and took Supper with us: The above named made speeches at Dis. 76. We all went to the speech. We took our organ. Bill Savery staid all night with us, and for dinner.
29 Wednesday John Burroughs stop[p]ed for dinner. I went to town after Dinner. Home 7 P. M. Boys went to Hen Peck in the evening. Paid school Mother 1st month wages by check on Cloud Co. Bank for $35.00
30 Thursday. Good day. Township Caucus, at the Center.


H H Young & T. S. McHenry were placed in nomination and resulted in H. H. Young 73 to T. S. McHenrys 32 votes. [29] If this is an indication the Peoples Party will win next Tuesday. Went down on the bottom to No 8 and heard Savery, Stoner, Rose and Dr. Walling of Sumner Co. speak. I must Say the Dr. is a stem winder. I met the Dr. in State Alliance. Bought oil at Rice 25¢, Home 11:15 P. M.
31 Friday Good day. Jim Flynn, Tut Carver and Fred Yont came here. Had dinner with us. Went with them to Clyde. Staid all night in Clyde. Went from Clyde to Concordia. Arrived in Concordia 12 Noon. An immense crowd, of the Peoples Party. Home 7 P. M. whiskey 75¢ Tobacco 10¢ cigars .30 [Total] $1.15.

November, 1890

1 Saturday Great crowd in town. Home 7 P. M
2 Sunday Fearful wind North west cold & cloudy.
3 Monday, Clear went to Rice and Concordia. Bought cigars $4.00 Beer 50¢ Home 7 P. M. Went to the center and heard J E Wood, old Chamness, and old Beef Head speak. They all sawed the air. Home 10:30 P. M. Was at Kellenbargers before coming from town.
4 Tuesday, Election day H H Young was elected Trustee without opposition C. C. Stoner was elected Probate Judge. Was on Board of election Home 1:30 A. M.
5 Wednesday, fine day. Big crowd in town. The grand old republican party was snowed under all Over the State, From governor Down. A great big victory for the people of the State of Kansas. Bought Beef 55 Came home with D. Hebert
6 Thursday. High wind north Killed a hog, Boys Husked corn after Dinner. Cool. Judge Stoner came from town this fore noon, Howdy Judge Stoner. Went to Rice after noon. Received a letter from Sister Amelia Adair of Columbia City Ind. Begging for me to come home Cant go.
8 [7?] Friday. The old man worke[d] on the road til noon Halled dirt in around the house. . . . John Geor. & Alba went to Concordia to engage in the jolification over the result of the late election Commenced to rain about Dark. A bad dark and disagreeable night. Cold and high wind east.


9 [8?] Saturday Rained nearly all day Boys came home about noon. Alba staid in town. Bad Disagreeable day. Tied up the colts for the first time this fall. Judge Stoner called on his way home from town
10 [9?] Sunday cloudy & cold. Ground froze this morning. Made out Horticulture report yesterday. Funeral and burial of Ameal Walker to day. Issue [d] check yesterday to Pay Flavius Langtin $4.20 for Pasture. Leaving me in Bank To date $35.80 Cloud co Bank The Boys went to Hen Peck to Dutch church in the evening. Cold. Boys at home 10 P. M.
10 Monday Clear & cool Boys Halling Manure
11 Tuesday. Good Day. went to town. Home in good season George went to town in the eve.
12 Wednesday. Good Day. The Boys Mother & Freddie went to Sawdys the Boys to Dig Potatoes and Mother & Freddie to visit. Mabel at school. Alba went to Rice after Dinner. The old man at home alone during the after noon.
13 Thursday. Good Day. Mrs Jack Matthews had a. kid last night. Girl. Wash Day. Mother was called last night and this morning to Jack Matthews. Boys helping old Man Sawdy Dig potatoes. Jack Matthews called this morning. The Boys got 4 bushels of potatoes for their work for Sawdy
14 Friday. Good Day. Boys finished husking 4 a [?] acres of corn til noon. After noon Pulled & Buried turnips Went to the Alliance at the Center. School Dis. brought the organ from the station. It is untried as .yet. The School Dis. is to pay one half and the good people the other half. Attended Alliance meeting at the center.
15 Saturday Fair Day. Went to town after Dinner Bought Ink & cigar 30¢. Home after Dark. Attended. Alliance meeting at Hen Peck. Hom [e] 11 P. M. 1:30 P. M. Billy Williams Depaty Sheriff called and said 1 Prisoner broke Jail. Billy staid all night
16 Sunday. Went to Kellenbargers with Mother Mabel and Freddie. Commenced to rain about 1 P. M. Misted and rained during the after noon. Home 5 P. M. Good rain last night
17 Monday. Good Day. Helped Henderson dehorn his cattle, also helped Jack Matthews Dehorn his cows. Had my Bond for Township Trustee made out, Signed By J. T. Henderson and C. C. Stoner. I Also signed Hendersons Bond for Town Treasure[r] Wash Day. Old Gentleman Sawdy called about noon and Staid


for Dinner. John & Mabel went to School. George husked corn.
18 Tuesday. Fine day. Went to town. Bought Tobacco 15¢ 2 Butcher K[n]ives 70¢, nails 25¢ staples 25¢ repairing 20¢ $1.55 Sold 18 Roosters $3.12. Mrs McCasey and children came [home] with us. They & Alba Mother Mabel Freddie and John went to church at the center in the evening. Kitt sick Colic. Dehorned My yearling cattle Filed my Bond for Trustee of Nelson township Beautiful evening 9 P. M.
19 Wednesday Fine day Paid Baker Medicine man for 2 bottles Pain relife $1.10 Mrs McCasey and children are here John at School George husking corn.
20 Thursday. Fine day. Mrs McCasey went home this after noon. George husking corn. John at School. Alba went to town after noon. Mabel Sick this morning could not go to School. Col. D. A. Skeels Called to day. The Col. is enthusiastic on the question of [the] Alliance.
21 Friday Cloudy. High wind north. George Husking corn. John laid up with sprained ankle. Gave Elias Lillibridge 7 Pigs. The old man unwell to day. Rheumatism.
22 Saturday Fine Day. Went to town with St. Peter, staid all night with Democrat Smith Paid for Sundries 65¢ Dinner 25¢.
23 Sunday fine day Came home with G W Sparger. Home 2:30 P M Alba & Georg[e] went to Sawdys.
24 Monday. Fine day. Went to town. John & George Also Jack Matthews. Sold 12 Hogs weight 3165 3.25 per hundred $102.85 Bought Clothing for my self and Boys Suit for John $10.00 over coat for John 7.50 over coat for George $7.50 over coat for the old Man $10.00 Under shirts for the Boys 1.00 [Total] $36.00 Gave the boys $1.50 Dinner for Jake and me .75 07 lbs barbed wire 7.88 Cigar & tobacco 15¢Cabbage & Coffee 1.80 Total $48.08 Deposited in Cloud Co Bank 50.00 Home at Sundown
Mother in town today Jack Matthews Halled a load of Hog[s] for the old Man. The Boys Alba Mabel and Mother went to Stoners in the evening.
26 [25?] Tuesday. high wind north Cold & cloudy. Went to Ames Bought 350 feet [of] lumber Paid $6.50 Borrowed 25¢ of Davy Secrist home 2 P. M. Boys at school. Kentucky Smith came 3 P M and Staid all night. Festus Hog of out among the Sows Not earlyer than March 17th 1891
26 Wednesday. Fine day. Stoners Sale an immense crowd.


Everything sold well. [30] Received for my work Six dollars. Boys at school. Kentucky Smith took Mabel home with him. Alba and the boys at church this evening.
27 Thursday. Thanks Giving or turkey time. Mother Freddie and the old Man went to town Had dinner with Kentucky Smith. Had Good dinner. Home a little after dark. Boys & Alba went to church Mother Mabel Freddie and the old Man went to Jacke Matthews to an oyster supper. Had fine Supper. Home 9 P. M.
28 Friday Good Day. Made fence Turned Cattle & colts on the Oats Pasture. Old Gentleman Lillibridge Called & I gave him his election Credentials. Mrs. G. W. Spargur Called during the after noon and Staid for Supper. John Kellenbarger Called in the evening on his way to church. Alba went with them to church. Mother & Mabel went with Mrs. Spargur to Jack Matthews, after Supper. John unwell The old Man tired and full of Rheumatism
29 Saturday Good day Made hay rack for cattle and Horses. Made new Stable Door. Alba went to town Took Mrs. Spargur home Alba and John went to Rice in after noon. Bought Tob 50¢ The old Man tired turned Black Sow to Festus yesterday Time March 20th 1891 Big Alliance meeting at the center this evening.
30 Sunday. Good day but windy at home all day Went to Geo. Reeves in the evening.

December, 1890

1 Monday. Clear & cool. Went to town Bought Lumber $6.00 Lime 1.40 Salt 1.50 nails 25¢ To[ta]l $9.15 Home 2:30 P. M. Boys helped Jack Matthews Husk corn.
2 Tuesday, cloudy & cold High wind north east Jack Matthews Laid floor in our Kitchen. Boys Halled straw and manure John went to Rice in the evening bought nails 25¢ Postage 6¢, = 31¢
3 Wednesday. Clear & cold wind North Went to town Bought lumber 1.10 Paint 75¢ cigar 5¢ Total $1.90. Boys at School. Alba went to Rice. Jack Matthews working at the floor
4 Thursday. Fair day but cool High wind south. Boys at school Boys & Alba went to church at the center in the evening. Jack Matthews Did not: work to day.
5 Friday Cloudy & coold Wind north & North East. Boys


at School. Jack Matthews Finished flooring Our Kitchen. Black sow Boared out by Festus Bought Beef .96¢
6 Saturday. Cloudy & cold Went to town with John Miller Bought over shoes 1.50 Sigars 10¢ Bitters 35¢ 2 Sack[s] flour 2.70 Medicine for Freddie 25¢ Matches 25¢ To[ta]l 5.15 Home 4 P. M
7 Sunday Clear & cold 10 Degrees above Zero. Elder Bushong and wife Had Dinner with us also Ella Stoner. Switze Goble and Davy Secrist Called in the evening going to Church. Boys & Alba went to church this evening
8 Monday Fine day. John Husking Corn. John went to John Campbells and then to Lewis Hoffman's 2 Sows Boared out this Morning by Festus, one yesterday. Finished Husking corn. Had about 300 Bushels, On 85 Acres. Middling Small crop for the no of acres
9 Tuesday. Good day. Went to town. Bought 2 shirts 3.00 Shirting $1.13 cigar 5¢ Tob 40¢ sugar 1.00 Coffee 1.00 su[n]dries 50¢ Paid Taxes $29[.]39 Box crackers $1.00 Paper carpet Tax 5¢ = $38.13 [?] Home 5:40 P M Thank God My taxes are paid for this Year. My taxes are $15.00 less this year than last. Boys at School. Had a bottle of Beer With Dr Pigman
10 Wednesday. Good day Went to Dave Skeels. Had dinner with him then Went to Aurora with Dave. Had Bottle of Beer with Dr McDonald. Played High (5) Home 5 P. M. George & School Mother had racket in school. Bought Medicine 35¢, Tobacco 10¢.--45¢
11 Thursday. Fearful day. High wind from North. Fearful Dust. Cold. Judge Stoner Moving to town Col. D A Skeels Truman Pierce Bill Henry Bolen & J S. Lillibridge Halled each a load for him. E B. Lillibridge Moved On to Judge Stoners farm. Moving to day. Boys at School.
12 Friday. Good day. Dick Reeves Plastered -1 day & Repaired the house. J. T. Henderson called this morning. 13 Saturday. Good day Went to town after dinner. Bought Paint 75¢, cigar 5¢ Pepper 30¢, Kerosene oil 25¢ Total, $1.35 Home a little after dark. Went to Alliance Meeting at the center. 4 New Members initiated. Big Meeting. Full house. Much enthusiasm. Home from Alliance 11 P M
14 Sunday Clear and pleasant. Alba & John went to Sunday School. Ida Kellenbarger came last Night and remained over


Night. Dr Day Mrs McCasey and children visited us to day. Mrs Parvin & family visited us to day. Jack Matthews Called this evening Ira Pierce and George Secrist Called in the evening. Ira staid all night. They Just came from Arkansas and are well satisfied to Stay in Bloody Kansas
15 Monday. Cloudy & Pleasant George Greathouse Called. A D Goble Called & I make out his paper for the Alliance. Loaned him cash 50¢, for Membership fee. Boys & Mabel at School. Loaned Jack Matthews my wagon Good day Dick Reeves Called in the evening. Had Sore Arm and could not finish the plastering. I settled with him. Due Dick $1.25 in Seed corn Next Spring. Mrs Morland Key & Bertram Called with Petition for Legislature Signed it.
16 Tuesday. Clear & cool wind North west. Plastered Bed rooms, and white washed them. D A Skeels stop[pled as he went by to town. Jack Matthews borrowed Our Butcher Knife. A. D. Goble Called in the evening And brought us some fresh: Meat Davy Secrist Called in the evening. fearful tired to night
17 Wednesday. Fine day indeed. Wash Day. Boys at School. The Old Man stiff and sore this Morning
18 Thursday. Good day went to town with Dave Skeels. Bought Broom 25# Cigar 5# Dinner 50¢ Gloves 1.00 Stove Black 10¢ =1.90 St. Johns F. & A. M. Festival 1.00 = $2.90 Home at dark. John & Alba Went to Rice in eve. J T Secrist Called in the evening
19 Friday Good Day. Truman Pierce came down and went to town with me. Annual election. Paid My Dues $4.50 cigar 5# Total $4.55. Had Team in Mrs McCaseys stable. Great big time at Lodge. Fine Supper. Good feeling Made manifest , during the evening. Side degrees confer [n] ed after the lodge closed. The tall cedars of Lebenon Or Building Bridges in the low land was immense. Also Corn Wine and oil, & Taylors Degree.
20 Saturday Cloudy & cool home 10:30 A. M. Met Mr Finingan who is a mason. Fine fellow. Good day. Peoples Caucus. Was elected delegate to Peoples convention Monday the 22 1890. Attended Plumb creek Alliance. 11 New Member[s] taken in. was elected delegate to co Alliance, for Jan. 3rd 1891.
21 Sunday Good day. F A Thompson and wife visited us to day. Davy Secrist Called this eve. John & Davy Went to Hen Peck in the evening to Dutch Meeting
22 Monday. Good day. Peoples Party Senatorial convention for the 32nd District Held at Concordia. S C. Wheeler nominated On first Ballot. Home a little after dark Dinner 25¢ Cigar 5¢ = 30¢ Attended Singing at the Center. Home 9:10 P M.
23 Tuesday. Good day. Was[h] Day. Went to Rice after Dinner. Played High (5) and had One Drink. bought Tea 40¢ Cigars 10¢ = 50¢. John Shot A rab[b]it: Home just at dark
24 Wednesday. Cloudy & cold Wind North & East. Went to town. Sold turkey 80# Gave George 1.00 bought Tob 40¢ Candy & Nuts 65¢¢ Candy & oranges 55¢, Pants 1.50 Express On turkey to Topeka 50# Blade for G W Delp 50¢ Blade for W W Mills Ril[e]y Ks 50¢. Total $4.85. Had Bottle of Beer with Dr Pigman. Home 2 P. M. cold & Disagreeable
25 Thursday. Fine day but Cold. This is Christmas. Christ would be if living 1890 years old. John went to Rice for coal $2.00 Cash. . . . Had turkey for dinner. Dr Dr. Day Mrs McCasey & children and Mrs Smith & Daughter visited us and had Dinner with us. Fine day indeed. Warm & pleasant. Good time today. Played high (5) And George & Dr Day went hunting.
26 Friday Good day till noon & then it was fearful Wind Dust. Hig[h] Wind North. Fearful Dust. John & George Went to Tom McHenrys after Ballot Box and Books of Nelson township. Home til noon. After Dinner John went to Jack Matthews. George and Alba went to Rice. Fearful Dust. bad day. Old Grand Pap Grove Call [ed] in the fore noon. Mrs W. B Smith went home this morning. Big Supper at Dis 8 on Oak creek tonight. A D Goble Called in the evening & played high (5) til 9 P M Bright And clear 9 P M I am now Sorry I did not go to Oak creek
27 Saturday. Good day. Went to town to hear Judge Peffer speak. Had 1 4 horse team, Banner & Motto Judge Peffer sick. John G. Otis took his place Mr Otis is congressman elect from 4th Dis. Fine speaker. Had 2 Bottles of Beer with Jimmy Flynn, 25¢, Cigars 10¢ Oil Keresone 25¢ Total 60¢. Home a tittle After dark. A day well spent. Good time around.
28 Sunday. Clear & cool. George Went to Carvers this Morning Wind South west. Boys and Alba went to J. T. Hendersons in the evening Kitt Goble staid with us During the evening. Jack Matthews Called during the day. Which Way is the Party Musket p[o]inting today.


29 Monday. Good day Butchered 4 Hogs. Jack Matthews helped us. Made sausage. Hard Days work Grand Pap Groves ate Dinner with us. Judge Stoner Called this evening & left a box of Cigars for the Boys tomorrow
30 Tuesday. Misty rained a little. Muggy & Disagreeable all day. Election day for State Senator, for 32nd Dis. Special election Ballot stood S. C. Wheeler Peoples Candidate 86 votes and John W Shafer Republican Candidate 25 votes. Home 7:20 P M Paid my Shear of tickets 50¢
31 Wednesday. Cloudy and cool, Misty rained a little. Disagreeable. went to town with election returns. 2 cigars 10¢, 2 Sacks flour, $2.50 Candy 25¢ 2 lbs Nuts 25¢ [Total] $3.10 Wheeler Peoples Candidate for State Senator elected by 1200 Majority. Home 5:40 P. M. Freddie Sick Quite unwell Fearful night 11 P. M. Raining Snowing & blowing. went to bed 11:30 P M. Stormy night.

January, 1891

1 Thursday. Fearful stormy. Snowing and blowing. High wind North west.
2 Friday Fine nice warm pleasant day. Frankie calved Heifer 11 days Over time. Boys Hunting for Rabbits
3 Friday [Saturday?] Good day. Went to town with John attended co alliance Over $100.00 School Money deposited it in Cloud co Bank
4 Sunday. Good day. at home all day.
5 Monday. cloudy & cool. Went to town sold 5 Hogs weighed 1550 lbs Docked 80 lbs =14.70 lbs Price 2.75 per Hun dred - $40.40 Bought Bed stead & springs 7.00 Dinner 25¢ Oil Barrel 1.00 Georges Shoes repaired 80¢ Cigars 5¢ coffee 50¢ Sugar 1.00 Tobacco 40¢ postage 4¢ = $11.04 Home 6:20 P. M. Deposited 30 Dollars in Cloud co Bank, then drew Out One Dollar. In Bank to My credit to date is $36.60
6 Tuesday. Cloudy & disagreeable Proff Sawdy Called in the after noon on his way to the center. Had Supper with us. Ids Kellenbarger with the old Man brough [t] us 4 quarter of Bull beef. Ida staid all night. The Night being dre[a]dful dark and threate[n]ing storm we did not go to the entertainment at the School house. Only the Boys from here were there. Proff Sawdy staid all night with us. We played high (5) And had Music til Low 12 and then went to bed. The Boys report a good time at the entertainment Home 11 P. M.


7 Wednesday. Cloudy and Disagreeable this Morning. Albs took Mr Sawdy home also Ida Kellenbarger. Bill Price Had his leg broken yesterday. John Secrist Called to day as he went by. The old Man under the Weather. Jimmy Bertram Called to day & Said Price had his leg broken.
8 Thursday. Bad Day Snowing and blowing Snowed all day. Commenced to Snow last night. Boys did not go to School today. Only one team on the road this day. Storm from East and North east Storm[ed] all day & still storming 9 P. M, The best snow this Season. Tied up & Shut up all the Stock we could get in Side.
9 Friday. Good Snow Boys went [hunting?] But did not get anything. The best snow for years. Will make Plenty Of water when it melts went to Alliance meeting. But no Meeting. Home 7:45 P M.
10 Saturday. John George & Alba went to town. Gave John check for $5.00 to pay Zimmermans tax. Cloudy & warm. Good day.
11 Sunday. Good day. Mother & I went to Bertrams in the evening. Pleasant & clear 9 P. M.
12 Monday clear and cold Went to see Bill Price & Breed [?] & Harrison <[31] in relation to supplies for P -s family. A. D. Goble went with me I went to Rice, then to town Had Dinner with Charley and a bottle of Beer with John Lamb. Home at dark Black Heifer & Josie Had Calves during the night
13 Tuesday. Clear & cool. Weighed Kellensbargers Beef. 180 lbs
14 Wednesday. Good Day. John Kellenbarge [r] & family Called to day Settled With [him] for the Bull Beef. 180 lbs at 4¢ cents per pound [Total] $7.20 Too Damed Much for Bull Beef. Due Kellenbarger - $2.20 Bull Beef. Loaned Jack Matthews, Fan, to Hall Straw. Bill Jones returned Fan in the evening.
15 Thursday cloudy & cool all day. Wind North east. Blustered & Snowed a little Boys went to Rice in the evening.
16 Friday. Good day. Clear & pleasant.
17 Saturday. John & I Went to town Also Freddie. Bought shoes for Freddie $1.25 Mabel 1.00 over Shoes sugar 1.00 coffee 50¢ Toba 50¢ Beans 25¢ cigar 5¢, = 4.65 [?] Home 5:40


P. M. Alba came home with us. Went to Alliance meeting at night.
18 Sunday. Pleasant At home all day Dont feel good.
19 Monday. Good Day. Boys at School. Lizzie Bulled by John Henry Bill.
20 Tuesday., Good Day. Wash Day. Lizzy Bulled by John Henry Bill Time October 20 1891 Boy[s] at school. -Jack Matthews & Gurly Spargur Called
21 Wednesday. Mother & I went to town. Bough[t] 1 Cigar 5¢, Buggy seat repaired 35¢, = 40¢. Home 6:20 P M. The old man under the weather.
22 Thursday. Good day. Wind west, & North West.
23 Friday. Cold & cloudy high wind north. Went to Rice bought 1000 lbs coal. Gave check for $2.27 Home 3 P. M. 1 cigar = $2.32 Kansas city Times 1.00 Envelopes 15¢ Total $3.47
24 Saturday. Good Day Boys Halling Straw. Little spotted sow with crop off right ear boared by Festus Went to town, with J. O. McIntosh. Home 6 P. M. Alliance meeting Cigars 10¢. Paid Bolen 70¢ for Shingles
25 Sunday Good Day. Mother Alba Freddie & Mabel went to Aurora. Charley Jim Hagaman & Mr Sweet Called on [us] to day and staid for supper. started for town 7:50 P. M John went to Dis 40 to church in the evening. The old Man at home all day.
26 Monday. Fine day Visited Bill P a poor person. Then went to Rice. Bought Tobacco 38¢ Nails 10¢ cigar 5¢= 53¢ Jace Cook gave me a pusk[?] Dog. Home before Dark.
27 Tuesday. Cloudy. Wind east. The old Man on the lift. Gave Bill P 49 lbs Bull Beef Commenced to rain 8 P. M.
28 Wednesday. Rained most of the day. Helped Georg[e] Snavely take up and put down his pump. One of Kentuckys Smith colts Died last night. Helped Jack Matthews burry it. Boys not at School today
29 Thursday. Good Day. Wash Day. Betsy calved 14 days over time. Received news to day that John Jim Ingalls was Defeated for U S. S[enate]. and Judge Peffer was elected his successor. Thank God for that. The Boys & Alba went to Rice in the evening to the Lyceum.
30 Friday. Cloudy & cool. Went to Rice with Truman Pierce. Home 12. M. Stormed a little while Coming home. After Dinner, it snowed furiously for awhile then Rained a little & then snowed again. At 6


P. M. Misting. Ground white with Snow.
31 Saturday. Cloudy & cool. Town Board Meeting at Township Clerks house. Home at 3:20 P. M. Grand Pap Groves Called during the after noon. Switze Goble & Davy Secrist & Lizzy [Lizzie] Bertram Called in the evening. Too cold to go to Alliance.

February, 1891

1 Sunday clear & Cold 2 Degrees above Zero the coldest morning this winter. Grand Pap Grove Called today for his mail. Home all day.
2 Monday. Cloudy & cold High wind North Stormy. Disagreeable. Blustery & Bad day Generally. Spitting Snow & otherwise unpretty. Fancys Calf died this morning 20 days old.
3 Tuesday. Clear & cold. High wind West. 6 Degrees above zero this Morning. Wash Day. Clock Tincker Called today and cleaned & repaired our clock & had his dinner with us. Paid him Cash 75¢. John went to Rice Bought flour 1.25 Kerosene Oil 25¢ - $2.50 [?] Fine & Pleasant after- dinner. Went to Jack Matthews & Had 3 pairs Shears Sharpened.
4 Wednesday. Good day went to town with Oda McIntosh. Had Dinner with Democrat Smith. cigars 10¢. Paid for repairing Johns watch 2.00 Total $2.10 Drew School Money, $85.00 Deposited in cloud co. Bank $79.50 Paid W. S. Lillibridge school Money $5.50. Paid Ida Barlow check on cloud co. Bank for $35.00
5 Thursday. Good Day. fine Mother Alba & Freddie went to town. Gave Mother check for 20.00 Dollars on cloud co Bank Leaving Me in Bank $7.33 Black cow Bulled by John Henry Bill Time Nov 5 1891 Went to S. Went to the School house to District board meeting. The director failed to put in. The Boys went to Rice in the evening. Mother got her Teeth Cost $20.00
6 Friday Good Day., Cloudy & warm. Mother Alba & Freddie went to Dave Skeels & to Aurora. The old Man at home alone. Lizzie Bulled Sally Secrist & Ella Stoner Called after noon: Dull all Day Alone. No good to be alone.
7 Saturday. Good Day. Went to town Also John & George. Sold 7 Hogs weight 1660 lbs Price 2½¢ per pound= $41.50 Deposited in cloud co Bank $40.00 Dinne [r] 25¢, cigars 10¢ Tobacco 40¢ Dinner for the Boys 50¢ Total $1.00 [?] Mrs MeCasey & children came home with me. Home 6 P. M. Attended Alliance Meeting & In the Discussion was knocked out, in Good


Shape. Commenced to rain I P. M Went to bed 1. P. M. [1 A. M.?]
8 Sunday. Bad Day indeed. Snowing and blowing at a fearful rate. Grand Pap Groves called this morning. Mrs McCasey & children with us, with prospect of getting home to day. Ira Ark [e] nsaw Called today. Stormy all day, & Disagreeable
9 Monday. Clear & cold. Dr Day Came after Mrs McCasey. Boys at home. Went to see Thomas N -'s family Poor peo ple. Then to Rice Left Orders with J M Harrison to supply them to the amount of $10.00 Ten dollars. Home just dark Bought cedar Pail 50¢ 1 Pair gloves 50¢ = $1.00
10 Tuesday. Good day. Snow all Melted. Fair & Pleasant. Col. D A Skeels Sale Clerked his Sale for fun. Home 5:30 P. M. Everything went low. Horse no price. Mrs Goble & Mollie visited us today.
11 Wednesday. Good day. Boys and Alba went to Bertram [s] in the evening. John Killed a Jack Rabbit. Warm & Pleasant.
12 Thursday. Good Day. Mother & Alba went to town Gave Mother 25¢ Boys at School.
13 Friday. Good day. Went to George Gelino M. A. Morris & Jules Patnaude. N. Courville Went with me. Went in the interest of Judge Stoner Home 3. P M. Warm & pleasant. Boys at School.
14 Saturday. Good Day. Boys went to town after dinner. Drew 5.00 from Cloud Co Bank. Due me $42.33 Went to Alliance Meeting at the Center. Good Meeting.
15 [Sunday.] Hig[h] wind south. John & Alba went to Sawdy. This is Georges Birthday. 16 years old today. Wind changed to north E about dark. At 8 P. M it is threatening Storm. Boys went to Hen Peck in the evening.
16 Monday. Cloudy & cold Hig [h] wind north Ida Kellen barger called & staid all night. Mrs Matthews called in the evening. Alba sick
17 Tuesday. Cloud [y] & cold High wind north.
18 [Wednesday.] Cloudy & cold Snowed a little. went to Rice bought coal $2.45 cedar Pail 50¢ Tobacco 39¢ cigar 5¢, Oil 20¢ Total $3.24[?]
19 Thursday. Bad Day. Rained & Snowed most of the day. Some sleet. Hard on stock. Mabel did not go to School
20 Friday Good Day. Went to town with Bolingar, & came


Home with Jack Matthews. Dr. McCasey at home. Had a talk with Sam Scott Assistant State Alliance Lecture[r]. Had a bottle of Beer and Dinner with Ben Lake. Tobacco 10¢ cigars 10¢ Bible $1.25 = $1.45. Home 7 P. M.
21 Saturday. Pretty fair day. Helped Colonel Dave Skeels Move his Household goods to Aurora Will Start Sunday morning for Oklahoma. Good luck to you Dave. Went with Jack Matth ews. Home 6 P. M. Attended Alliance at the center Question for discussion Resolved a high Tariff is to the best interest of the American people. I was on the negative and the Affirmative was Knocked out.
22 [Sunday.] Cloudy & cool. This is Washingtons Birthday Age 159 years Old today. N. Courville Called to day and left notes & Morn[g]ages. Paid him $1.00 for his services Charge the Same to C. C. Stoner Paid out [of] my own pocket.
23 Monday. Good Day. Went to John Fortin's. A D. Goble Called in the morning. Also in the evening. Antony Gobiet Called. Gave Mrs H. E. T an order for $3.00 Commenced to Smoke our Meet this morning.
24 Tuesday Cloudy &cold Fearful high wind north & north west. Boys at School. Bill P Called today. I gave him an order for $3.00 in goods also an order for 1,000 lbs coal. Antewine Betters Called and paid Stoner's note $20.00 in full.
25 Wednesday. Cloudy & cold. High wind north. Went to Concordia with team to Move out old Jimmy Acton on to his farm. Snowed & stormed, & Blowed. Dr E. L. Day Drove my team home, & I staid all night with Dr McCasey.
26 Thursday. Clear and cold. 4 Degrees above Zero. Came home this Morning with Dr McCasey. Bought Brad and Two bits $1.00 Dr Day started hom [e] 2 P M Dr McCasey Staid all night.
27 Friday. Pleasant til noon. Then turned cold. Blowed High wind North. Snowed. Went with Dr McCasey to Aurora. Had good time. Played High (5) & had some beer. Dinner 50¢ hand Medicine 20¢ Flour 1.35 Tol $2.05 Home 4 P. M. Fearful Cold & Disagreeable 10:20 P. M still Blowing & cold.
28 Saturday. This is the last day of February. Clear & cold. 5 Degrees below Zero this Morning. This is the coldest this winter. Dr McCasey went home. John & Mother went to town. Gave Mother $2.00. Grand Pap Groves Called today.


March, 1891

1 Sunday. Fine Bright clear day. At home all day. John Henderson Taylor Burroughs Called
2 Monday. Cloudy & cold Wind East. Went to town The assessors Met to establish a basis for assessement. Had dinner with Judge Stoner. Home 6:30 P M Switze Goble Called during the evening. Mollie Cow calved from Bull in herd.
3 Tuesday. Clear & cold High wind north & north west. Dick Reeves called to day & had his road over seer business fixed up. John Burroughs Henderson Taylor Started to day for Oregon, so he said. Boys at home today. Killed 2 Rabbits to day.
4 Wednesday. Cloudy & Cold. Started out to assess Nelson town[ship]. Took dinner with F. A: Thompson. Assessed Figil [Vegil or Virgil?] Feif Frank Derias [Darais or Darrais?] Sen. Victor Brimell and Adolph St. Pierre. Home after dark.
5 Thursday. cloudy & coop Assessed today Truman Pierce Willett McManimie W. H. Bolen E. B. Lillibridge J. S. Lillibridge Charles Muller Nelson Breauet Emery Greenwood Frank Ruff C. Stoner Old Grand Pap Groves Called in the evening.
6 Friday Cloudy & stormy Assessed to day Jack Matthews Henry Slutman John Miller W A Pierce, Fred & Jo Keoster A. D. Goble & Switze Goble Home 2 P. M. Q Secrists Kids Called in the evening. George Went to Rice for our Mail. Commenced to Snow 7 P. M
7 Saturday. Bad day. Stormy High wind north. Disagr[ee]able day. Snow about 3 inches Best Snow this Season. Snowed & Blowed all day. Still Snowing 9 P. M. 8 Sunday Morning snow about 1 foot Deep. Clear Light wind north west. Fine big day. Bright and Clear. Thawing. Snow Mel[t]ing Boss Sonow:
9 Monday. Bright & clear Assessed Julius White L M Swope, John Fortin, Stephen Breauet Jake. E. Cota E. Gardner Home 4 P. M.
10 Tuesday. Fair day Assessed J. E. Stillinger Geor[g]e Reeves Isaac Reeves G. W. Greathouse, F. Sawdy Jo Paquette Henry Paulin [Paulin?] and George Cota Home 4:30 P. M. Boys hauled in one load of ice
11 Wednesday. Snowed a little last night. High wind North cold til noon. Fine & clear after noon. Hauled 2 loads of ice. Switze Goble Called in the evening. The Boys went to the School


house in the evening. Fine evening. Mother vis[i]ted in the after noon with Mrs. Matthews Mrs Matthe [w] s is sick
12 Thursday. Fine til about 4 P. M Then snowed to beat the Jews Fearful snow for One hour. Assessed Theodore St. Pierre, Flavius Longtin, George J Lavalle Ed Lavalle, Mitchel Lavalle, J. B. Collette Benoine Ledoux Paul Ward Frank Richardson Pete Stay. Home 5:30 P. M & J. O. McIntosh
13 Friday Pretty fair day. Helped Jack Matthews Kill & dress a go[?] hog. George returned John W Brocaws Ice tools. 14 Saturday. Fine day. Mother Mable & George went to town. Gave Mother $15.00 Leaves me $21.00 in Bank. Bought Mabel Shoes 1.50 George Suit of clothes $9.50 2 Elbows 35¢ l sack Grah[a]m flour 25¢ Total $11.60 Attend [ed] alliance at the center. Hom [e] 11 P M sick the balance of the night.
15 Sunday. Fine day indeed. Sunday School organized to day. Col. Bill A Pierce was elected Captain. May they have good luck, & convert many sinners during the summer. Betsy Ellen Bulled 16 Monday. Fine day. Assessed D. Hebert E E Moberly Mike Reginer Jo. Regnier Jo Alexander Alex Derias Frank Derias Old Lady Moisant Albert Delude G W Gill. Home 7 17 Tuesday. Fair day. assessed G. Huscher Dick Reeves, Bill Reeves J A Secrist & George Snavely.
18 [Wednesday.] Bad Stormy Day. Snowed & Blowed Nearly all day. George W Greathouse Called to day asked me to clerk his Sale tomorrow. Ground covered with Snow. Bad Day. Disagreeable & unpretty. F M. Shrader was here yesterday.
19 Thursday. Good day Clerked George Greathouses Sale. Property Sold fairly well. Home 5 P. M. Mrs Naillieux & Miss Bertram Called during the Day.- Assessed Giles Bertram Frank Bertram, & Empson
20 Friday good day. Drove Bill Assessed Lheureux, Delforge Dinsmor [Dinsmore?], Andrew Pepperell Custer P Morgan, Goodreau Ward, V. D. Clev[e]land, H. D. Clev[e]land, Mrs. Hoinlin Home 6 P M
21 Saturday Good day Assessed Octave Souliner [Soulinger or Salingey?] Nelson Courville N. D. Courville Dutch Bill Max Savoy Moses Beckerd & J. T. Acton. Home at dark, on the [job?] from 8 A. M. put in 11 hours to day.
22 Sunday. Fine day. Charley came home to day. Hitched Dan to day for the first time. Arkansaw Pierce Called to day. I


paid him for building fires in school house $2.75 The Boys & Alba at church this evening
23 Monday. Cloudy & cold High wind north east. Town Board Met in special cession, & examined Road between Sections 7 & 8 in relation to laying a road off Section line at or on Said Section. Also for a bridge across Elm creek on Section line between Sections 29 & 32: Object a new bridge. Assessed F M Shrader and F. M. Burroughs. Nelson township owes me Two Dollars for todays Service.
24 Tuesday. Stormed all day. Snowed & rained all day. Jack Matthews Called during the day. 8 P. M. Commenced to Snow. 9 P. M. big snow and Still Snowing. At home All day. Shut up and tied up every thing we could this eve.
25. Wednesday. Snowed all night and still s[n] owing 10 A. M. Snow dri [fted] badly. About a foot of snow on the level. The old Man unwell to day. Got it in the "Gut." Fearful Disagreeable and unpretty. 8 P. M. till snowing. Snow 14 or 16 inches deep. biggest snow this Season. This is the Biggest day this winter
26 Thursday. Cloudy & Warm. Boys hauling Straw. Biggest snow this Season. This is the day for Burroughs Sale. But I fear there will not be Enough to make much of a sale. Went to Burroughs Sale a failure. Snow soft and settling Home 2 P. M. Assessed Jo. B. Campbell John W Campbell and Charles Huscher. Home 8 P M
27 Friday Clear & Warm, Snow Melting. Mother & George went to town. Sold Eggs & Butter $4.10 Bought flour $1.20 sugar 1.00 coffee 50¢ George a hat 85¢ = $3.55-55¢ Home 6 P. M:
28 Saturday Pretty Good ay. Thawed. George and John went to Rice and Bought each a pair of rubber Boots cost 4.50 paper 10¢ Tob 10¢ New York World 1.00 Total $5.70 Boys went to Alliance at the center
29 Sunday. Fearful Cloudy & disagreeable til 3 P. M. then turned pleasant. Sun shineing. Snow all gone only where it is drifted.
30 Monday. High wind North West. Cloudy & cold. Assessed Jake Deibel [Diebel] John Trost, Henry Aumsbaugh B. E. Carver Big Jo Bertrand, Henry Price, Charl[e]y Price S. D Leon ard Link Davis W W. Cook J. C. Smith John Berk and Isaac Woodruff Home 7 P M


31 Tuesday. Fine day. Clerked F. M. Burroughs Sale. Rec[e]ived 1.25 Bought cuppoard $1.25 Home 5 P M Alba went to Rice after noon

April, 1891

1 Wednesday. Commenced to rain in the morning then turned to Snow, and snowed the Ballance of the day. French Key Called and left $63.50 for F M Burroughs Key had Dinner with us This is a fearful bad day. Hard on Stalk [stock] of all Kinds
2 Thursday Cloudy & cold High wind north west Assessed Bill Price, Mrs Routhmier Georg[e] Layman, Lambert Detrixhe Sam Marshall, Bill Marshall, Charles Lagasse Sen. Charles Lagasse Jr. L. C. Hoffman Lewis Hoffman, Dutch Krimmel Home 6 P. M.
3 Friday Bad cold day High wind north. Assessed Joe LeClare Peter LeClare Frank Regnier J. B. Bergeron A[r]thur Bergeron and Ferdinand Breoult. Home 6 P M 4 Saturday. Cold. Assessed Jim Ward T. S. McHenry, Char McHenry Ed McHenry, Sam Townsdin J. E. Bean, K Morgan, F Matthews Frank Boyer, Dick Hony 10. Home 7 P. M. Charley came this after noon. Went to Alliance Meeting at the Center at night
5 Sunday. Fine Day. Mabel and Alba went to S. School. Charley went to Rice in the evening. Dave Horse Jumped on to a fence post and nearly tore his insides out. Jack Matthews sowed it up. Fearful Bad wound. Dangerous Wound.
6 Monday Fine day Assessed Bill Longtin Fred Wood I Went to town and assessed J W Harris and L D Blackwell Dr. McCasey Called and Dressed Dave Horse wound Had Supper with us.
7 Tuesday Went to town Bought 2 new cultivators 33 to be paid in 10 days Drew from Bank $5.00 Had 8 Cultivator shovels and 4 bull Tongues sharpened and 2 plow lays 1.90.
8 Wednesday. Fair day Went to F A Thompson and had him help me out on my book. Quite unwell after Dinner, Home 6 P. M.
9 Thursday. Sowed Oats used Fred Wards seeder Paid him $1.05 for the use of it. Paid Trost 2.00 for Potatoes = $3.05
10 Friday fine day. J C Zimmerman [32] came 10 a. m.


11 Saturday Fine & warm. Went with J. C Zimmerman to his farm the Banta. Home 3:30 P M
12 Sunday. Judge Stoner & family Sally Secrist, Proff Sawdy Wife & Grand Pap Groves Called & had Dinner with us Good visit Played high five. Good Day fine
13 Monday. Cloudy & pleasant. Went to F. M Shraders J. C. Zimmerman & Freddie went with me. George Harrowing in Oats & John Making fence. Home 10:30 A M
14 Tuesday. Rained last night Went to town J C Zimmerman Mother & Freddie with Me. Returned my assessment returns. Bill 78 Dollars for the Assessment & 6.00 Doll, for over seer of the poor. Bought Sugar, 1.00 Gave Mother $5.00 Beer 50¢ Tobacco 50¢ cigar 10¢ Lister subsoiler $1.50 = $8.60 staid all night with Judge Stoner Had Dinner with Dr McCasey. Home 3:30 P M J C Zimmerman went to Beloit & from there to Wichita.
15 Wednesday. Home 5 P M.
16 Thursday. Big rain last night. Measured road at F M Shraders. Home 12 M. Clerked Sawdys Sale after noon. Poor Sale. Everything Sold cheap. Bought crow Bar Sledge & 4 Jars cash $2.20 Clerked his Sale for fun.
17 Friday. Fair day. Boys cut stalks after Dinner. Eve Bulled Big rain between 6 & 7 P. M. Hailed some. The old Man On the lift. Got it in the Stomach.
18 Saturday. Good day. Good rain last night Went to town with Switze Goble. Mother & George went to town. John went to town after dinner Horse back. Attended Co Alliance was chairman of co[mmittee]. on credentials. also co[mmittee]. on insurance Heard V B Prather speak Bought lamp & oil can $1.00 Hat 2.00 Paper & envelopes 1.00 Gave John 1.00 Dinner 25¢ cigars 10¢ Li[s]ter lay sharpened 40¢ total 5.75 Home 7 P. M. John staid all night
19 Sunday. Mother Freddie & Mabel & the old Man went to Empson. Good rain Got pie plant root. Home 6 P. M Dr MeCasey called & Staid all night.
20 Monday.- Cloudy & warm. A. D Goble Borrowed my Harrow. John went to Reeves to see about Some hay. 9 P. M wind north west. John Campbell Got some cherry trees from our orchards.
21 Tuesday. Cloudy & Pleasant Warm after dinner Mrs Matthews & Mrs Jones called after dinner. Bought Hay from Jack Matthews.


22 Wednesday. Fine day. cut stalks after dinner. Alba went to Rice After dinner. Good day.
23 Thursday. Fine warm day. Cut stalks. . C. W. Townsdin Called to day. Planted Potatoes & Pumpkin seeds. Did a little of Everything today.
24 [Friday.] Clear & Bright. Fearful warm. John Plowing. George & the old Man fixing up grove vines. This is the last day of school for this Season. School no good. Money throwed away. Too Bad.
25 Saturday Mother & I went to town Drew from County for assessing 78 & 6 for over seer of the Poor Total 84.00 Bought Collar 2.50 lime 1.25 Bridle 1.75 Refrigerator 7.00 oil 15¢ [Total] $12.65 Beer 1.00 Paid for 2 cultivators 33.00 Ice freezer 2.00 Advocate 1.00 K. C. Daily times 1.00 Beef 85# Total $50.75 [?] Home 7 P M Attended Alliance meeting at the center in the evening
26 Sunday. Fine day. Clear & warm. wind south. Commenced to use Ice this Morning. Put ice in refr[ig]erator for the first time [33] Its Dandy. John Kellenbarger & family visited us to day. Hig[h] wind North west Rece[i]ved a letter from Brother Informing me my Share of expenses in Fathers estate amounted to $5.78
27 Monday. Good day. Commenced to list Corn. George Went to Rice. Mother & Alba went to Sheppherds Freddie & Mabel went to Matthews. Old Gentlemen Lillibridge & Wife went to Sheppherds During the after Noon. Beautiful day. Wrote to J. C Zimmerman & Thomas J. Young Bought Oil 20¢ Tob 40¢ Total 60#. Mell foaled 8 days over time Horse colt. Gyp foaled 6 Days short Mare colt. Both Mares foaled exactly at the same time just at dark
28 Tuesday. Fine day. 2 Machine Men stop[p]ed for dinner. John listing corn. old Mares & colts doing fine. Named the colts Dudly & Maud.
29 Wednesday. Clear & Warm. High wind South. Dusty. John Listing corn. Alba went to Rice after Dinner. Hot, & getting Dry.
30 [Thursday.] ;Pretty, good day. John listed corn. John A. Jackman & Lady visited us to day. George Caught 2 Gophers. cost the old man 50¢.


May, 1891

1 Friday Pretty fair day.
2 Saturday. Cloudy & cool. Misted rain during forenoon. Went to town with Truman Pierce J. T. Acton & J. T Henderson. Bought Potatoes 1.35 sugar 43¢ cigar 5¢ dinner 10¢. Paid J. C Zimmerman 8.00 Paid T. J Young $5.78 Lister sharpened 50¢ Gave John $1.00 Total $17.21 Home 6 P. M. Saw H. P. Applebough. Attended Board Meeting at School house in evening. Home 10:30 P M
3 Sunday Cloudy & cool Children Went to Sunday school. Mollie Goble and Switze Calle[d] during the afternoon. A J Had ley Called in the after noon. Also A D Goble & Wife. Made Ice cream. Henry Price Road over Seer & son called in evening
4 Monday. Cloudy & cool George Snavely Brought my plow home. John listed corn Turned my Horses on Grass this evening for the 1st this Season.
5 Tuesday. Cloudy & cold. Took my cattle to Harrises Pasture. Mollie & calf, Heifer Betsy Ellen & calf Bull, Ikes Jake & Buck, & Lizz [i] e. 4 Yearlings, 2 Cows and 2 sucking Calves. 8 Head John listing. George plowing. Commenced to work Mell & Gyp 1st Since having colts. Gurley Spargur Got 8 Bushels of corn for seed for Democrat Smith. Sam, Prat & Old Man Barker Called in the after noon. Mell Took the Horse 6:40 P. M. Hadleys Horse English Shire, Insurance 10.00 to insure a mare to be with foal.
6 Wednesday clear & cool Went to town with Goble Bought 4 sacks flour $5.00. 1 cigar 5¢ Total $5.05 Home 2:30 P. M. George & Alba went to Rice after noon John listed corn.
7 Thursday. Clear & cool. Went to Rice after dinner with Davy Secrist. Received a letter from J C Zimmerman acknowledging receipt for 8.00 Dollars for interest- Also letter from Co. Clerk Proctor Notifying me to open the new road as Petitioned for. John finished listing corn this forenoon. Both Boys plowing this afternoon
8 Friday. Clear & high wind south. Went to town with Jim Wilson. Home 5:30 P. M. Boys plowing. Went to Jack Matthews in evening. John Went to Bertrands in evening for their wagon to hall hogs. Fearful Dusty & Disagreeable
9 Saturday clear & Hot in the forenoon. Cloudy & cool after noon. Went to town. sold 22 Hogs Weighed 5000 lbs, 40 per pound = $200.00 Deposited the Money in Cloud co Bank. John


& George went to town. Bought 1 Barrel Sugar 321. lbs $17.34 Dinner 25¢ cigars 25¢ stable for Horses 75¢ Gave Mother $5.00 $23.59. Home 6 P M Mother went to town with Jack Matthews. Home 7 P. M. Went to school house to alliance Rained a l[ilttle.
10 Sunday. Raining. Cold
11 Monday. Dr McCasey came last night and Staid All night. Bought some Hay of Truman Pierce Went with Dr McCasey To Heberts Davy Allens Furgersons Rogers Snyders Then to Brickers Then to Aurora. Had 2 Bottles of Beer and played one game of Old 100. Home 7 P. M Bought a setting of Black spanish eggs of Furgerson. Paid 15¢, cigars 25¢ = 40¢ Dr started home 8 P. M. Mrs. Lareheux Called in the evening.
12 Tuesday. Good day. Planted Corn & harrowed. Got yellow corn of Jack Matthews. Gave him white corn for it.
13 [Wednesday.] Fine day. Finished planting corn & Beans. Returned Hendersons Planter. Alba, went to Rice. Paid Truman Pierce cash $2.75 for hay. Due Pierce 25¢. Loaned J A Secrist My Boar Hog. Fred Ward & Josiah Jackman Called in eve
14 Thursday. Fan. Took the Horse 5:35 A. M. Finished planting Corn yester day. Mother Alba John Mabel & Freddie went to town. George listing for Jack Matthews. Mother home from town 5 P M High wind South. Mrs D H. Judy burried to day in Concordia.
15 Friday. Planted Potatoes. Went to town with Switze Goble. Bought 1 Bus Potato[e]s 1.25 Dinner 20¢ - $1.45 Home 2:30 P. M. Pappy Barlow & Daughter Ida called to day for money. Paid them $15.00
16 Saturday. Commenced to rain last night & Continued til Middle of foreno[o]n. Wind East. Cool. Fine rain whitch bright ens all vegetation Went to town after noon with J. T. Henderson. Home 6 P. M. George went to Rice. Bought 200. Sweet Potatoes 50¢.
17 Sunday. Rained And Misted Most of the day. Old Grand Pap Groves Called.
18 Monday. Cloudy & cool. Plowed in Orchard and dug out Cherry sprouts. Set 200 Cabbage plants. Everything looks prosperous
19 [Tuesday.] This is the great convention at Cincinnatti. May it be harmonious. Good rain this Morning. Both Mares on a spree
20 Wednesday. Good day. Went to town with J S Lillibridge.


Bought Tobacco 40¢, cigars 10¢ Sweet Potato plants 25¢, squash seed 10¢, Knife for Fred 5¢ Total 90¢. Home 3 P. M. Gyp Took the Horse 4:30 P. M George Snavely had his Cow to My bull. Alba & John Went to Rice after Dinner.
21 Thursday. Commenced to rain last night 10 P. M. and rained nearly all night, and Still raining 11 A. M. Cold for the Season. Ground full of water. The ground well soaked. Bad Dismal rainy day. 9 P. M. Raining fearful hard Biggest rain in 7 years. Brought in our Mares & colts. one litter of pigs and one Brood of turkeys. Hard rain. Heavy
22 Friday Cloudy & cool. John went to Rice after dinner. And to A. J. Hadleys Paid Hadley $40.00 Cash for the insurance for 4 colts, $10.00 each. Too Much Money for a colt.
23 Saturday. Went to town with John & Mother. Bought 2 pair shoes 6.25 1 Wheelebarrow Scythe Snaith Whip -& Whet stone 3.05#, Beer 25#, suit clothes $10.00 Carbolic acid 25¢ Cigar 5¢ = $19.80 [?] Home 7:30 P M Attended alliance at the center in evening Home 12 Midnight.
24 Sunday. Cloudy & Cool. Alba and John went to Sunday School. Alba went to Gills. Boys went to Hen Peck to church in the evening. Alba not at home 8 P. M.
25 Monday. Cloudy & cold. Alba came this after noon. Dan got in the fence and about ruined himself, Which makes one feel sick. Loaned Jack Matthews my spade & wire stretcher
26 Tuesday. Cloudy & cool high wind North east. Wash day. Fan Took the Horse 6:10 P M
27 Wednesday. Pretty fair day. Commenced to plow corn but it was too wet Mother Freddie & Mabel went [to] Grand Mother Reeves. Matt went to town. Had Our Buggy. Fred Thompson Called after dinner. The old Man was Hotter than Hell, about the Worlds fair business. Alba went to Rice after dinner. Borrowed Grand Pap Groves Cart. Mrs Harrison Sick
28 Thursday. fine day Dr McCasey Called and had dinner with us. I went with him to Frank Ruffs Jim Buckleys J M Ijames. Had Supper with Jim Buckleys. Went to St. Jo. [34] Had 2 Bottles Beer. Started him [home?] 9 P. M. Got home 10:30 P M.
29 Friday. Fine day. Went with Dr McCasey To Thompsons


Lafe Brickers, Then to Aurora. Had dinner with F. A. Thompson Home 6 P. M.
30 Saturday. Big rain this Morning Alba & G[e]orge Went to town. John Fred, & I went to Rice. Drove Dave for the 1st time. Bought Toba. 40¢ candy 5¢ Hat 15¢ = 60¢ attended alliance at night.
31 Sunday. Cloudy & warm. Boys and Girls went to S. School. C Muller & W. A. Pierce Called to day. Thundered and lightninged and threatened rain.

June, 1891

1 Monday. Went to Town with Fred Thompson Mother Freddie & Mabel. Hard rain in town. Cigars 20¢ Beer 25¢ oil 50¢, window glass 55¢, Stable Room 25¢, = 2.35 [?] Home 7:30 P M. A man by the Name of Stewart from Salina Staid all night with us. He is a preacher. This is the day for the Worlds fair. it was rather discouraging for the G. O. P. I was Made Chairman of the Meeting. The Hay seeds were on top
2 Tuesday Fair day. Wash day.
3 Wednesday. Good day. Boys plowing corn. The Old Man howing in the garden Alba went to Rice after dinner.
4 Thursday. Cloudy & cool. Dr McCasey called for dinner. After dinner I went with him to Jo. LeClares, Then to Montys and F A Thompson. Home 7:35 P M. Dr Staid all night.
5 Friday Great big good rain this morning. Ground full of water. Thoroughly Soaked. Thank God for it All. Went to town with Dr McCasey. Attended lodge. Rained most of the day.
6 Saturday. Cloudy & Misty. came home with Pierce and Henderson. Bought Potatoes 65¢, Tobacco 50¢ Cigars 25¢.
7 Sunday. Cloudy & cool. at home all day.
8 Monday cloudy & cool. The Boys went to town.
9 Tuesday. Cloudy & warm Went to town. Bought Lumber $5.28 Paid interest on 40 acres School land $7.00 Dinner 15¢, Tobacco 10¢ = $12.53 Home 6:30 P. M. Alba went to Rice after Dinner. Jack Matthews Called in the evening.
10 Wednesday. Cloudy & cool. Finished planting Potatoes. Alba Mabel & Freddie Went to the school house to assist in Singing for childrens day June 21st
11 Thursday. Cloudy & warm. lowed corn. - Finished plowing listed corn 1st time. Commenced in checked corn after din ner. Planted corn beans. Sent 3 letters to P O With J A Secrist.


One to Robert Hanson, one to H. P. Blake & one to C. H. Willard
12 Friday Good day. Warm. High wind South. Rained a little in the morning. Boy [s] Plowing corn. Alba went to Routhmiers after noon.
13 Saturday. Cloudy & Warm. Finished plowing checked [corn] the 1st time. Mother & John went to town after dinner. Plowed Sweet corn 3rd time. Gave John $2.00 Gave Mother check for $10.00 for Charley. Dead loss High wind South. George went to Rice in evening, for our Mail.
14 Sunday Warm & cloudy. The children attended Sunday School at the center. Judge Stoner and family visited in Nelson to day
15 Monday. I went to town with Mother Mabel & Freddie Had dinner with Smith. Attended Exchange Meeting. , Fearful Rain. hardest this Season. Staid all night with Democrat Smith. Had dinner with Dr McCasey. Ground full of water.
16 Tuesday. Good day. Home 3 P M.
17 Wednesday. Rained hard this morning. Ground full of Water. Cloudy & cool. Alba went to Rice after dinner. Alba & the Boys attended Singing at the center in the evening.
18 Thursday. Cloudy & cool Wind north west. Wash day. F A Thompson Called Mrs George Snavely, sick Mother & Alba went to Snavelys. John Went to town for the Dr. for Mrs Snavely. Started 9:25 P. M Mrs Matthews Called also Mrs Jones & Miss Davis in the evening. Went to Bed 11 P. M.
19 [Friday.] Cloudy. Rained after dinner. Dr J. H. MeCasey Called in the morning. Ella Stoner Called in eve, and staid All night.
20 Saturday. Good day. Went [to] town with Mother & Mabel. Bought tacks 5¢ cigars 10¢ Beer 25¢, Neck yoke hold back 75¢ Beef 85¢ - 2.00 Bill Jones came with us. Home 8 P. M. Attended Alliance Meeting at Plumb Creek. Home 1 A. M.
21 Sunday. Clear & cool. Pleasant. This is children day May the Lord help and defend them. Services in Actons Grove. Home from Childrens day 4 P. M. Big crowd, and a good time. Pleasant cool day. Bill Goble & Mollie stop[p]ed with us in the evening, for 3 Hours.
22 Monday. Fine day. Boys plowed corn. Gooday Boss Young Merica called today. He is in trouble with John Stillinger
23 Tuesday. Good day. high wind South. Went to town with J. S. Lillibridge. Had Dinner with Prince the Printer. Bought Twine $5.00


Cigars 15¢ Tobacco 20¢, Shirt 1.00 Flour $1.40 [Total] $7.75 Home 5 P. M. Jake Matthews bought a new Binder. The last Bit of ice use [d] today. Sorry indeed for it I [t] was such a luxury. Too Bad Too Bad i[t]s all gone.
24 Wednesday. Clear & hot high wind South. Mother visited old lady Reeves. Jack Matthews Started his Wood Binder in Our wheat.
25 Thursday. Good rain last night & this morning. Boys plowed corn. Burried a sow, that could not pig. Sol McCray called today. Jim Bertram Mowed our Alfalfa
26 Friday Cloudy & hot. Cut my wheat. Finished cultivating listed corn the Second time. Good rain in the evening. Jack Matthews cut my wheat 50¢ per acre, $2.00
27 Saturday. Cloudy & warm. Went to town. Sold Eggs & Butter 2.83. Bought Tob 40, cigars 10¢ Meet 70¢ = $2.05 [?] Home 2 P. M. Fearful hot. Boy went To Rice. Drove Tup & Dave together for the first time. A J McCalister & wife called in the evening and Staid all night. A. J. is co. Lecture [r] and spoke at the Center. Big rain about 5 P M
28 Sunday. Cloudy & hot A J. McCalister & Wife started for home 10 A. M. Wind South. Went with Alba to Rice. childrens Day. Alba came home with Henderson. I went down to A. J. Hadleys. Home 8 P. M.
29 Monday. Fine day. Finished plowing checked corn 2nd time Picked cherries. Dr McCasey & Family Called in the evening and staid all night.
29 [30?] Tuesday. Fine day. Went by Alex Hadleys to town. From Concordia I went to Clay Center to Attend the 5 [th] Congressi[on]al Dis. Alliance Meeting. Rail road fair 2.20 Board 1.00 Total $3.20 Staid over night at the Comstock house. Started to Concordia 7:20 A M arrived in Concordia 10.30 Had dinner with John Lambs. Arrived home 8:20 P. M. Bought a shirt in Concordia $2.00

July, 1891

1 [Wednesday.] Home . . . June 30 drew $60.00 school money and deposited it in Cloud Bank took receipt for it. I did not have check or bank book with me.
2 Thursday. Clear & warm. Sold 2 Bushels of Cherries $2.56 George & Alba went to town Plowed corn after dinner. Picked 3 Bushels of cherries after noon. Corn full of Chinch bugs.


3 Friday. Cloudy & hot Went to town. Sold 2½ Bushels of cherries 1.00 Per Bus Gave Dr McCasey ½ bus cherries. Home 1 P. M. Dave Coleman, John Schattlerback, & old Christ Rivir Picked cherries here to day. Boys stacked alfalfa this after noon. Had a bottle of Beer with Jack Uglow.
4 Saturday. The glorious fourth of July. George Alba and the old Man went to Wilcox Grove to celebrate. John went to clyde Rained a littl [e] in the fore noon. Good crowd. Had a good time. Broke the doub [le] tree, & had a bad mishap. Commence[d] to rain when six Miles from home and continued to rain all the way home 9 P. M still raining, & thus ends our anaversary The 115th long may she wave.
5 Sunday. Fine day. Gurly Sparger & family Called to day & picked cherries. Dr McCasey Family and Brother Malcomb called & had dinner and Supper with us. Played a few games of old 100. The Boys & Alba went to Rogers for bug Medicine.
6 Monday Cloudy & warm. I went with George Laman to Meet Town board of center Township to divide town line between Nelson & center Townships. Center Board failed to come to time. Home 11:30 A. M. The following named picked cherries here to day. Short & Wife Mrs Uglow & Daughter Mrs Bertram & Liz Bertram, Mrs W. B Smith & Daughter. John Schattlerback passed by to day. Mrs Smith & Daughter staid all night.
7 Tuesday. Good rain last night. Cloudy & cold. High wind north. Alba & John went to Rice in fore noon.
8 Wednesday. Fine day. Went to town. Sold 2 Bushels of cherries to M. C. McCasey $2.00 Bought oil 20¢ coffee 25¢ Tea 25¢ Double tree for buggy 50¢ Scythe 65¢ = $1.85. Home 6 P. M.
9 Thursday. Clear & warm. George Sick. Had cholera Morbus last night. Mrs Mattie Matthews Called in the evening. Finished plowing listed the third time.
10 Friday. Cloudy & cool The old Man fearful sick last night. Rained a good Shower this morning. Boys plowing Corn. The old Man unwell. Bad for the old Man
11 Saturday good day. Mother & Alba went to town. Boys Mowed weeds in forenoon. Played Ball after dinner. Mothe[r] home 5 P. M.
12 Sunday. Clear and hot. wind South & South west, Mother the Old Man, Mabel & Freddie went to Kellenbargers. Lots of People there. Among them A. D. Goble & Famlie. E. Gardner


Wife & Boy, & Severel other Ladies. Home 5 P. M. Jack Matthews cutting Oats for L. M. Swoop
13 Monday. Fine day. Finished plowing or cultivating corn for this year. The old man unwell. Sister Ella Stangland arrived here 10 P. M.
14 Tuesday fine day. to W. B Smiths fishing. 15 Wednesday. Fine day. Boys came home at noon. Caught a few fish. George Worked for Henderson -after noon.
16 Thursday. Fine day. Went to town after Dinner. Bought Twine $4.20 Picture frame $2.00 Beef 50¢, overalls 85¢, Total $8.10 [?] Drew $10.00 from Bank. Home 8 P. M. Jack Matthews commenced to cut my oats after Dinner.
17 [Friday.] Good rain last night. Good Day. Cutting Oats. Sister Dawsy Called to Kiss her son, who is riding a horse for Jack Matthews Gave Ida Barlow ex School Teacher check for $55.00 yesterday. This closes our business with the thing.
18 Saturday Good day. Went to town with Alba. Bought Twine $1.35 Sent Alba home with the Twine. Attended co. Alliance. Was elected vice President. Dinner 25¢ cigars 15¢, coffee 50¢ = $2.25 Drew from Bank 5.00
19 Sunday. Fearful warm At home all day
20 Monday. Rained all night last night. Mother Alba & Sister Ella went to town, to hear Joint discussion between Mrs Lease [35] [John M.] Brumbaugh [of Concordia]. Poor Brumbaugh was not in it. Home after dark. Dr McCasey Called and Staid all night.
21 Tuesday. Went [with] Dr McCasey to Aurora home 2 P M. Good day Went to Jo Campbell & Dutch Price. Bill Reeves Dutch Price called in evening. Dr McCasey Called about Midnight, then went home.
22 [Wednesday.] Cloudy & warm. Went to town. Sold 6 Hogs weight 14.30 4.70 per hundred - 67.20 deposited in Bank $60.00 Home 2 P. M. Boys making Hay Honey Snavely Called 2 times to day. Borrowed my wire Stretcher & returned it.
23 Thursday. Cloudy & warm. All went fishing but the old Man. John Kellenbarger called and left some peaches apricots & Plumbs. This a lonesome day for the old Man. Home from fishing 6 P. M. usual luck. Cloudy & warm. George & John went


24 Friday Good day. Charley Shepherd stacked our wheat & Oats & hauled 2 loads of Hay. Paid him cash $1.00
25 Saturday cloudy & warm Big rain last night. Went to Rice after Dinner. Had 2 plow Shares sharpened 50¢ 2 cigars 10¢ candy 10¢ Postage 6¢ = 76#. Home 6 P. M Boys played Ball this after noon.
26 Sunday. Good day. F. A. Thompson & wife visited us to day. Rained a little in the evening.
27 Monday. Cloudy & warm. Town Board meeting to day. Boys plowed wheat stubble this after noon, Mother & Sister visited with Hendersons this day. Mother Sister Alba and Mabel spent the evening with Jack Matthews. This is his Birth Day.
28 Tuesday. Mother Sister & John went to town. Home 7 P. M 1 Sack flour $1.20
29 Wednesday. Good day. Boys Helping Jack Matthews stack wheat. Mother Mabel Alba, Freddie & Sister visiting with Gills & Clev [e]lands. The old Man at home alone.
30 Thursday Cloudy & warm. went to Rice. Bought Bologna 20¢ fish 60¢, cigars 10¢ = 90¢. school Meeting. John Secrist Elected clerk. Home 6 P. M.
31 Friday. Boys helped Jack Matthews stack wheat. Commenced to stack at home 5 P. M. rained a little.

August, 1891

1 Saturday. Stacked Oats. Went to town after noon with William Lillibridge. Bought Beef 90¢ Beer 5¢ cigars 10¢ = 1.05 Home at dark: Mother & sister went to Hendersons after Supper. Henderson paid Me $2.00 for town Service.
2 Sunday. Fine day. Judge Stoner & family visited us to day. Eli Groves Called.
3 Monday. Hot. Stacked oats. Kentucky election to day. I owe Jim Bertram for l day Stacking Oats.
4 Tuesday. Clear & hot high wind South. Finished Stacking Oats. Went to Ames with 3 Hogs Weight 8.70 Price 4¾ = 38.00 Dock 70 lbs. Bought lumber $4.80 Tobacco 45¢ Paper 5¢ Total $5.30 Home 7 P M Mother Alba Mabel Freddie & Sister went to Gobles.
5 Wednesday. Rained a little bit this morning. Hot. Wind S E & S. Boys went to Hamlins. But no threshing.
6 Thursday. Clear. Mother & the old Man went to town Bought coal $1.25 Salt: $1.60 Rope 40¢: = $3.25 Home 8:30 P. M. Mrs Young beat the old Man out of $2.00


7 [Friday.] Clear & hot. High wind S. Boys Helped Delforge thresh. Mrs W B. Smith & Daughter came this eve. & Staid all night. Fearful Dusty to day. I fear hot tomorrow
8 Saturday. Clear & hot went to town with Lewis Lawrence. Fearful Dusty. Home 8 P. M. attended alliance at the Center. Home 11:15 P. M.
9 Sunday. Clear & hot wind W. Subscribed for the K C Daily times yesterday $1.00 Sister Alba & George went to Thompsons in the evening
10 Monday. Clear & hot. John went to town. Sister Alba and the Old Man went to town in the evening. Staid all night with Dr McCasey Sold 1 bus apples 1.00 1 bus crabs 1.00 Home Tuesday the 11[th], 10 A M. Bought Cinnamon 10¢ alspice 10¢, ice 25¢ = 1 sack flour 1.20 = $1.65
11 Tuesday A little rain last night. Boys helped Moberly thresh Halled wheat with team.
12 Wednesday. Cloudy & warm. Boys helped Moberly thresh Jack Matthews Called in eve. Culp Called to day School Blacks. Attended school Meeting eve. Home 11 P M
13 Thursday. Clear & Pleasant. John helped Bill A Pierce Thres[h]. Sister Alba came from town Also Maud. Ellison our niece from Topeka. George, Mabel and Freddie went to Rice after the above named. Received a complim[en]ta[r]y Ticket.
14 Friday. Went to town with Eli Groves, Co. Alliance. Chaper Mason, Met. I took the Mark Masters Deegree
15 Saturday. Good day. staid all night with Dr McCasey. Went to Aurora with Dr McDonald. Had dinner With the Dr. Dr brought me home 5 P. M. Rained a little last night. Boys helped Bertrams yesterday and to day.
16 Sunday. Clear & warm. Dr McCasey & family visited us to day. Mabels birth day. The little of the neighborhood visited with her to day. Borrowed 26½ lb Hog of J. A. Secrist yesterday. Mark H /-Y.
17 Monday Cloudy & warm. George went to town. Had the old Buggy repaired. Miss Maud went to town with George. Home 4:40 P M. John working on the road. Wash Day. Went to Gobles fore noon. The old lady on the lift. The old Man not much better.
18 [Tuesday.] Clear & hot. George Alba Maud & Mabel went to the river after noon. John Helped Switze [Goble] thresh from 4 P M till evening.


19 Wednesday. Clear & hot. Mother Alba Mable Freddie, Sister & Maud went to Kellenbargers. Boys helped Switze thresh. My Shear [share?] flax 49½ Bus
20 Thursday. Clear & hot t l after noon. Went [to] town Sold 44.35 bus flax seed 72¢ per bus, = $32.03 Bought Beef 1.40, Shirting 1.35 Buggy 5.00 Peeler 75¢, Jars 60¢, Rice 25 Sacks 2.80 Pepper 20¢ Medicine 40¢ cigar 5¢. Total $12.75 [?] Rained a little shower about Six Oclock. Home 7 P. M. Boys helped Secrist thresh. Mrs G W Gill and J T Acton Called to day.
21 Friday. Good rain after noon. Threshed 420 bus Oats
22 Saturday. Cloudy & cool. Did My threshing Rye 18 Bus Wheat, 59 Bus. . . . 77 [x] 3 $2.31 Oats 931 Bus [x] 1½ $13.96 Oats. $2.31 wheat & Rye, [Total] $16.28 Paid in full, 22nd This day. Sold 1 load [o] ats 55 Bus 22¢ = 12.08 Mr & Mrs Sawdy called & staid all night
23 Sunday. Clear & cold Mother Alba Mabel & Freddie and sister visited on the top of the twin mounds. [36] George took Maud to town, this forenoon.
24 Monday. Clear & cool. high wind south. Boys helping Henderson thresh. John in Jack Matthews place. Wash day.
25 Tuesday. Good day Boys plowing for wheat. I went to town with Alba & Sister. Bought Paint 75¢ Tin ware 1.00 Buggy repaired 4.00 Cans 2.20 Tobacco 40¢ coffee 50¢ Lye 10¢ Matches 25¢ ice 20¢ Brush & putty 20¢, = $9.60 Home 9 P.M.
26 Wednesday. Cloudy & cool. Rained a little During the day. Lady Empson called During the day. Lady Matthews a little better. Boys plowed. Ordered 206 feet iron inch pipe Force pump head, and 8 barrel tank from Lyman Coleman. Total $29.64
27 Thursday. Cloudy & cool Helped Ike Woodruff thresh for C M Shepherd ¾ day Boys plowing. Grand Mother McManimie & Mrs J. T. Henderson visited us this after noon. Mother, & sister Called on Lady Matthe[w]s in the eve.
28 Friday. Good day. Boys Finished plowing flax ground. Boys & I went to town after Dinner. I staid in town all night, and took The Paster Master and most exc[el]lent Masters Degrees Paid $10.00
29 [Saturday.] Clear & warm. Dinner 35¢, cigars 10¢


$10.45 Came home with- Switze Goble 5 P. M. Boys helped C. M. Shepherd thresh.
30 Sunday. Good day. Dr. McCasey and family called to day & had dinner with us.
31 Monday. Clear & hot. Went to Concordia in the morning Drew School funds $9.00. Home 12 M. Went to Ames after dinner Home 7 P M. Failed to get limb at Concordia or Ames. Sister started for Home, Wichita. Boys helped Swope thresh Alba and John went to Aurora with Sister.

September, 1891

1 Tuesday Clear and hot high wind S. Boys helped W. B. Lillibridge Thresh John helped ½ day for Jim Bertram. Mother Alba & Freddie went [to] town.
2 Wednesday. Good day. John and the Old Man went to the fair. staid at night with Kentucky Smith. John Swanson called in the evening.
3 Thursday, Gooday. George and Alba went to the fair. The Baloon assension was grand. Home 6:15 P M. Spent 20¢ to day for cigars. Mother [to?] Truman Pierce 9 P. M Mrs. Pierce sick
4 Friday good day. Mother Mabll Freddie and the old Man went [to] the fair. Staid all night with Dr. McCasey. Went with Dr. to Byrnes to See [a] sick Horse Home to Drs. 2 P. M.
5 Saturday. Good day. Attended the fair. Home 6:30 P M 6 Sunday, Brought my cattle from Harrises Pasture. Paid Harris check (cash) $8.40 cattle in good condition. Loaned Jack Matthews Some whiskey.
7 Monday. Cloudy & cool. Jim Bertram mowed all day. Sprinkled a little in the eve. Looks gloomy for haying. George went to Reeves in eve for Bull Rake. Mother & John went to town. John started to School at Concordia. Mother hom [e] High twelve. Dr. McDonald Called to day. Mrs. Matthews no better, this eve. Gave Mother $10.00
8 [Tuesday.] Commenced to rain last night and rained all night & all or nearly all day to day. Gloomy, bad on new mown hay. Peeled apples.
9 Wednesday. Cloudy & cool. George helped at School house Mother went to Matthews, Mat a little Better.
10 Thursday. Cloudy & cool. Worked at the hay, spread & dried it. George went to Reeves in the evening. Mother was Called


to C. M. Sheppherds in the eve. Mrs Sheppherd took very sick Cider Mill returned by Sear.
11 [Friday.] Made hay, Jim Bertram & Ike Reeves helped. Went to town and to mill 4 Bushels wheat. Flour 134 lbs & 50 lbs Brand. John came home with team. Staid all night with Dr. McCasey Took the Royal Arch degree which is immense. Went to Bed 4 A. M.
12 Saturday. fine day. Got medicine from Dr. Rains. Home 5:30 P M. Boys made hay.
13 Sunday. Fine day. John went to town with Judge Stoner. Mother & Alba visited at Truman Pierce's in evening. Gather [ed] Some Peaches.
14 Monday. High wind Wash day. Tried to make hay. Jim Bertram mowed ½ day & helped ½ day. Ike Reeves helped ½ day. Fearful wind.
15 Tuesday. Clear & warm. Made hay. Jim mowed ½ day helped ½ day. Ike Reeves helped 1 day. Finished mowing. 16 Wednesday. Clear & high wind South west. Ike Reeves helped ½ day. Paid Ike cash for 3½ day[s] cash $3.50 Lady Reeves appeared for Peaches. Fearful wind.
17 [Thursday.] Clear & high wind south. Fearful dusty. Went to town. Bought cans 90¢ Tobacco 40¢ Coffee 50¢ cigar 5¢Beer 25¢ Total 2.10 Home 7 P. M
18 [Friday.] Clear & hot. High wind South W. S. Lillibridge returned my wagon. Dr. McCasey & family visited with us to day. Mrs W. B. Smith Called to day for Peaches. John Blackledge was hereto day. John came home this evening. Sent Fan to town for John to come home with. But John came home with Willet Mc [Manimie]. So Fan is in town. George helped Henderson.
19 Saturday went to town and home til noon Bought cans 2.70 Tobacco 40¢, wax 15¢, cigars 50¢ Books 80¢ oil 20¢ = $4.30 Attended Peoples caucus at the Center was elected delegate to Peoples Convention. Thundered & lightened. Threatened rain, Made a big fuss but no rain. Attended Alliance at the Center. No Alliance. Home 9:30 P. M
20 Sunday. Cloudy & cool. George took John to town. Old Man & Willard Lillibridge Called in the evening. Will start for the Promised land tomorrow May good luck go with them.
21 Monday good day. Worked on the road ½ day. Cut corn


after noon. J. 0. McIntosh & Frank Richards Called this after noon. George Started to School this morning.
22 Tuesday. Good People's Party Convention. Did a good job at it. Dinner 25¢ cigars 25¢ Total 50¢. Went to town with Henderson. Came home with C. Muller, 7 P. M.
23 Wednesday Clear & fearful wind south. Wind Mill gave out in tower, Lyman Coleman Called to day. Finished the Peach business to day.
24 Thursday. Cloudy. High [wind] s til no[o]n. Then wind turned to west & north. Sprinkled a little. Loaned Matthews cider mill. Fixed my wind mill. George & Alba went to the Center to Singing.
25 Friday. Cloudy & warm. Went to Ames. Bought lumber 3.25 Went to Rice after noon. Paid Freight on pipe & pump $2.97 Alba Mother and Freddie went to town. Home after dark. Dr. Else made cider
26 Saturday. Cloudy & rained a little. Had C. M. Sheppherd Ike Reeves & L. M. Swope helping make ditch for pipe. Paid Ike Reeves cash $1.00 Sam Demers called and had Supper with us & made [a] speech at the Center & Staid all night with us. Rained a little during the night.
27 Sunday. Cloudy & cool. John went to town with Sam Demers, Truman Pierce called
28 Monday. Cloudy & cool wind north. Weaned the colts. Lyman Coleman came after noon.
29 Tuesday. Good ay. Finished up the pipe & tank. Due Baxter Springs Mill company for 211½ feet iron pipe 6½¢ per foot l tank $8.25 1 pump head 8.00 1 union 25¢ 1 valve 1.00 & 2 other things 50¢. Total $31.75 Freight on the above $2.97 Due the company $28.78 To be paid in 60 days
30 Wednesday. Cloudy & high wind South, Went to Rice bought coal and Lime $1.42 went to Hoffmans for School seat irons. Took them to School house. Got a little Sand at School house. Repaired the well after dinner. Jack Matthews called in eve Old Dutch Hunt called also Julius White.

October, 1891

1 Thursday. Commenced to rain last night and rained all day. Bolinger called to day. Ground full of water. Alba took Mabel to and from School.
2 Friday. Cloudy & warm. Elias Lillibridge called also John Harris, & Borrowed my cider mill. Dr. McCasey Called in eve-


ning. T went to town with him. Rained before we got to town. Attended Lodge, Staid all night with Dr.
3 Saturday. In town, rained all day Drew $10.00 from Bank. Paid for cigars 20¢ umbrella $1.00 gave John 1.50 Book 40¢. Rail road fair 18¢ Tobacco 40¢ Total 3.61 [?]
4 Sunday. Bright & clear. Came home. - George & Freddie met [me] at Rice.
5 Monday. Cloudy & cool. Cleaned Seed wheat. George Staid at home from School. Goplip [Gottlieb?] Huscher called. Jack Matthews Borrowed my wagon. Budwiser moved his goods into F. A. Thompsons House, then returned to Matthews. George went to Rice in evening. Commenced to rain 6:30 P. M. Bad night
6 Tuesday. Rained last night Painted the Buggy. Elias Lillibridge made cider, settled with Dick Reeves as Over Seer Dis. No 3
7 Wednesday. Fine day. Went to town with J. B. Collett, Home with Grand Pap Groves. Made return of Road over seers reports to County Clerk. Had dinner with Judge Stoner. Bought cigars 15¢, Book 10¢ Tobacco 10¢ Sewing Machine repairs 19¢ = 54¢. Alba went to Rice [in] after noon. Tried to drill in wheat but it was too wet.
8 Thursday. Cloudy & cool. Wind north. Drilled wheat. I helped Jack Matthews thresh half day.
9 Friday. Clear & cool. I helped Jack Matthews thresh, Finished Drilling wheat.
10 Saturday. Good day. John helped Jack Matthews finish threshing: Worked for George Lamon after noon. George and the Old Man dug Potatoes [in the] after noon. Mother went to town. Attend[ed] Alliance meeting at the Center. Dr. McCasey Judge Carnahan & Judge Stoner spoke. The Old Man was made chairman of the meeting. Mother brought Frankie McCasey home with her.
11 Sunday. Clear & high wind South east. Alba went to Sunday School. Judge Stoner came out from town John went to town on Walkers express. Mother Alba & Mabel went to Kellenbargers [in the] after noon. George went to Rice after noon. George and Alba, went to church in the evening. Jack Matthews Called in the evening to borrow my wagon Sum more.
12 Monday. Cloudy & cool. High wind north. Town Board met on town of Shirley to divide Said town line. Home 4 P. M.


Sam Demers and C. W. Dutton called & Staid all night. Rained and Spoiled the speech.
13 Tuesday. Fine day. Killed a hog. Returned J. A. Secrist 26 lbs [of pork] Borrowed last August. Blackwell Willett MeManimie and J. A. Secrist called. Loaned Sam Demers my Scrap Book.
14 Wednesday. Good day. Went to town on train and from there to Minersville with Dr. McCasey. Made speech Home to town with Sam Demers 12:30 Staid all night with Demers.
15 Thursday Clear and cool Settled with Jack Matthews for Harvesting 14.00 for Beef $1.10. Jack bought horse collar for the one he borrowed a year ago. Came home with Jake 3 P. M. Church social at the Center last night. Davy Secrist bought new Buggy and harness. Loaned my wagon seat to Budd. The seat returned in the evening
16 Friday Went to town with J. T. Henderson. Attended Co Alliance. Went down to Meredith to hear Savary speak went with Hon. S. O. Everly, staid all night with Jim Flynn.
17 Saturday. Morning at Jim Flynns. Went with him to A. J. McAllisters, and from there to C C Eyes. Had dinner there. Then went to Miltonvale and back to Eye's & there met Savary & Mosher. Had Supper at Eyes. From [there] to School house 103 After the meeting 10:15 P M Started for home. Arrived home 1:15 A. M.
18 Sunday. Good Day. John Lamb & Family, Dr. McCasey and Truman Pierce visited us to day. John went to town with Dr. McCasey. This is Mother's Birth Day she being 46 years old. May she live to enjoy many more birth days. This is also our 26th Anaversary.
19 Monday. Good Day. Commenced to gather corn. That is to crib corn. Made cider and apple butter. Hen. Bolen called this morning. Borrowed Henderson's copper Kettle to boil cider in. Dr Else made cider last Saturday. Proff Sawdy Called Truman Pierce called in the evening
20 Tuesday. Clear & Pleasant. George Husked corn, I went to Rice after noon with William Lillibridge. Dug sweet potatoes. George & Alba went to Singing at the Center, in the evening
21 Wednesday. Clear and Pleasant. Went to Ames with 2 loads of Oats 102 Bushels at 23¢, = $23.46 Bought coal 680 lbs 20# = $1.36 Lumber $4.76. Home 3:30 P M Borrowed Jacks wagon. Loaned Mrs. Jack my Buggy. Jack returned my Buggy


and Borrowed my wagon. Returned Jacks wagon. Alba went to town with Mrs. Henderson. The infernal republican lumber yard at Ames beat me out of 28¢.
22 Thursday. Good day. Wash day. George Husked corn. Paid Truman Pierce cash $2.95 for Beef. In full [payment] for all demands to date
23 Friday. Good day. Went to town with Rye & wheat wheat 14.50 bus. 640. Rye 13.20 Bus 63¢ =$17.94 [?] Bought gloves $1.50, Tobacco 75¢ Gave Mother $10.00 nails 25¢, cigar 5¢. Paid Jim :Hagaman cash $1.00 for years Blade, 100 lbs flour $2.50 1 shirt $1.50 Total $17.55. Mother was in town with me. Home 6:30 P. M. Found W H Savary and W. A. Mosher [Populist] candidate for Treasure [r] was at our House. John came home. Went to speech at the Center. Home 12:30 P. M.
24 Saturday. Good day. Boys husking corn. Attended Township Caucus, at the Center. Charles Muller nominated for Trustee, G. W. Laman for Clerk J. T. Henderson, for Treasure [r], J. O. McIntosh for Constable & J. W.. Campbell for Constable. J. E. Bean Jack Matthews Dick Reeves and J. O. McIntosh over seers. Caucus Harmonious throughout. The repubs did not Stand much show.
25 Sunday. Good day. Hinman, Bolinger [37]Couch and Alexander Passe[d] by and called.
26 Monday. Good day. Town board meeting at George Laman's. Mother went to town Home 1:30 P. M George Husked corn.
27 Tuesday. Good day. Made fence, George husked corn. Lew Cabels & wife had Supper with us and attended the Alliance. Home 11:15 P M I gave $5.00 to Aurora Alliance Exchange, or rather I loaned them $5.00
28 Wednesday. Clear & warm. Dr. McCasey called after dinner and spayed 9 Sows. George & Alba went to Rice in the evening to hear W. H. Savary speak. Paid Jim Bertram cash $4.00 Due Jim $3.00 Went to Hendersons in the evening. Henderson paid me $2.00 Balance due me on Trus [tee] business.
29 Thursday. Good Day. Went to town [in] after noon with Mother & Alba. Alba came home. Mother & I went with the R. A. Mason[s] to Superior Neb. to a Masonic festival. Attende[d]


Chapter R. A. Masons there (2) teams went through. Grand & elegant Banquet. Good time all around. Back to Concordia 6 A. M. Bill to Superior for Mother & the old Man $4.40
30 Friday Came to Rice from Concordia cost 35# Home 12 noon. John came home from town 6.30 P. M
31 Saturday. Good day. Boys Husked corn til noon then Hauled hay and dug potatoes. Attended Alliance meeting at the Center. Home 10:20 Paid Jim Bertram cash $3.00 on haying.

November, 1891

1 Sunday. Cloudy & cool. Mother, Mabel, Freddie, Alba & the Old Man visited with Proff Sawdys. Home 5 P. M. Johny went to town this after noon. Cut and dehorned my bulls yesterday. The first dehorning I ever did.
2 Monday. Cloudy & cool. Made cider & Picked apples. Rained a little in evening. Went to Geor. Laman's in the evening to finish town report. School mother called in the eve.
3 Tuesday Election day. Disagreeable all day, cloudy and unpretty. Big falling off in P P. [Populist party] vote from last year if this falling off hold[s] good over the co it will elect the repub. ticket.
4 Wednesday. Went to town with election returns, went with L. M. Swope and returned with him. P. P. Ticket elected. The repubs blue about the "gills."
5 Thursday good day. Attended rail road meeting at Hen Peck. Was made chairman. Home 9:15 P M
6 Friday Good day. Went to town with T[ruman] Pierce Bought Toba. 15¢ Brush 25¢ oil 55¢ whiting 20¢ cockeye 5¢ $1.20¢ Home 5:30 P. M
7 Saturday. Good day. Went to Aurora after dinner. Home after dark. George & Alba went to Millers to Surprise Mattie Matthews John failed to come home last night or to day.
8 Sunday Cloudy & cool. High wind north. Fearful Dusty & Disagreeabel. Truman Pierce also Arkansaw Pierce called to day:
9 Monday. Clear & Pleasant. Worked on Rail Road. My 1st work on rail road. I must Say I am not struck on that Kind of work. Wash Day.
10 Tuesday. Worked on the R. R. Cleaned House. Mollie Goble helped us at the house cleaning. Wind change [d] to north in the evening and rained a little. Col. George Huscher returned


from Colerado, Albert Woodruff & family returned from California Lizza Had calf Heifer 4 days over time.
11 Wednesday. Cold & Fearful Windy & dusty. Bad cold and disagreeable day. Went to town after noon. Staid all night with Democrat Smith. Home at noon. Snowed
12 Thursday. Clear & cool. Home 12 m. Went to Aurora after dinner. Home 5:30 P. M. Mad[e] partial arrangements to buy corn at Aurora for Smith Sidwell and Smith.
13 Friday Cloudy & cool. Made fence. George went to town after noon. Sold a load [of] corn 28 bus 28# per bus= $7.84 Boys bought shoes $5.25 John came home with George, Home. 7 PM
14 Saturday. Cloud[y] and disagreeable. Boys hauled hay and Husked corn. Old gentleman Hoffman Was buried age 77 years.
15 Sunday. Bad disagreeable day John went to town
16 Monday. Cloudy & cool. Went to town staid all night Drew $10.00 from Bank. Bought pair gloves 50¢ George coat & vest 2.00 Glass 30¢ lamp chimney. Staid all night with Judge Stoner.
17 Tuesday Went to Aurora and commenced to work [for] W. B. Smith & Co.
20 Saturday [Friday?]. Cloudy and misted and rained. Sister Sybilla came from California. Alba came to Aurora for me. Arrived 6:30 P M
21 Saturday. At Aurora Turned fearful cold in the evening.
22 Sunday cloudy & cold High wind north west. Took John to town and then went to Smiths. Jo Freeborn & Somebody els[e] Called to day. Cloudy & cold in the eve.
23 Monday. Fair day. Sold 12 Hogs weight 2950 Price 3.40 = $100.30
23 [24?] Tuesday I pulled 30 bu of corn a small day's work for the boss. [This was written by George.]
24 [25?] Wednesday Husked corn poor business for me begolly. [Written by George.]
25 [26?] Thursday Thanksgiving day I went over to Aurora after Pa in the eve. had turkey for supper pretty good stuff bought nails at Aurora 25¢ [Written by George.]
26 [27?] Friday good day John took Pa. over to Aurora this morning & took Aunt Sybilla this eve. John almost peetered out. [Written by George.]


December, 1891

14 This is my last [day] for W. B. Smith & Co. Buying grain at Aurora. Rained yesterday and last night, and nearly all this forenoon. Met Mr. Smith at Aurora and made settlement and quit. Home 5:30 P. M. Ground full of water. George at School. Our corn Husker came in this evening. Bought lumber Cash $6.75 Dinner 20¢ Total $6.95 Wind North and threatens Storm.
15 Tuesday. Cloudy and disagreeable, worked all day repairing gates and fences, sold 3 steers for $51.00 to be delivered in Concordia 17th, 1891. Spotted Sow Boared by festus. Benson Morgan Called in after noon Wanted to buy steers.
16 Wednesday. Cloud[y] and Disagreeable. Went to town with Benoni Ledoux. Home 4 P. M. George & Alba went to Aurora in the evening. The old man went to Henderson's in the eve.
17 Thursday. Good day. Took my steers to Concordia. They weighed 2555 2¼ = 57.48 Bought 2 Bridles $3.50 crackers $1.75 oil 15¢ Gave George $1.00 oysters 80# Freddie $1.15 Total $9.15 [?]
18 Pretty good day. Mother and I went to town with Truman Pierce & wife. Attended Lodge and Banquet. Good time all around. Mother and I staid all night with Dr. McCasey. Paid my taxes for this year 1891 $39.00 Bought suit [of] clothes $17.50 New Tongue for buggy 225 Total $58.75 Hom [e] 11 A M Paid corn Husker $14.00 for 11½ days Husking corn. John & George & corn husker went to Rice in the evening
20 Sunday. Good day. This is my 49th Birth Day. George took John to Rice Alba went to George Lamans his wife being very sick George went to church.
21 Monday. Mrs. Laman Died this morning. I went to town with Truman Pierce for coffin Home after Dark. Rained a little in forenoon, Cold and Disagreeable after noon. Wash Day. The old Lady quite unwell. Bought whiskey 10¢ cigars 10¢ Dinner 15¢ = 35¢ Paid G. A. R. Dues $2.00 which releases me from all liabilities from Concordia Post G. A. R. 9 P. M. High wind West. Disagreeable
22 Tuesday. Pretty fair day. George Mother Freddie & Alba went to town. Alba started for Lincoln Neb. Gave Alba Cash $8.00 The old man at home alone. Mrs. Laman buried today at St Peter. Mrs John A Jackman Died last night. Mabel at School George went to Gobels in the evening.


23 Wednesday. Good day Went to Aurora. Bought coal $3.37 Home 3 P. M A. D. Goble went to Aurora with me. & home with me.
24 Thursday. Went to town after Dinner. Bought candies & nuts for the children John & Frankie McCasey came home with us. Fanny and Dr came later. Helped Jack Matthews Kill and dress a beef in forenoon. Attended Christmas tree at the center, in the evening.
25 Friday. Cold. Snowed last night. High wind west. Turkey for dinner. I went with Dr to town His family staid at our house. Attended Chapter. Fearful cold. After Chapter Meeting had lunch & Beer Saw Billy Conner from Scandia. Staid all night with Dr.
26 Saturday. Pretty fair day. Went to Aurora from Concordia. Paid my chapter dues while at Chapter meeting Friday evening $1.00 Had dinner with P Miller. John came after me at Aurora George took Mrs. McCasey home. Dr and the old Man both sick. home from Aurora 5:30 P. M.
27 Sunday. Pretty fair day. the old Man unwell.
28 Monday. Good day. the old Man down sick. Had Dr McDonald in the night. The old man sick.
29 Tuesday. Good day. Killed Beef John Henry Bill. Old man sick and put in a bad night. John went to Aurora in the evening. Alliance Meeting too sick to attend.
30 Wednesday. Good day. Boys finished Husking corn. Wash day. The old man better. Am right glad of it.
31 Thursday. Pretty fair Day. Boys & mother went to town. Sold 1 load corn Sold Dr McCasey 185 [lbs] Beef at 5¢ per lb = $9.25 Also 2 Bushels of Flax seed at 1.70 Per bus =3.40 Making payment to Dr McCasey $1.2.65 Wind Changed about 8 P. M. and got cold. This is the last day of the old year. Good by old Year. You havent been a failure. Come Again.

[Part Three Will Appear in the November, 1946, Issue]


DR. POWELL MOORE, of 444 Highland, Hammond, Ind., is assistant professor of history at the Calumet Center of the Indiana University Extension Division. His wife, a daughter of George A. Young, is a granddaughter of Hiram Young, the diarist.

23. This is his first reference to the Farmer's Alliance. It is possible that he became a member some time during the period from July 14, 1889, to June 8, 1890, when there were no entries in the diary.
24. Coffey was county president of the People's party, and. it appears that French was state secretary of the same party.
25. Judge w. A. Peffer was editor of The Kansas Farmer, Topeka, and a Populist writer and speaker.-William E. Connelley, A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans (Chicago, 1918), p. 1156.
26. J. A. Dixon was nominated by the Republican convention September 25, 1890, a candidate for county superintendent of public instruction.-Concordia Empire, September 25; Concordia Blade, September 26.
27. Meredith post office was located in Meredith township, southern Cloud county.-Edward's Atlas of Cloud County (Quincy, Ill., 1885), pp. 5, 11, 59.
28.He refers to the local schoolteacher as the "school mother."
29. Young was elected trustee in November, 1887, but resigned the post April 12, 1888, to sell farm machinery for L. A. Bartlett & Co. at Aurora. T. S. McHenry was appointed trustee in his place.
30. Stoner sold his stock and farm equipment and moved to Concordia to live while judge of the probate court. Young did the same when he was elected probate judge in 1894.
31. Harrison & Reed maintained a general store and were livestock dealers at Rice. Breed Bros. were grain dealers at that place.-Kansas State Gazetteer and Business Directory (R. L. Polk & Co., Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, 1891), v. VII.
32. Zimmerman was Young's brother-in-law, and at that time lived in Noble county, Indiana.
33. This was their first refrigerator in Kansas. Ice was cut from the Republican river during the winter and stored for use in warm weather.
34. St. Joseph post office was located in eastern Shirley township, Cloud county, approsimately seven miles east and nearly a mile south of Nelson post office. The Official State Atlas of Kansas (L. H. Everts & Co., Philadelphia, 1887), p. 183.
35. Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Lease was a widely known speaker for the Populist party.
36. Twin Mounds are located in Nelson township in sections 23, 26 and 27 of T. 6, R. 2, and were embraced in the farms of Charles Muller, W. B. Brisbine and D. Hebert Edwards Atlas of Cloud County, p. 29.
37. A. H. Bolinger was the Democratic candidate for county commissioner for the second district.-Concordia Daylight, November 17, 1891.