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A Hoosier in Kansas: The Diary of Hiram H. Young, 4

1886-1895, Pioneer of Cloud County
Part Four, 1893

Edited by Powell Moore

February 1947 (Vol. 15 No. 1), pages 42 to 80.
Transcribed by lhn;
digitized with permission of the Kansas Historical Society.

January, 1893

1 Sunday. Fine day Prof Sawdy & wife visited us to day Also Grand Pap Groves. John went to town George went to Rice for our mail. Received a letter from Senator Bowling. All signed up in good shape. Charleys baby better
2 Monday. Wash day. Charley went to Clyde with Prof Sawdy. George went to Aurora after dinner.
3 Tuesday. Went to town early in the morning. Had Dinner with Stoner. Raised a row at the Court House with the officials for recom[m]ending S. C. Wheeler for the Same office they recom[m]ended me for Home 7 P M Roads bad. Thawed.
[The following entries for January 4, 5 and 6 were written by members of Young's family during his trip to Topeka.]
4 [Wednesday.] Prof f Sawdy and Bill Brower called tonight and played Cards till 9 P. M. The boys belled Link & Letha [Goble] The wedding Ceremony is now completed after sat. night "Supper."
5 [Thursday.] Husked Corn 1 da[y], Sold 19 bu. & 30 lbs. 28# Per bu.
6 Friday Pretty D---m cold this morning but we husked Corn just the same Sold 25 bu. 26# per bu $6.50 That is all for this time.
[Young's entries are resumed here.]
3 [4] Wednesday. Went to town after noon. Went to Topeka in the evening [C. C.] Stoner [probate judge] went with me. Arrived in Topeka 4 A.M. Thursday.
4[5] Thursday. Stoner Had a talk with Gov. Lewelling and assured him if the appointment came to cloud co. I would be appointed to the State board of charities
[7 Saturday.] Was in Topeka Thursday Friday and Saturday til noon. Came up on U. P. Arrived in Concordia 6 P. M. Saturday evening Staid all nigh [t] with Dr McCasey
8 Sunday. Came home with Dr McCasey. Home at noon. Gave



Dr a load of straw. George & John went to town with Dr McCasey.
9 Monday. Cloudy & cool High wind north. Brought Jake Matthews seed Hog home. He isnt worth a continental dam. Prof Sawdy Called twice to day.
10 Tuesday. Cloudy & cold Hig[h] wind N.
11 Wednesday. Clear & cold high wind north. Went to town and to mill. Grand pap Groves came home with me home at dark. Paid cloud co Bank $28.00 for western School supply house
12 Thursday went to Rice for our Mail. High wind north, fearful cold and Disagreeable Jack Matthews took his seed hog home yesterday Truman Pierce called 9 P M and took Mother to Sawdys. Mrs Sawdy being sick.
13 [Friday.] Cloudy & cold. Went to Sawdys then home. To Gobles then home Then to Sawdys. Then to Aurora for the Dr Home 3 P. M. Bought Pint Whiskey at Aurora 50c. Young Tiff Called with School Order No 19 calling for $35.00
14 Saturday. Clear & cold. Fearful High wind north. Went to town with J O McIntosh, Charley & old Man Groves. Attended co Alliance. Was elected President. Staid all night with Kentuck[y] Smith Had Possum and Whiskey for Supper.
15 Sunday. Clear & cold Charley brought the boys to town I came home with Charley Home 7 P. M.
16 Monday. Clear & warm. Went to Rice after noon with Truman Pierce. Our water works failed. Charley took Mother to Sawdys in the morning & brought her home in evening. Mrs Sawdy better. Sold Bill Pierce 2 Bushels Alfalfa seed $6 per bushel $12.00 paid Cash. Turned Boar with Sows this morning
17 Tuesday Pretty good day. A. D. Goble Called to day and returned my chain & pinch bar Sold A. D. Goble 1 Bushel alfalfa Seed $6.00 Paid Goble 2.00 for helping thresh. Wash day. Truman Pierce Called this morning. Paid him school order No. 20. Cash $2.00
18 Wednesday. Pretty good day Charley & I went to town. Had Mell & Fan. Shod in front $1.00 Buggy repaired 60¢. cigars 25¢ Dinner 25¢ Pipe & well tools $2.50 Glass and putty 25¢ $4.85 Home after dark. Charley, Lottie45 & Mabel went to the Center in the evening to spelling School Home 10:30 P.M.
19 Thursday Pretty good day. Went to Rice after dinner with Truman Pierce. Mr Sawdy called in the morning on his way to town & Stop[p]ed on his way back.


20 Friday Good day. Went to town with J. O. McIntosh Had dinner with Dr John McCasey. John & George came home with McIntosh Bough [t] Mabel a pair Shoes Paid $2.00 Heard from Hender[son] and J. C. Potts Paid P. M. Gates [recorder of Knights of Columbia] cash $1.50 for No 1 for Jan. 1893.
21 Saturday. Mother, Freddie Charley & Lottie went to town. Dug up 45 feet pipe and covered it. Poor job. George went to Rice in evening. Grand pap Groves called Twice to day. Attended alliance meeting at the center. Home 11:30 P M 22 Sunday Good day. Dr McCasey and family visited us to day. George & John went to town. Mother Freddie & My self went to Sawdys in the evening. Mrs Sawdy much improved.
23 Monday. Good day. Charley and I went to town Bought coal 800 lbs. 3.00 Dinner 25 cigars 10# = 3.35 Home after dark. Charley came down on Santa Fe. Paid Judge Stoner $5.00 expense Money to Topeka and return.
24 Tuesday. Fine day. Went to Rice after Dinner. Grand Pap Groves called. Loaned Jack Matthews spring seat. He returned it in the evening Charley went [to] town this morning from Soonover
25 Wednesday. Cloudy & cool. Disagreeable Bad day. Wind north & north east. Charley Came home. Grand Pap Groves brought our mail. Sawdy called Morning & evening. Jim Shafer Called to day.
26 Thursday. Cloudy & cold. Wind north & north east. 6 Degrees above zero this morning. Jack Matthews Called in the eve. Prof Sawdy called [in] after noon.
27 Friday. Cloudy & Disagreeable. Charley went to town with J. T. Henderson. I went to Rice after noon. and met J J Henley Editor Clyde Voice. Received letters from Hon S. O. Everly. Daughter Alba and from Judge Adair. Attended Alliance Social and Supper at the center. A royal good time. J. J Henley C. Muller. Judge Stoner. Prof Sawdy F A. Thompson and the old Man spoke. Hom [e] at midnight J J Henley and Judge Stoner Staid all night with Jack Matthews.
28 Saturday. Cloudy and gloomy. Frosty Sleeting and Foggy. George took Stoner & Henley to town.
29 Sunday. Clear & cold 6 Degrees below zero. F. A Thomp son & wife visited us to day. Charley took John & George to town after noon.
30 Monday. Pretty fair day. Wash day. Wind north & N. E.


Went to Secrists after dinner Bought 45 lbs Beef of him 45 lbs [@] 4 [cents] $1.80
31 Tuesday. Pleasant until a little after noon. Up to that time wind in the South & West. Wind turned north and with it came a blizzard of dust. Turned cold. and kept getting colder until evening the mercury Sunk 10 Degrees in one hour & 10 minits Went to town with Truman Pierce. Home at dark. 9:30 P M wind fearful from the north. Cold and still getting colder. 10 P. M. 4 Degrees above zero.

February, 1893

1 Wednesday. Fearful cold. 8 Degrees below Zero. Mercury below zero all day. High wind North and North east. Prof Sawdy called to day. 9 P M. 2 degrees below Zero. This the coldest day this winter. Cloudy.
2 Thursday. Clear & cold. Charley went to town for coal. I went to Jack Matthews in the morning to have Shaft for wind mill repaired. 4 Degrees below zero this morning
3 Friday Clear & cold 6 Degrees below zero this morning. John & George came home this morning. Dan Empson & wife called this evening.
4 Saturday. went to Rice in the after noon with Sawdy. Went to town on train. Train 3 Hours late. Attended chapter. Staid all night at Pacific House. 50¢.
5 Sunday. Fine day. W. H. Hagamans [46] funeral. The Boys came to town with Team. I drove the team home. Turned fearful cold in the evening. Home 6 P. M. 11 P. M. Fearful wind from the north. Cold.
6 Monday. Cold. High wind N. 6 Degrees below Zero. Cold all day. Grand Pap Groves called to day. 9 P. M. At Zero. High wind north all day.
7 Tuesday. Clear & cold. 10 degrees below zero. Pleasant after noon. Wash day. 8 degrees below Zero. Bright and clear. Wash day.
8 Wednesday. Cloudy and Stormy. Sawdy, Henderson, and E. E. Moberly called. Sold Moberly one bushel of Alfalfa Seed. He Paid Cash. $6.00 Awful stormy. Bad day. Charley went to town with J. O. McIntosh. Snowed furishly [sic] a part of the day.
9 Thursday. Warm until after noon. Wind turned north & Blowed up cold. Hauled 1 load of corn for J. T. Henderson.


10 Friday. Pretty good day. Went to town after noon. Mother & I, with wagon. Boys Drove the team home. Mother & I Staid in town all night. I Attended chapter.
11 Saturday. Co. Alliance meeting Came home with J O McIntosh. home at Dark. Rained a little Mother Came home with A. D. Goble. Drew $134. School fund Deposited in cloud co B [ank].
12 Sunday Pretty fair day warm. Boys at home all day. Deposited in cloud co Bank $134.00 School funds On Saturday. Left Bank book for Settlement When I started home the Bank was closed. I went to Bank after noon for Bank book but it was not balanced.
13 Monday. Cloudy & cold. Took John to town. Lottie went with us. Rained. Had dinner with Dr McCasey. Bought coal 4.00 Whiskey $1.00 Gave John 5.00 Drew $12.00 from Bank Expended to day Paper Pens & ink 65#-$10.65 Home a little Before dark. George sick.
14 Tuesday. Cloudy & cold. High wind north. Rained last night. Snowed some to day. A. D. Goble Called and staid for dinner. Boys looked for Pierce's Seed Hog but failed to find him. Jack Matthews brought our mail this evening
15 Wednesday. Fine day. Beautiful day. Wash day. Charley went to town with Goble, and Staid in town. George finished our corn. George went to Rice in the evening for our Mail. War times in Topeka.[47] George mailed 6 letters this evening and got 2 valentines by Mail Also received a letter from Callie Slutman in Cal.
16 Thursday. Pretty good day. Butchered a pig. Jim Shafer and old Man Groves called to day. George went to Rice in the evening for our mail. Attended Alliance at the center. was elected President. Home 12 midnight. War in Topeka yesterday and to day
17 Friday. Good day. George Hauled manure after noon. Grand Pap Groves and Jim Shafer called. Shafer took Pierce's Boar Hog. Davy Else went by and his old horse fell flat & turned Davy down. nobody hurt. George went to Rice in the evening for our Mail.
18 Saturday. Good day. Went to town with Truman Pierce.


John came home with John Stillinger. Home 6:30 P M John went to church. George went to George Lamans, he being Sick.
19 Sunday. fine day. Clear and warm. Dug Thompson called Lewis called. John went to church this fore noon. John George Charley & Lottie went to church in the evening.
20 Monday. Pretty decent day Wash day. George took John & Charley to town. Brought our Sulky plow home. George went to church in the eve. Grand Pap Groves & Jack Matthews and Mrs Bill Jones called to day.
21 Tuesday. High wind N. George helped Dan Empson Shell corn. I went to Rice with Truman Pierce. George went to church in the evening at the center.
22 [Wednesday.] Good day. Washingtons Birth day. George Helped Henderson and Truman Pierce shell corn. Hauled 1 load for Pierce Charley came home this eve George went to church at the center. Dr McDonald stop[p]ed to day.
23 Thursday. Pretty good day. High wind North west. Jack Matthews Called in the morning. Dr McCasey called in the evening. Georg[e] cut Stalks. Charley went to town. The old Man under the weather. Lady Matthews and Elmer Henderson Called in the eve
24 Friday Went to Rice in the forenoon. To town after noon. Attended chapter. Staid all night with Dr McCasey. Attended Co. Alliance on Saturday. 25 [Saturday.] Came home with Oda McIntosh. Home 9 P M. John & George went to church in the evening.
26 Sunday. Fine day. John went to Rice this morning. Jim Hagaman called this after noon and Staid for Supper. Charley went to town with him 8:30 P M
27 Monday. Snowed and blowed. High wind north. Jim Shafer called and had dinner with us. George went to Rice in fore noon. Bought oil and Shoes $3.00
28 Tuesday. Fair day. Wash day. Went to town with Sawdy. Home a little after dark Subscribed for Topeka Press. $1.25 for 3 months Daily.

March, 1893

1 Wednesday. Fine Pleasant, warm, cut stalks after noon. Greased and repaired Harness. Mothe [r] & Freddie went to Sawdys. George Mabel & Lottie went to church in the evening. Ike Woodruff moved on to his own farm. The Banta Place.


2 Thursday. Pretty fair day. George cut stalks. Freddie and I went to Rice in the eve. George went to church at the center. Lady Matthews called to day.
3 Friday High wind. Snowing & blowing Wind north. Disagreeable day. Stormy.
4 Saturday. Mother & I went to town with Henderson. Home after dark. Went to the School house in the evening
5 Sunday. Good day. Owen McIntosh & Father called to day to buy our farm. John went to church in forenoon. John George Charley and Lottie went to church in the evening.
6 Monday. Good day. George cut stalks after noon. L. N. Swope called this morning. John & Charley went to town this morning. Gave John check for $5.00. 7 Tuesday. Cloudy. George cut stalks in forenoon. Rained misted afternoon. Rained at and during the evening. Old Man McIntosh stop[p]ed this morning and told me the trade between me and his son was off; commenced to rain
8 Wednesday. Cloudy and rained. George went to Rice in the evening for our Mail
9 Thursday. Good day. Wash day. George cut stalks after noon. I went to Rice after noon. Bought coal for $2.30
10 Friday Went to town after dinner. Attended chapter. Staid all night with Dr McCasey. Blew up terrible dust Storm this evening
11 Saturday. Good day came from town with Jack Matthews.
12 Sunday. High wind South. Fearful dusty. Disagreeable and all around bad day. Boys all at home to day.
13 Monday. Cold high wind North. John & George went to Rice in forenoon, and had cultivator shovels sharpened. Received [word] from Western Union Telegraph co that there was a message there for me George & I went to town after noon for the Message. I was never more disgusted to get a dispatch from Jo Adair. I wrote him. Fearful cold and high wind and Dust. terrible bad day. Home 6 P. M. Thoroughly chilled. Bad cold night.
14 Tuesday. Clear and cold High wind from the north. John at home Wash day. Boy[s] cut stalks after dinner. Paid my Knights of Columbia double assessments and lodge dues yester day. Gave Ed Whicher a check for $3.75 in favor of P. M. Gates Recorder. John went to town this after noon. I went to Truman Pierce's in the evening to see how his sick girl was. Found her better.
15 Wednesday. Cloudy high wind South east. Dusty and Fearful Disagreeable. Bad day. Eli Groves called. Finished cutting stalks. Mrs [Minerva] Henderson called this after noon. J T Henderson called in the evening for his wife. Both had supper with us.
16 Thursday. Bad disagreeable day. Cold. High wind north east. Fearful dust. About noon it commenced to Snow. Pretty stout storm, about 2 inches of Snow. The old Man has


Fearful cold and about on the lift. Received letters from Alba and Mrs. Adair
17 Friday. St. Patricks Day in the evening. Cold & clear 2 inches of Snow. Empson Public Sale to day. The old Man is feeling a little better.
18 Saturday. Pretty fair day. Went to town with Jack Matthews. Attended Alliance at the center.
19 Sunday. Good day. George took John & Charley to Rice & Mother to Truman Pierces. George went to church in the evening at the center. Mother will stay all night at Pierces.
20 Monday. Cloudy and cold. High wind north. Mother Lottie and the old Man went to town. Mother and I signed a deed to J W Adair selling our interest in the old homestead in Indiana. For $1000.00 including our interest of debts. On the place. Had deed acknowledged before Judge Stoner. Mother & I had Dinner with Dr McCasey. . Home 6 P. M. Loaned Jack Matthews my wagon and Borrowed his spring wagon. Brought Jacks seeder this evening to Sow oats tomorrow. Sent Virge Stewart 75 lbs [of] Alfalfa seed. Sent it to Ligonier Indiana.
21 Tuesday. Sowed oats. Fearful wind. Sowed 20 acres Jack Matthews called in the evening Festus Sawdy called in the evening and staid all night. Commenced to rain in the evening.
22 Wednesday. Cultivated in Oats. Cloudy misted all day. The old Man about played out this evening Cold & Disagreeable 23 Thursday. Cloudy & cold High wind north west. spit snow and misted. Cultivated in oats. The old Man about Petered out. George went to church at the center in the evening
24 Friday. Pretty fair day. George Harrowed in oats. The old Man went to Rice after noon. From there went to town. Attended lodge. Staid all night with Dr McCasey.
25 Saturday. Morning fine. Commenced to snow about noon and snowed till 5 P. M Great Snow for season. Came home with Jo Keoster Home 5 P. M.
26 Sunday. Good day. John went to Rice this morning for coal & Mail. John went to town this after noon. Snow all gone


27 Monday. Cloudy and cold. I, Mother, Lottie & Charley went to town High wind north east. Bought 5 Bushels Early Ohio Potatoes, $1.50 Per Bus. = $7.50 1 lb. Horse Shoe Tobacco 40#. Drew check in favor of V. A. Stewart for $31.00 for Taxes on old farm in Ind. Total to day with dinner 15# $39.05 George at home alone. Charley & Lottie staid in town. Cold bad day. Home 6 P. M.
28 Tuesday Good day. Cultivated in Oats. The old Man fearful tiered. Hen Snavely Called to day for stalk cutter.
29 Wednesday. Cloudy & High w South. Dusty Dr McCasey called. Finished cultivating in oats. Mabel & Fred both on the lift both at home.
30 Thursday. Good day. Wash day. Finished Harrowing oats. George went to Rice in the evening. Returned Jakes Harrow
31 Friday. Good day til after dinner. Plowed ground for Potatoes. Planted Potatoes. Jack Matthews borrow[e]d Sulky plow and returned it Same day. A tramp Called to day for something to eat. Mrs Empson Called to day. Horse Medicine Man called to day. Wind sprung up this after noon and a fearful Dust storm. Terrible dust and wind. John came home this evening. This is the last day of March. And at 9 P M wind just Howling. Wind north. Planted Peas and Beets to day

April, 1893

1 Saturday. Good day. Boss day. Planted Potatoes. Boys went to Rice after dinner. Had plow sharpened. Hitched up Flora for the first time, was bad to get to the wagon tongue, Fearful mean. Stubborn. Attended alliance meeting at the center in the evening. Good meeting.
2 Sunday. High wind South Mother and I went to Thompsons visiting. George Laman & Ira Pierce were here for dinner. Home 7 P. M. Brought some Rasberry plants from Thompson's.
3 Monday. Good day. Commenced to plow for corn. John & Charley went to town on train. Lottie went to town with Thompson's. Lottie home 5 P. M Eli Grove called to day.
4 Tuesday. Pretty fair day. Killed a hog in forenoon. George Plowed in afternoon Clouded up about Middle of aftex noon. Thundered and lightening and threatened rain but it all blowed away. George went to Hendersons for Sausage Grinder.
5 Wednesday. Good day. I went to Rice Horse back after dinner. George Plowed. Lady Matthews and School Mother Called this evening


6 Thursday. Fine forenoon. Wash day. Mrs Empson helped us wash. Meaner than Hell after dinner Fearful hot. George Plowed all day.
7 Friday. This Day opens like Hell. Fearful wind and dust wind north west. Air full of dust. Awful, This early in the morning. High wind and Dusty. George, Mother & Lottie went to town after noon. Home at dark. Bought George Shoes, 3.00
8 Saturday. Good day. Eli Groves Brought our Mail.
9 Sunday. Good day Jim Collins called to day. Miss Jennie and Harry Thompson, J. T Henderson and G W Laman were here to day. Singing.
10 Monday. Pretty decent day in the forenoon. George took John Charley & Lottie and the Kid to town. Lottie Started to Lincoln Neb. George home at noon. Brought 11 conk shells Paid $1.20 The old Man Plowed in the forenoon. Dr McCasey pulled 2 teeth out of Dick. After noon High wind and Dusty.
11 Tuesday. This the worst day I ever Saw in Kansas. Fearful wind & dust. Wind South until about 5 P M Then turned west the wind blowed 2 Sections out of our wind-mill. Awful and dre[a]dful wind and Dust 7:30 wind settled a little. George went for the children at school
12 Wednesday. Clear & cool. Stiff wind west. Went to town with Jo LeClare. Bought 2 Sections for our wind mill. Only $8.00 Home 4:30 P. M George went to Rice in the evening. Mother & Mabel went to Jack Matthews in the evening
13 Thursday. Cloudy & cold High wind north east. Geo. Finished plowing 20 acres for corn. Repaired pasture fence. School Mother Lady Empson and Sadie Matthews Called this evening. Mr. Cole and old Gentleman looked like a tramp Called and wanted to buy a farm. Hard looking old Man to buy land
14 Friday. Pretty decent day. Mother, Freddie and Mabel went with the old man to town. Staid all night with Dr McCasey. Attended chapter.
15 Saturday. Attended co Alliance. We all came home with Oda McIntosh. Oda McIntosh staid for supper. F A Thompson and wife stop[p]ed for Supper and we all attended Alliance at the center Home 11:30 P M
16 Sunday. Pretty good. Children went to Sunday School Link Goble and wife called in after noon and spent the evening. 17 Monday. Pretty good day High wind South. Commenced to Plant corn.


18 Tuesday. Finished planting checked corn. Planted Potato[e]s, onions, Beets Sweet corn. Good little rain last night. Threatening rain this evening 8 P. M
19 Wednesday. Fearful wind all day. Tried to rain in fore noon. Cold & Disagreeable.
20 Thursday. Clear & cold. High wind north west. Went to town with Willit McManimee Paid windmill repairs 8.00 Shoes 3.00 Pants 3.50 Hat 3.00; Dinner & cigars 30¢=17.50 [?] Home 5 P. M. George went to Tiffs school house in Shirley [township] to spelling. This has been a bad Disagreeable day. Very cold.
21 Friday. Clear & cold. High wind north west. Wash day. George & I went to Jack Matthews after dinner for seed corn. Concluded 'it was no better than my corn and did not get any corn.
22 Saturday. Pretty decent day. The boys went to Rice in forenoon with corn, and for seed corn. Finally got seed of Dug Greathouse. After noon John went to Rice and [had] lister sharpened. In the evening the boys went to F. A. Thompsons to a party Given in Honor of son Harry. J. T. Henderson Paid for alfalfa seed $6.00
23 Sunday. Pretty good day tried hard to rain but failed. Boys went to Pierces to singing also Sunday School.
24 Monday. Good day. John George and the old Man went to town. Took Dudly. Home
12 noon. Paid P. M Gates recorder $1.50 [assessment] for the death of Sir Knight Berry. Started lister. had to take lister to Shop. Dr McCasey Called. this after noon. Frankie McCasey came home with me from town and is here this eve.
25 Tuesday. Listed in corn. High wind north east. Fearful Dust after noon. Threatened rain. Dr McCasey Called and took his girl home. Mrs Empson Called in evening for camphor. Mother went to Empson's in evening to see their sick baby Road agent called (A peddler)
26 Wednesday. Cold bad day. High wind north west. George listed corn. Notified Jack Matthews he must keep his hogs off my alfalfa. Shot Jack Dog.
27 Thursday. Pretty decent day. Wash day. Highered Link Goble to help Haul fodder. George went to Rice in evening for our Mail. School Mother came to stay all night. Received letters from Alba & Nellie. Surprising
28 Friday. Bad day. High cold wind north. Fearful wind


and cold. Old man Collins Called this evening. George listed in corn.
29 Saturday. Cloudy and cold High wind north east. Misted and rained a little. George went to Rice in the evening. John came home from town. He took Examination for a certificate This has been a bad cold disagreeable day.
30 Sunday. Bad cold day. Cloud[y] and disagreeable High wind north.

May, 1893

1 Monday. Pretty fair day. George listed in corn. John went to town I went down to Jakes. Grand Paps Horse sick. One sow had pigs
2 Tuesday. Good day. Wash day. George Listed in corn. Link, Mollie Goble and Mrs Link Goble also Mrs Dan Empson Called this morning. In the eve F. A. Thompson stop[p]ed as he went by
3 Wednesday Good day Mother & I went to town after Dinner Drew 39.00 School funds. Home a little after dark.
4 Thursday. Good forenoon After noon it blowed fearful Finished planting corn this forenoon. Last day of School. George went to school this after noon. School Mother called in evening for her pay. Paid her cash $35.00 in full for all demands.
5 Friday. Hig[h] wind North. George went to town with 6 Hogs Weight 1530 80 lbs. off=1450 at 6.60 Per pound=$95.70 Deposited $90.00 in cloud co Bank. John came home with George Mother & the Kids went to Gobles to a quilting. Lady [Mrs. Samuel] Townsdin called & a huxter. Gave John & George a $1.00 each
6 Saturday. Cloudy and cold. Rained a little. fearful wind north east. Boys sold load [of] corn 28 Bus [@] 30#=$8.40 Bought a little coal at Rice. John went to Rice in the evening with Elmer Henderson. Lady Empson called. Grand Pap Groves Called and I paid him Cash $1.60 for the use of Jake Matthews seeder. Attended alliance meeting at the center.
7 Sunday. Cloudy & cool. Rained a little. Singing at Jack Matthews this after noon.
8 Monday. Pretty decent day. Plowed alfalfa ground. Listed in Sweet corn. Drove Dudly to Rice. Dud is a high Jumper The meanest colt we ever hitched Received a letter from Sister Ella and Dr. Ted. Leatha Goble Henderson & wife Called this evening
9 Tuesday. Good day. Wash day. Hauled hay. Harrowed


alfalfa ground. Dug Thompson & son were here Dudley Horse served his mare Insuran[ce] $2.00 Kinsley Morgan called. Also J. T. Henderson.
10 Wednesday. Fearful wind South. Mother & George went to town. Bought 10 Boards 14 feet long 140 feet [@] 2.25=3.15 Saw filed 25c Total=$3.40 George went to Rice in the evening. Grand Pap Groves Called to day. Frankie McCasey came home with Mother.
11 Thursday. Good day. Shelled corn. Shelled 685 Bushels at 11/2# per bus=$8.56 [?] Davis Bros. Jim Shafer Hauled 2 loads Davy Sniff Secrist Hauled 2 loads J. T. Henderson one load. George Hauled 1 load 14 loads shelled. Square with Secrist and Henderson,
12 Friday. Good day. Shafer Hauled 2 loads of corn & 2 loads yesterday 4 loads in all. Paid him cash $3.00 George Hauled 3 load [s] to day. 11 loads to Breed 557 Bushels at 32#=$178.25. Must wate [sic] until first of next week for my pay. I was on Road review with Jo Burns and O. T. Ames, in South Lawrence. Home
6 P. M Breed Paid me $10.00 on corn. Paid Harrison J. M. $8.55 for him to pay the shellers Davis Bros. George went to a party this evening. John came home from town.
13 Saturday. Good day. Boys went to the town of Rice in forenoon. Went to town after noon. Drove Flora and Dave. Bought the Boys Clothes 2 suits 1 hat and 2 Pairs Overalls. $27.00 1 Bottle of Beer 25¢. cigars and Tobacco 65¢ Pe[a]nuts 10¢ candy 10¢. Knights of Columbia Assessment no 5 $1.50 and lodge Dues 75¢ 1 Pair shoes $1.50 Total $ Meat 75¢ = $32.60 Home 7 P. M.
14 Sunday. Cloudy & warm. Boys took colts to Dug Thompsons Pasture. Sal. Maud, Phelix & McGinty, 75# per month for each Sal 2 years old. Maud 2 years old Phelix & McGinty 1 year Good day. F. A. Thompson & wife visited us to day. Also Mrs McCasey and children. Mrs Link Goble and Mrs Matth[ew]s & Geo. Laman were here to day. Mother went home with Fannie [McCasey]. Frankie McCasey went home with her Mother.
15 Monday. Clear & cool. Went to Rice after Dinner. Received check from Breed for 168.25 check to be presented before the 17th for payment. Bought oil 85c candy 5c Paper & envelop[e]s 20¢ Block on wagon brake 15¢ Total $1.25
16 Tuesday. Good day. George went to Rice in forenoon. Dr McCasey calle [d] and was here for dinner. I went with Dr to


Aurora Davy Allen, and other places castrated 8 Horses Had Some Beer in Aurora Home 9:30 P M. Dr Staid all night with us.
17 Wednesday. Good Day Mabel Freddie and I went to town. Bought Buggie and Harness $100.00 cigar 5# Gave Mother $1.00 Muslin 50¢ Total $101.55 Home 5:30 P M Mabel staid in town. Mother, Freddie & I went to Hendersons in the evening
[18] Thursday. Wash day High wind South east. Fearful wind and dust. J. T. Henderson wife & Son started for worlds fair & visit in Northern Ind. Road Scraper agents Called to day. I refused to Sign their paper.
19 Friday High wind South west. Dusty, and Disagreeable. George went to town after dinner. John and Mabel Came home with him. John & George went into Shirley to Exhibition. Paid Lewis [Louis?] Lawrence Cash by check $12.00 for Mells colt. Lady Empson Called Twice to day.
20 Saturday. Good day. went to town after noon. Home 7 P M Judge Stoner and family called and staid all night. We attended Alliance Meeting. Mrs. Goble was initiated. Home 11 P. M.
21 Sunday. Awful wind & dust South east. Boys went to Sunday School.
22 Monday. Rained a little Just enough to lay the dust. Mother and George went to town. Cloudy and cold. High wind north west.
23 Tuesday. Pretty good day Wash day. helped Goble with his pump. Went to Aurora. Wash day. J O McIntosh Called to day.
24 Wednesday High wind North west. Dusty mean day. George went to town and to Mill. Took Charley a load of cobs and gave him 1 Sack flour. I went to town after noon. Bought chloroform 15¢ Beef 50¢ cigar 5¢ Barrel salt 1.50 Total $2.05 [?] Home 6 P M Grand [pap] Groves Called also Jack Matthews. And old Man Gobles. George went to church in the eve at the center.
25 Thursday. Cloudy & cold Good rain last night and this morning. Wind South east. A. D. Goble called this morning. 26 Friday Good day. George & I went to town after noon The last day of school in town. John came home with George. I staid in town. Attended chapter Staid all night with Dr McCasey
27 Saturday. Staid all day in town. A man died in the Central


Branch Privy. I was on the coroners Jury. Attende[d] Lodge. Staid with Charley
28 Sunday. Good day. Came down to Rice. John & Freddie met me at Rice. George Laman, Letha Goble Harry and Jennie Thompson Mollie & Kit Goble were here to day, to Sing
29 Monday. Good day. Commenced to plow corn. Grand Pap Groves called to day Also Oda McIntosh and Mat Wilcox & wife. 30 Tuesday Mother & I went to town to attend Decoration [day services]. We had dinner with Dr McCasey. Grand & glorious good rain Big rain. The only good rain this year. . . . Home 7:30 P M. Finished plowing checked corn 1st time.
31 Wednesday. Good day. Wash day. Ground full of water well Soaked.

June, 1893

1 Thursday. Boys commenced to cultivate listed corn. Jo. Campbell was here this morning.
2 Friday. Went to town with Goble. Paid interest on 40 acres. Subscribed for Advocate. Sent one Dollar in a let[t]er. Home 5 P. M A stranger came along with stud horse and 2 Jennys. He could not find a place to stay all night So we took him in. Show at the school house this evening.
3 Saturday. Boys Plowed & cultivated garden & Sweet corn. Went to Rice in forenoon. Drove Dudley. Worked out land tax in Dis. No 2 cleaned house Boys bought Shoes. Plow Shoes
4 Sunday. Pretty fair day George John Mabel & Freddie went to Gobles after noon. Link & Letha [Goble] called also Grand Pap Groves. Good shower of Rain this after noon.
5 Monday. Good day. Wash day. Mother & John went to town after Dinner. George went to Dug Thompson's Pasture to See about our colts Also the pasture. Jack Matthews called,
6 Tuesday. Good day. Cleaned House & Hen House. Boys cultivated corn after noon a little rain last night.
7 Wednesday. Good day. Boys cultivating. I went to town with Jack Matthews. home 6 P. M. George went to Rice in the evening
8 Thursday. Boys cultivating checked corn second time. High wind South. Dusty and Disagreeable. Boys took red Heifer to Jims Black Bull in the evening. Time March 8th, 1894.
9 Friday. Pretty fair day. Boys finished cultivating the checked corn the second time. Lady Empson called to day.
10 Saturday. Good day. Boys hauled manure in fore noon. Boys went to Rice after noon. I went to town after Dinner. John & H. R. Thompson went to town in the evening. Frankie McCasey came home with me.
11 Sunday. Good day. Boys went to Rice & to Ed. Moberlys and engaged him to do our Harvesting. Boys went to G. W. Lamans after noon to Singing. Mollie & Kit Goble were here. A D Goble and wife Called to day.
12 Monday. Good day. Wash day. Made fence. Cultivated corn. Goble mowed our alfalfa. John brought Gobles rake in the evening.
13 Tuesday. Good day. John Raked up alfalfa in morning. George Plowed corn. Hauled in one load Hay in the evening. Grand Pap Groves Called to day. 14 Wednesday. Good day. Asa Hamlin buried to day. Hauled in alfalfa Hay after
noon. Lady Empson was a caller to day
15 Thursday. Good day. Cloudy and warm. John cultivated corn for A. D. Goble. Mother & the Kids went to town after noon. Took Frankie McCasey home. George cultivated corn. F. Longtin Called to day. He is the Democratic P. M. at Aurora.
16 Friday Good day. Boys cultivated corn. The old Man on the lift. Mother & the Kids went to Letha's after noon.
17 Saturday Good day. Clear & warm. Finished plowing listed corn the Second time. Boys went to Rice and the River after noon. Lady Reeves Called today for Eggs & Flour.
18 Sunday. Good day. John & I went to Aurora and attended Catholic Dedication of their new church. Home 2 P. M. George came in later. Dr McCasey & family visited us to day. I went to Jack Matthews in evening
19 Monday fair day. Boys sold a load of corn in Rice after noon. Dan Empson called to day. Finished Husking corn this forenoon.
20 Tuesday. High wind South. Wash Day. Boys went to town and to Mill after Dinner. Lady Empson Called and returned our ice Freezer. Broken. Fearful hot & Dry. Need rain Badly.
21 Wednesday. Cloudy & Hot Went to town with Grand Pap Groves. Bought 100 lbs. Twine $10.00 Beef 60¢ cigars 25¢ = $10.85 Home 1:30 P. M. About 2 P. M. the wind shifted from South to North west. Blowed fearful. with the wind came the Dust. Awful Dust Fearful wind & Dust. Terrible Dust and wind. Enough to Drive decency out of Kan. Boys plowing corn.


22 Thursday. Good Day. Boys finished plowing checked corn the 3rd time. The old Man went to Rice in evening.
23 Friday. Went to town after dinner with John. John brought team home. I staid and attended chapter, a good time. Staid all night with Dr McCasey. Good rain and fearful Hail storm in Concordia
24 Saturday went from Concordia to Aurora. Attended camp fire. Good dinner. John came after me. Rained a little yesterday evening. Swops and others Called to day. Paid my assessment to K. C. $1.50
25 Sunday. Good day. Mother Freddie Mabel & the old man went to Kellenbargers. Home 6 P. M.
26 Monday. Commenced to cut wheat, E. E. Moberly, Good day.
27 Tuesday. Good day finished cutting wheat at noon. John took Moberly home. George cultivated corn. Ladies Empson & Goble called. Freddie went to Gobles. The old Man on the lift. Sick.
28 Wednesday. Good day went to town. J. B. Weaver [48] spoke to a multitude of people. Lady Empson went with me to town. John Harvested for Goble. George for Fred Keoster.
29 Thursday Good day. Big rain last night and to day. Moberly cut Oats 1/2 [day]. George went to town after dinner.
30 Friday. Biggest rain this season Moberly was here Also John Campbell & Lewis, also John Secrist. Ground full of water Every body Happy

July, 1893

1 Saturday. Good day. Went to town with A. D. Goble Home 2 P. M. Moberly cutting oats. Commenced to Rain about 7 P. M Hard rain. W. A. Pierce & Daughter [Effie] stop[pled in. Moberly started home 8:40 P. M. and still Raining Drew Cash from Bank $5.00 Ground full of water
2 Sunday. Cloudy & warm. Lew Cabels & family visited us. Rained a little in the evening.
3 Monday Good Day. Moberly cut Oats. Butchers from town Killed 1 steer & 2 Heifers. John, Freddie and the old Man went to Dug Thompsons after Dinner. Hen. Snavely called to day. Twice

[This ends Book 4 of the diary. In the back of this book is a copy of the Frederick Young family register, printed below.]


Monday the 29th of August my Father Frederick Young [grandfather of Hiram H. Young] died He was born the 8th day of Nov 1778 and brought his age to 46 yrs 11 mo and 1 da[y]. [?]
Our Grand Mother Died May 22nd 1830 Brought her age to about 74 yr. John Young Born July 13 1804 Died September 30 1890 86 years 2 months & 17 days Born in Union Co. Penn.
Sarah Young Wife of John Young Born January 17 1811 Union County Penn. Died April 23rd 1891 Age 81 years 3 months & 6 days.
Copy of Family Register of Frederick Young and his wife Eva
We Frederick Young and Eva Spatz were married on the 24th day of Oct. A. D. 1803 (1) Unto us a son was born the 13th of July 1804-was christened the 19th of Aug 1804 and named John.
(2) Unto us a Daughter was born the 10th of March 1806. was christened the 4th of May 1806 and named Elizabeth.
(3) Unto us a son was born the 17th day of February 1808 was christened the 6th of March 1808 and named John George. Witness at Baptism John George Morr and his wife Catharine.
(4) Unto us a Daughter was born the 28 of Nov 1809. was baptized the 24th of Dec. 1809 and named Anna Catharine.
(5) Unto us a son was born the 9th of June 1812 was baptized the 19th of July 1812 and named John Frederick. Witnesses the Parents.
(6) Unto us a Daughter was born the 11th of July 1814 was baptized 23rd of Oct 1814 and named Barbara. Witnesses the Parents.
(7) Unto us a son was born the 2nd day of March 1816. was baptized the [page torn] of Aug 1816. by Rev Geo Heim. (Luth minister) and named John Louis Witnesses John Louis Young.
(8) Unto us a son was born January 18th 1818. Was baptized March 20th 1818, By Rev Friesz. (Ref Minister) and named Benjamin. Witnesses His Parents to wit. Frederick Young, and his wife Eva nee Spatz.
(9) Unto us a son was born Jan 5th 1820 was Baptized March 5th 1820 by Rev Geo Heim and named Samuel Witnesses his Parents.
(10) The 17th day of Dec 1821 a son was born unto us. was baptized Feb 17th 1822, by Rev. Schmidt and named John Jacob, Witnesses Jacob Garman and his wife Barbara.
(11) The 9th day of May 1824 a Daughter was born unto us. was baptized the 19 of May 1824 by Rev Schmidt and named Hannah. Witnesses John Boyer and his wife Elizabeth.
My wife Eva died May 17th 1824

[Following is the beginning of Book 5 of the diary.]

July, 1893

4 Tuesday Fearful hot. Moberly cutting oats. I went To Feifs Grove to celebration. Never was as badly sold at any celebration. No speaking nothing but a money making scheme. . . Plenty Beer and Plenty to eat. Home 5 P. M. Went afoot. Old Gentleman Hossler Of Val[1]ey Falls called this eve
5 Wednesday. Moberly cutting Oats Horses ran away and


broke Tongue to Binder. A. D. Goble and old Man Hosler called this evening. Also Hen. Bolen
6 Thursday. Cloudy in forenoon High wind after noon South. Finished Harvesting Oats. George Took machine to Bolens. John Cultivating corn for Goble.
7 Friday. Cloudy and fearful hot. Mother, Freddie & George went to town Home 5 P. M John cultivating corn for Goble. The old Man at home with Mabel. Plowed in the garden. Awful Hot. Mabel went to Dan Empson after Dinner. Home 6:30 P. M
8 Saturday. Hot. Went to town. John & George went to town with 5 Hogs weight 1365 lbs shipped them Received cash on Hogs $50.00 Received cash on cattle sold A. L. Demers $35.00 Deposited in cloud co Bank $75.00 Was appointed to examine Clerk of District court records by Board of co. com. Home 7:30 P M Dr McCasey and family came 9:15 P. M and Staid all night. I had dinner with Charley.
9 Sunday. Clear and Hot. John went to town after Dr McCaseys Instruments. Mrs McCasey and Mother went to Swopes visiting and see the sick. John home at noon Castrated Duddly Johns 1st Case of castration. John went to Thompsons afternoon. Dr McCasey and family started home 5:35 P. M. Very warm.
10 Monday Went to town on train to Examine clerk [of] District Courts Books. Worked at Monday Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday. Came Home thursday evening. Boys commenced to stack on Wednesday
12 Wednesday Stacked wheat
13 Thursday Hot. Boys Stacked Oats. Came home from town on train. Link Goble stacked 2 days Will Dillin Hauled 2 day[s] Been Fearful hot all week, and Still Heating.
14 Friday Hot. Went to town with J T Acton. Attend[ed] chapter. Received for hogs in full
15 Saturday. Fearful hot. finished The investigation of District clerk's records. We find them Short Over $1000.00 John and Mabel came to town Mable staid with Charley. I came home with John. Home about Sundown. Attended Alliance Home 12 oclock Midnight. Paid my Knights of Columbia assessment for No 7 Subscribed or renewed my subscription to the Topeka Press Sent the Press a check for $1.50
16 Sunday Cloudy & hot Mother Freddie and the old Man went to Thompson. The boys went to the River after noon with H R & Alfred Thompson. Home from Thompson about dark Mabel


in town with her Brother. Had a great game of High "5" to day. About 8:30 P M it commenced to thunder and lightning. Fearful Dust and wind Commenced to rain about 9 P. M and rained about one hour. Thank God for the good rain. This rain will help out the corn and late Potatoes.
17 Monday. Good day. Good rain last night. The Storm last night blowed Slutmans wind mill down and did considerable damage to Grand Mothers House. Blowed our cherry trees nearly down Also cotton wood trees and some mulberry. Plowed Orchard. I was at Jack Matthews. A. D. Goble Called to day. Mother went to Matthews. Mabel Came home with J. T. Henderson. Rained a little to day. Charles Muller & wife Called to day
18 Tuesday. Cloudy and warm. Sowed turnips and Plowed oats stubble ground. George mowed weeds in orchard.
19 Wednesday. Good day. Mother Freddie and I went to town in fore noon. Had dinner with Dr McCasey. Home 3 P M. Went to Aurora to Join the Knights of Pythias. Made application Paid $5.00 Home 9:15 P. M George helped Jack Matthews thresh after dinner. John Plowed. Dan & Lady Empson Called in evening.
20 Thursday. Cloudy & Hot. George helped Jake thresh. John Plowing Old Man Goble Called twice to day. Lady Empson Called to day. Wash day. Wind South east. Ground Dry 21 Friday Good day. Went to Rice in fore noon. Boys helped Jack Thresh. Lady Reeves & Miss Bell Called to day. Mrs. A. D. Goble Called this evening.
22 Saturday. Clear & hot. John and I went to town. Attended co Alliance. Had Dinner with Charley. George helped Dan Emp son thresh. Boys went to the Center this evening to Singing
23 Sunday. Hot wind South. White clouds flying through air. Thompson's Boys and our Boys went to Kentucky Smiths on a fishing excursion. This is a bad day on our corn. The corn will not [stand] any great amount of Dry hot wind. Grand Pap Groves Called also Mrs Naillieux and Lady Bertram.
24 Monday. South east wind. Wash day. Boys helped Goble Thresh. Fearful hot. Hard day on the corn. Corn is being Damaged by Dry & hot & Heat.
25 Tuesday. Fearful hot wind South. Went to Rice twice with A D Goble. Got a letter from Dave Skeels. Boys helped Jim Shafer thresh, in forenoon. Wind turned north in the evening and fearful Dust and wind. threatened rain & thundered. Ed. Sear


and wife & another Frenchman & wife Called in during the wind and dust storm. staid till 10 P. M. Still thundering but no rain to speak of. But need it badly. Lady Empson Called twice to day. Commenced to Rain 10 P M and Rained all night. Jersey Heifer bulled this evening by Jims [Bertram] black bull.
26 Wednesday. Cloudy & warm. Rained good last night. Nice easy good rain. Every boddy is happy to day. Rained a little to day. Ed Moberly called for his money for Harvesting. Paid him cash 10.00 Due Moberly $17.00 George and Mother went to town. The Corn is now assured bar[r]ing Hail and storms. We all thank God for the good rain which came just in the nick of time. The ground full of water Hitch to plow and went one round and quit too wet by a large majority. Light wind east and very cloudy. Mother & George came home a little after dar[k]. Turned cooler toward evening, quite cool. Thundering and threatening rain. Cloudy.
27 Thursday. Hot. School meeting was re elected School Treasure[r]. Went to town with L N Swope. Took 1st Degree in Knights of Pythias. Rained awful hard. Staid all night with Ike Gennette at Iowa house.
28 Friday. In town all day Attended chapter Staid all night with Dr McCasey.
29 Saturday. Came down to Soonover on train. Rode a part of the way home with Sam Naillieux. Rained a good Shower in the morning. Home 11:30 A M Family all well
30 Sunday. Cloudy and hot. H R Thompson visited with [us] to day. Mother Freddie, Mabel and the old Man went to Truman Pierces after noon. Came home via Secrists and Talked with [him] about school Teacher.
31 Monday. Clear & Pleasant. Wash day. Wind north. John plowing. Miss Myrtle Tiff and Bill Walno were here this morning Before I was up. Signed Teachers contract for Miss Myrtle Tiff to teach our School at $40.00 per month. for Seven months of School. George went to Rice middle of the after noon. After noon cool

August, 1893

1 Tuesday. Good day. Mother & I went to town. George helped Ewingham thresh. John plowed. Home from town 6:30 PM
2 Wednesday. Cloudy & cool. Helped Goble take up his pump in the morning. the old man Goble took his pump to town. Com-


menced to plow wheat ground. George helped Ewingham finish thres[h]ing. Mollie & Kit Goble were at Our place. Rained a little toward evening. A school Mother Called to day in Search of a school. John plowing Light wind east. Went to Aurora and took Second Degree in Knights of Pythias Home 2 A. M took Mollie & Kit Goble Home Swope went to Aurora with me
3 Thursday. good day. the old man on the lift John plowing. Ad. Goble called in the evening John went home with him to help him put down his pump Lady Empson Called Also a lady washing machine agent.
4 Friday Clear & hot light wind South west and west Mother went to town after noon. Charley Sent for her George plowed this after noon
5 Saturday. Good day. Freddie & the old Man went to town after noon. Charleys boy born this morning Died in 3 Hours afterbirth. Brought home the coffin box. Home 8:30 P M George went to Sam Naillieux Link Goble Called this eve & brought our Mail. A L Demers paid me cas[h] $5.00 in full for all demands to date.
6 Sunday. Clear & Hot. John went to town. John & Mother brought out Charley's Dead Baby which was buried in our lot at Pleasant Ridge cemetry. Dr McCasey and family came out from town McCaseys family visited with us today.
7 Monday. Hot. John went to Rice in forenoon and Had Plow Sharpened. Plowed after noon. George Helped Newingham thresh this after noon. Grand Pap Groves Called also Lon Swope. H. R. Thompson Called this morning
8 Tuesday. Cloudy & Hot clercked Truman Pierce's Sale Paid me 50# Bought shugar Bowl. George Helped Swope Thresh. John Plowed. The old Man on the lift all day.
9 Wednesday. Good. John finished plowing wheat ground. George & Mother went to town after noon. A. D. Goble Called [to]day. Hot about noon.
10 Thursday. Hot. Wash day. Boys Raked up and cocked Some alfalfa. George helped Henderson after noon. Mother was called this after noon to George Reeves their child is very sick. cleaned Bed bugs this after noon
11 Friday Good day. Wind north. Took Mother to Truman Pierce's this morning Mr Pierce starts for Iowa this after noon. Went to Rice this fore noon. George Helped Henderson this fore noon. Hauled alfalfa. this after noon. John took Mother to George


Re[e]ves. Their little Girl is sick. Looked through the corn and I am Sorely disappointed at the out look. From present indications Our corn will not make 20 Bushels per acre. This makes me Sick like the dickens. Work all Summer and then loose everything. It's enough to make a man . . . to think of it. Mother at George Reeve's the Kids and the old Man are masters of the Situation while Mother is away from Home. Jim M. Ijames Called this evening.
12 Saturday Pretty fair day. finished hauling in and Stacking alfalfa. John went to Thompsons and in to Oakland Township this after noon and Staid all night Somewhere. Rained a little after noon. J. A. Secrist Called this evening on School Matters. Billy Moore Called this evening to see about threshing. George and the old Man went to Alliance at the center but it was a failure. Mother Came home from Reeves this morning their child a little better. Mother about on the lift. 10 P M. All in bead, but the old Man. And will Soon be there.
13 Sunday Good day. John Kellenbarger and wife visited us to day. Dr Collins of Glasco called to day. Ira Arkansaw Pierce visited with [us] and had dinner here. John Came home to day from O[a]kland Township. George went away with Ira Pierce this after noon. Corn suffering for rain.
14 Monday. Went to town to Alliance meeting. Brother Ward all of South Dakota & Sam Scott State lecture [r] of F A & I. U. spoke in Concordia. Also central co[mmittee]. Met. Grand Pap Groves went with me. Home Just at dark. Had dinner with Dr McCasey. A big day for Concordia. Thundering this evening & threatening rain.
15 Tuesday. Cloudy & rained a little. Mother went to Geo. Reeves. George brought her Home.
16 Wednesday. Good day Boys went to Mill left Charley flour. I and Freddie went to town after dinner. Home before Sundown. Returned Jack Matthews 4 bushels of wheat borrowed last year.
17 Thursday. Good day. Cleaned up 44 bushels of wheat Boys took it to town Sold it for 45¢ per bushel. 44 50/60 [x] .45 [Total] $20.15 The cheapest I ever sold Wheat in my life. Lady Empson Called today Also Ida Kellenbarger. Dug Greathouse Called to day. Also School Book agent.
18 Friday Cloudy & Hot. Cleaned and took 2 loads of wheat 85 Bushels 45¢ per bus.=$38.40 [?] Too cheap. Sewing ma


chine agent called Also Ladies Empson & Goble called this evening. Judge Stoner Called this morning Fearful Hot to day and this evening
19 Saturday. Clear and hot. Cleaned up a load of wheat which John took to town. George Mother & Mabel went to town in the buggie. The old Man and Freddie at home alone. Dry and hot. Grand Pap Groves Called this morning. Bill Price returned our freezer which he borrowed last night after I was in bed. Mabel Staid in town. John had 44 bushels of wheat [@] 45¢ [Total] $19.80
20 Sunday. Good day. John went to Sunday School. After Dinner Mother & I Hitched to the Buggy for a drive Went by way of J. O. McIntosh from there to the old Roger's farm. From there to Aurora. Rained hard at Aurora for a little while. Stop[p]ed a few minits at Phil Miller's. From there Home. Arrived 6:30 P M We also stop[p]ed at F. A. Thompsons, but they were not at home, but met Harry and sister comeing home as we started from there. Dryer than a bone at home. John went to Secrists in the evening.
21 Monday Walked to Hoosier Peck and took train to town. Worked on District clerks record Had Dinner with Charley Staid all night at Iowa House
22 Tuesday. Good rain in the morning. Bought an umbrella. worke[d] on District clerks Books staid all night at Iowa house. Met Prof Biddison at Exchange house. Staid [at] Iowa House
23 Wednesday. County School Book Text Book convention. Was a delegate to Said convention. Had plenty of fun. Adopted the or rather re adop[t]ed the Same Series of books as we had for the last five years. Came home from town with E. R. Jones Home at Dark. Boys attended speech on Oak creek.
24 Thursday. Cloudy & cool. John took last batch of wheat to town. Freddie & Hellen McCasey went with John. After Dinner Mother and Mabel went to Kellenbargers George to [ok] Old Cherry to Jim Bertrams Black Bull. If she sticks a calf will be due May 23rd 1894 after noon. Bush Finch Hauling water from Our well for His engine. Corn drying up. John had 26 Bushels of wheat [@] .45 [Total] $11.70 This [is] all our wheat Last years wheat. 240 Bushels of wheat [@] .45 [Total] $108.00 Too Cheap Too cheap Grand Pap Groves & Octave Laterneau Called to day. Boys went in the evening to Bill Harlins. Party
25 Friday Went to town with George. George came home. I


staid and worked on District clerks Books. Attended lodge chapter. Staid at Iowa House. 50¢
26 Saturday. Mother, John, Mabel and Freddie Came to town to the Show. 4 Tickets $2.10 Ride to Show fair grounds 30¢ Home a little before dark. John came home with Hebert. George went to town in the evening Fearful Hot
27 Sunday. Cloudy & cool. George went to Rice in the morning for our Mail. John started for Aurora and when at Ledoux Dick fell down, and broke the buggie tongue then run away & broke one Single tree and one spoke. Dick and Flora rounded up in a barbed wire fence. George went to Aurora in the evening, for Meat but was Disap[p]ointed Dismal failure Dident have any. George went to Swopes in the evening. Old man Goble Called in the evening Grand Pap Groves Calle[d] in the morning. Mrs & Dan. Empson Called early their baby Drank Some Lye. They were badly scared. baby's mouth badly burnt. a close call.
28 Monday. Clear & cool. Went to town. Started 6:30 A M Arrived home 9:30 A M 16 miles in 3 Hours Commenced to thresh. Did not get done Took my buggie Tongue to town and one wheel. Mad[e] 16 miles in three Hours Wheat 96 Bushels [@] 4¢ = $3.84
29 Tuesday I went to town to work on Dis. clerks record. Finished threshing. Oats 723 Bushels [@] 2# = $14.46 Due Moore & co for threshing $18.30 Oats 723 Bus $14.46 Wheat 96 Bus $3.84 Sold one load Oats 53 Bus. [@] 20¢ = $10.60
30 Wednesday Wash day Boys cut corn. I was in town. Came home on train in the evening. Made application for Jennie Ward for Position at Insane Asylum.
31 Thursday. Good day. Grave yard meeting. Cleaned up and burnt off the Grave yeard. Was elected Secretary. W. H. Bolen President and E. Gardner Treasure[r]. P M Gates and John Kellenbarger were here for Dinner. Boys cut Corn in fore noon. Helped at Grave yard after noon. Cash in treasure to date $13.15 George went to Bertrams in evening. Settled with Jim for cutting our alfalfa Paid him Cash $1.25

September, 1893

1 Friday Cloudy & cool. Boys cut corn in forenoon. Went to town after noon. with a load of Oats. 53 Bushels [@] 20¢ $10.60 Buggie Tongue $3.50 Coffee Pot 85¢ Tablets for Kids 10¢ Ink 5¢ For Shears 80¢ [Total] Expended $5.30 Boys home after dark. Dr. Collins Dentist from Glasco was here for dinner. Lady Bell


called to day Also Dan Empson. loaned him a plug of Tobacco.
2 Saturday. Good day. Freddie and I went to Rice in the morning. Had Freddies wagon fixed. Peoples Party caucus this afternoon. The following were elected delegate[s] to county convention Monday. Jo. Campbell, John Campbell, J. T. Henderson, Jo Regnier, and W. H. Bolen. I was elected committee man for Nelson George went over to Hoosier Peck after Charley and Lottie. Good turnout at the caucus. Good feeling Prevailed all around. George Home 8 P. M
3 Sunday. Pretty Good day. Boys went to McIntosh and Dug Greathouse. Harry Thompson Called to day Also Link & wife. Boys & Mabel went to the River in after noon to Babtising. Cool 4 Monday. Clear & Hot. Dusty Attended co. convention. Was beaten for county clerk. Home 8 P. M. Charley and John went to town. John went for Dr McCaseys mowing machine. John helped Dr Stack hay, and did not come home. Frankie McCasey came home with me.
5 Tuesday. Clear & hot. Wash day. Went to Aurora after noon. Stop[p]ed at J. C. Ledoux Going to Aurora. Home before dark. Grand Pap Groves Called Also Lady Empson. Frank[i]e McCasey went to school to day. John still in town.
6 Wednesday. Clear & hot high wind South. Mrs Swope visited us to day. Lady Empson & Gurty Bell were here 5 or 6 time[s] to day. Also Grand Pap Groves Called Col. Dan Empson Sick. We furnished medicine. John mowed. George run over the neighborhood for a horse rake & finally got one for 2 hours. Then got Jim Bertrams in the eve[ning]. Went to Aurora in the evening Took the third Degree in the Knights of Pythias. The Boys failed to get much fun out of the old man. The third Degree is ahem. from away back. Home from Aurora 2 A. M next morning.
7 Thursday. Clear and hot Mowed and tried to haul hay. High wind South. Bad mean day. Hauled one load after dark. Grand Pap Groves Called to day. Also Old Man McIntosh no School to day. Our school Mother went to the fair.
8 Friday. Clear & hot. High wind South. Hauled in hay in forenoon. Fearful high wind. Mowed and Raked hay after dinner. Hauled one load after Supper Oda McIntosh stop[p]ed this evening. He and Frank Richardson will start for the strip Oklahoma [49] in the morning.


9 Saturday. Pleasant. Fearful Hot after noon. Hauled in hay. H. R. Thompson Called in the eve. Also J. T. Acton. Went to Rice in evening with J. T. Acton Attended Alliance in the evening. Home 11 P. M
10 Sunday. Clear & hot. Wind S. E. and east. Mrs McCasey & Mrs Wolf visited us to day. George started for School this morning John took him to Town and returned Dr McCaseys machine. Thus one of my boys Goes one by one, in a short time John will go to Kansas City to veterinary college.
11 Tuesday [Monday?]. Clear & hot. Quiet as to wind. Lady Bell Called this morning. Finished our Hay this morning. J. T. Henderson Called and brought our mail. Fred Keoster Called this evening to borrow my wagon. John returned Stillingers Rake. Dr McCasey Called this evening Gibson Slater Called this evening & delivered a message from Mrs. Kellenbarger. Received a letter from Alba stating old Lady Reese was Dead, and her Son Marcellus was very low. Poor Distressed family
12 Tuesday. Clear & Hot. High wind South east. Fearful Dusty. Went to town. Had dinner with Christ Stoner. A bottle of Beer with John Lamb Home 5 P. M. Renkenbarger Came out with me. Bought coffee 60¢ cigars 25¢ = 85¢ Grand Pap Groves Called also Lady Empson and Miss G. Bell Lady Empson & Miss Bell Staid all night. Awful Dry and Dusty. Mabel Moore 3 years old Died this morning.
13 Wednesday. Mable Moore Buried at Dis No 40 Clear & hot wind, South. Fearful Dusty. Mother Freddie & Mabel attended The funeral of Mabel Moore. Came home by Rice. Home 2:30 P. M. Mollie & Kit Goble stop[p]ed for dinner. Linkum and Mollie crossed Bats. John went to Thompsons in the evening. Linken & Letha Called in the evening. Bought 2 Bushels of Peaches of Tom Travis $2.25
14 Thursday. Clear & Hot. John & I went to Ames this morning with 7 Hogs weight 14.40 [@] 51/4 [¢] = $75.60 Home at 11:35 A. M. Hot and Dusty. Fearful dry. Jim Bertram Called at noon. John Raking hay for Jim this afternoon. Mother Can[n]ing Peaches to day. John went to Moore's in the eve. Paid More cash for threshing our grain this year 723 Oats & 96 bushels of Oats [wheat] = $18.30 For all demands to date. Threshing Paid in full
15 Friday. . . . Wind north and Dust to beat the Devil. Commenced to wash, but the dust beat us. I went to Rice in fore


noon and Sold 1 car of corn for 27# Went to Rice in afternoon for sugar $2.00 John Raked Hay after dinner and Brought wagons from Goble Keosters. Jack Matthews Called this evening. George came from town this evening. John went to Kellenbargers this evening.
16 Saturday. Clear & Hot Shelled corn 507 Bushels, Sold the corn for 27¢ [Total] $136.89 Paid J M. Harrison for Fred Ward for shelling $5.05 Hauled corn Shafer Hauled 3 loads of corn to Rice and 1 load of coal from Rice to School House. Paid Shafer $2.50 cash. W. H. Bolen Hauled 1 load of corn for Willit McManimie and one load of coal for School House, for which I paid Him Cash 50c. We Hauled 21.10 lbs coal for School House. Total coal 3 tons & 90 lbs. Hauling coal 6180 lbs coal for School House $2.50 Bolen Returned Keoster's Wagon. Shafer returned Jack Matthew's wagon. L. N. Swope Hauled 2 loads [of] corn for me.
17 Sunday. Cloudy & Fearful Dusty. Hig[h] wind south west. Lottie and Mrs Parr visited us. John took George Part way to town. Mother went to Kellenbarger's middle of the after noon. Rained a little bit. Fearful dusty
18 Monday. Cloudy and warm. John Hauled cobs in crib 9 loads. Swope Called and I went to Rice with him Received a let ter from Alba. Lady Empson Called to day.
19 Tuesday. Cloudy & hot. Wind South. Mother went to town Alone in the Buggy. John took Charley a load of cobs and went to Mill. Will leave Charley a sack of flour. Gib Slater called with Beef I bought for 25¢. Grand Pap Groves Called Also Tom Clegg. Both here for Dinner Tom is selling fruit trees. I Ordered 12 Peach trees 4 Alexander 4 Waterloo and 4 Early York $1.80 Freddie came from School this after noon. Hot and Lonesome. Dull and Dry.
20 Wednesday. Cloudy. High wind south. Fearful Dusty. John Gathered 6 Rows of corn 80 rods long & got about 8 bus. John went [to] Rice of [ter] Dinner and to Kellenbargers in the evening to a Party. Tom Clegg Called this evening. I started for Aurora got as far as Swop[e]s and then turned back. Home 7:40 P. M High wind and Dusty. Disagreeable and Discouraging
21 Thursday. Clear Hot & Dusty. Freddie & I went to Rice in the evening. Tied up and Weaned our little colts Maggie & Lucy.
22 Friday. Wash day. wind north east. Grand Pap Groves Called. John Kellenbarger & wife Called. I & Freddie went to


Rice in the evening. George Came from town this evening. Lady Emps[on] & Link Goble Called this evening. Cold wind north 9 P. M 2 Of Huscher's Boys Came home from Oklahoma this evening
23 Saturday. Cloudy & cool. John & I went to town with 4 Horses to Sell Horses. But failed to sell them. Home after dark. Went to Alliance meeting at the Center. Home from Alliance 10:30 P. M George Staid all night with George Layman. Bought a new Hat $2.00
24 Sunday Pretty Decent Day. Dr McCasey & family and James P. McCasey visited [with] us to day. F. A. Thompson and wife visited us to day. John went to Thompsons to day. George went to town this evening with Dr McCasey. Girty Bell was here all day. Mrs Leath Mollie and Kit Goble Called this evening. Wind north and north East all day & cool
25 Monday. Cloudy & cool. John gathered a load Of corn. And went to Jack Matthews in the evening. Cold enough last night to Freeze ice High wind during the night
26 Tuesday. Cloudy & cool John went to town with H R Thompson. I went to town Alone. Had Dinner with Dr McCasey. Home 5:30 P. M Cloudy and Rained a little bit. sprinkled a little Just at dark. Mother On the lift. Not well
27 Wednesday. Swopes Sale. Clerked his Sale Cloudy and cool Attended Lodge Of K. P. at Aurora. Paid my Dues up to October 1st 1893 90# Home at Low Twelve. Mother unwell
28 Thursday. Cloudy. John went to Rice in forenoon Took John & Harry Thompson to Aurora The Boys will start for Kansas City this evening. The boys will attend veterinary college. I gave John $180.00 to Start On. Commenced to Rain about noon and Rained slowly all after noon Grand Pap Groves was here for Dinner. Home from Aurora 5:30 P. M.
29 Friday. Cloudy & cool Rained a good Shower this after noon. Rained all night last night. Lady Bell Called this after noon. Freddie came from School in the Rain. W H Bolen Called & presented Link Gobles School Order which I paid $4.00
30 Saturday. Cloudy and Hazy during forenoon. Went to town to Central Co. Meeting. Home About 6 P. M. Mother & I went to Gobles in the evening. A. D. Goble and wife returned from Oklahoma to day. Home from Gobles 10:30 P M

October, 1893

1 Sunday. Cloudy & cool. Grand Pap visited us to day & had


dinner with us. George at home to day. Dull and lonesome. This is John's first Sunday from Home. Lady Bell Called in the evening. Wind north & cool. George Borrowed Grand Pap's cart and will ride to town in the morning & home at night. Will try it for awhile for luck. Wrote a letter to day to Dr McCasey and One to Max Savoy at Aurora
2 Monday. Clear & cool. Wind north west. George went to town and Home with cart & Horse Received card from John. I went to Rice this after noon. JO. Moore Called this after noon. Lady Bell went away this morning
3 Tuesday Pretty fair day. Henderson called. Borrowed my well Tools. I went to Henderson in evening & Helped him raise his pump
4 Wednesday Good day. warm Went to Henderson and help[ ed] him put down his pump Then went to town. Home 5:30 P. M. After Supper went to Aurora to Knights Of Pythias. Home 11 P. M Lady Empson was a caller to day.
5 Thursday. High wind N. W. Cloudy & cool. Mrs. Empson washed for us. L N Swope Called and returned my wagon wheel. Candidates D. S. Steele and Thomas Lamay Called Steele for sheriff and Lamay for Co. Clerk. Mean Disagreeable day. Dusty. Grand Pap Pierce brought Our mail from Rice. Rained a little. Lady Empson Did our Ironing. Dan Called for his wife this evening. J. T. Henderson Called wanted to Borrow Our wagon.
6 Friday Pretty fair day. School Mother Called for 1st month wages. Paid her $40.00 in Gold. Lady Empson Called this morn ing early. Cool. Wind west and N. W. Ike & George stop[p]ed as they went by.
7 Saturday. Pretty fair day. Mother Freddie and the Old Man went to town Home 3 P. M. Attend[ed] Caucus at school House for Township Offices. I was nominated for Town Treasure [r]. Attended Alliance meeting at School House. Home 10 P M
8 Sunday. Pretty day. Charley Pierce visited Freddie to day. Freddie & Mabel went to Sunday School George went to Rice this morning for Our Mail. Lady Empson Called this Morning
9 Monday. Wash day. Speech at the center by Demers, Mosher, Stoner and Young. Mosher & Demers Called here in the evening. Good crowd. Hen Snavely Husked corn. All day.
10 Tuesday. Pretty good day. George went to town with the Buggie. Lottie was to come Out this evening but failed. I went to


Aurora this after noon bough[t] lumber & Rivits Paid $3.00 Home at dark Hen Snavely Husked corn.
11 Wednesday. Wind changed to the north west & blowed up cold High wind and fearful dusty and Disagreeable. Ladies Goble and Empson Called Mrs. Goble was here for Supper Two men looking for work stop[p]ed here at 10 A. M. They asked for Something to eat as they had no brexfast. Damed shame that Honorable [men] are obliged to tramp the Country for Bread. "Too Much Confidence" Snavely Husked corn 3/4 day. Commenced to rain and Drizzle and fizle Wind and Dust about 3:30 P M Turned our Stock to the Straw stack this evening Dan Empson Called twice to day. Thundering and lightning this evening 6:30 P. M
12 Thursday. Cloudy & cold. Went to Rice after dinner and then to Pierce's Snavely Husked corn 3/4 day.
13 Friday. Clear & cool. Wind North west. Snavely Husked corn Mrs Kellenbarger Called and was here all day. We took her home in the evening. She was terribly surprised to find her house full of neighbors and friends. the Supper was good. All enjoyed them selves. Home 12 Midnight. Clear & cold. About 40 eat [sic] Supper at Kellenbargers
14 Saturday. Good day. George & I went to town to co. Alli ance. I went to Clyde with Mosher our candidate for Treasure[r] from there went to St. Joe. where I made a speech and Came home with Sam Demers our candidate for Register [of Deeds]. Home 2 A M in the morning. Charley and Lottie came out from town
15 Sunday Pretty good day Charley and Lottie here
16 Monday High wind So. Georg[e] took Lottie & Charley to town. Lottie came home with George Snavely Husked Corn 1/2 day, cloudy in Evening. Took top off [of] half of clear [cellar] and put on new Boards and then dirt. Did a good Job for an old man.
17 Tuesday Pretty good. Finished the cellar. Went to Rice after noon. Received letters from O. W. Hendee, Ella Stangland Washington D. C. Mrs. Ellison Topeka. Also John O Young Kansas City Mo. Snavely Husked corn 1 day. Finished check corn.
18 Wednesday. Pretty good day. Mother & I went to town This is Mother['s] Birth day. The neighbors took Possession of our House in the evening a grand good time all around. About 20 couples were here and all enjoyed them selves muchly. Dr & Mrs McCasey staid all night. Snavely Husked corn.


19 Thursday. Pretty good day. Mrs Letha Goble was here to day to clean up Lady Bell called. The old man Dug 2 bushels of potatoes. Davy Cox Called for a drink of Water. Took Gobles chairs and Table Home this morning
20 Friday. Good day. Tom Lamay & D. S Steele candidates for Sheriff & co clerk called & had supper & staid all night Both spoke at the center. Jo Henley & Dr Laughlin were there
21 Saturday. Tom Lamay went to town this morning. Dave Steele took [us] to Huscher Peck. Then Steele and I went to Heberts and Staid there for dinner. Steele was here for Supper I went with him to Aurora where he and Lamay spoke in the evening. Home 11:40 P. M. George Dug potatoes to day. 7 Bushels. Mother unwell.
22 Sunday. Pretty good day. Dr & Mrs McCasey Called Also Ira Pierce
23 Monday. Pretty good day. Repaired fence. Mother and Mabel went to Dan's. Mrs Dan & Letha Called to day. George Drove Mell to day.
24 Tuesday. Pretty good day. Mabel, Freddie and the old Man went to town sold 3 bushels Turnips = 75# Hen. Snavely Called this after noon. Mrs. Goble Called this morning. Mother went to Gobles this after noon.
25 Wednesday. Pretty good day. Wash day. Mrs. Letha Goble helped us Wash. Repaired fence. Lady Empson Called this eve ning. Hen. Snavely & wife Called this morning. Wind changed to north this eve. & Turned cold Dusty.
26 Thursday. Pretty good day. But cool. Went to town in the evening. L N Swope called in the evening and went to town with me. Attended Knights of Pythias lodge. Home even 12 Oclock midnight.
27 Friday. Went to Rice in forenoon. Received lette[r]s from Hendee Everly & Tom Lamay. Went to town after noon. Home 6:40 P. M. Snavely Husked corn Lady Empson Called to day
28 Saturday. Cloudy & cool. Killed a hog in forenoon. Dug Potatoes after noon. Social at Swopes in the evening. There was about 50 people there. Grand good Supper. Home at midnight. Snavely Husked corn.
29 Sunday. Clear & cold. George went to Fred Wards after noon. Hen. Snavely A. D. Goble, W. H. Bolen Jack Matthews were here they hitched up Jumbo. I went to Oda McIntosh after Dinner Home a little after dark


30 Monday. Pretty decent day Snavely Husked corn Lady Snavely Called and staid all day. Dug Sweet Potatoes.
31 Tuesday. Good day. Went to Rice after noon. Lady Empson Called Hen. Snavely Husked corn Received a letter from John

November, 1893

1 Wednesday. Pretty good day. Wash day. Mother went [to] Mrs. Empson to Old Man Spargurs after dinner. Snavely Sick. Loaned my wagon to Swope. Tom Lamay and D. S. Steele Called as they went by to St Jo. I went to Henderson after Dinner. Went to Clyde in the evening. Henderson went with me. Was chairman of Populist meeting. P L Mo[n]tgomery from Arkansaw spoke Home 1 A. M fearful cold High North & dusty.
2 Thursday Clear & cold high wind North. D. S. & Tom Lamay Called. Snavely Husked corn.
3 Friday. Clear & Pleasant Snavely Husked corn Ladies Empson & Goble Called. Also A. D. Goble. Lady Snavely Called this evening
4 Saturday. Pretty good day. Went to town. P. L. Montgomery made a speech. Snavely Husked corn. Lottie came home with me. Attended Alliance Home 10 P. M.
5 Sunday. Good day. Warm & Pleasant. Charley & Dr. [E. L.] Day came out from town. Dr McCasey & family visited us to day. Dr & I went to Tom Debukes [Dubuque?] from there to Pete Pories from there to Aurora from Aurora to Pete Pories, from there home. Lottie and Frankie staid all night A. D. Goble came for water this morning. Oda McIntosh Called this morning.
6 Monday. Pretty fair day. Cloudy. High wind South & dusty. Went to Rice with old man Pierce. Sam Demers Called to day. Lady Empson Called. Snavely Husked corn.
7 Tuesday Election day. Pretty good day. Snavely Husked corn 1/2 day. Paid Him Cash to day $3.00 The old man awful sick this evening. The election passed off quietly Pops looseing votes each year. Mother went [to] town after noon with Lottie and Fred Mabel went in the morning with George. The old man fearful sick. Did not go to bed until midnight.
8 Wednesday. Pretty good day. Hauled 1 load of corn for Swope. Hauled it to Aurora. Snavely Husked corn. Jim Shafer & family called & had Supper with us. Gave Shaffer our cobs in Hog Pen. Paid Snavely Cash $5.00 George Came home sick this evening. Loaned Swope my wagon this evening after dark. I


received the Sad intelligence that D. S. Steele our Candidate for sheriff is defeated. Terrible. The Alliant is responsible for this Misfortune. The Alliant and the Joints Whiskey did the business.
9 Thursday. Good day. Wash day. All quiet since election. The putrid carcass of the G. O. P. will now rejoice Dam em. A. D. Goble brought Our Mail Social at Link Gobles this evening. The old man not well Dispepsia and other Ailments is enough to use me up in good shape.
10 Friday. Pretty good day. Went to Rice in fore noon Fearful dusty. School Mother & Billius Walno Called in the evening. Snavely Husked corn.
11 Saturday. Commenced to rain in the night. Misted and rained till about noon. then commenced to Snow. And furioushly all after noon. Lady Empson Called and left her Kid while her Ladyship went visiting. This is the first Snow this season. Bad Disagreeable day. A good day to Stay in the house.
12 Sunday. Pleasant day. Snavely Called & Hitched up Jumbo. And then returned him and Said he was spavined. Grand Pap Groves Called and had dinner with us. Lady Empson Called in the evening. George went to Rice after noon for our Mail.
13 Monday Cloudy & cold north wind. Pulled turnips. Lady Empson Called and Pulled turnips. I was at Dan Empsons to day. Goble Ike Reeves & J L Matthews Called also Hen. Snavely. Sadie Matthews was here for Supper. Henderson Called to day. Also Grand Pap Groves Called. Snow all gone. Roads bad.
14 Tuesday. Clear & cold. Raw Wind from the north. Helped A. D. Goble take up his Pump. Jack Matthews calle[d] and I sold him 2 Bushels of Turnips for 50# A. D. Goble cold [called?] and I sold him 2 Bushels Turnips for 50¢ Snavely Husked Corn.
15 Wednesday. Good day. Snavely Husked corn 1/2 day & finished. 19 1/2 days. Paid Balance Due Snavely to day $11.25 Went to Rice after noon. Helped Jack Matthews cut his Seed Hog this morning. Lady Empson Called this evening. Also Jack Matthews and Elmer Henderson. Settled in full with Snavely to for all demands to date.
16 Thursday Pretty good day Went to town with Joe Reginer & James T. Henderson. Filed my Bond for Town Treasure[r]. Home 5 P. M. Grand Pap Groves Called this morning & evening. Had Oysters for Supper.
17 Friday. Fearful high wind. N Cold & Dusty. Went to Mill for ourselves & Jack Matthews. Grand Pap Groves went with me.


Took Jacks Grist home. Geo. staid in town. Gave Charley 1 Sack flour. 1 Sack of Potatoes and a chunk of Hog meat.
18 Saturday. Pretty good day. Mother & Mabel went to town after noon. Freddie and the old man at home alone. Burried our turnips. Wind West. Clear &, cool. George went to Beloit to play foot "Ball." Dug Thompson & son Called to trade horses. No trade in me.
19 Sunday Fine day. Mother Freddie and the old man went to Thompsons. They were not at home. We went east 3 Miles then north 3 Miles thence west home 3 Miles Making a drive of 12 Miles Home 1:15 P. M. The old man laid up with rheumatism. Got it in the Shoulders awfully bad. A. D. Goble Called to day.
20 Monday. Wash day. Went to the River for Sand. Commenced to Rain before I got home & continued until dark Rained slowly. Ike. Woodruff Called for his money for cleaning School house $1.50 order No 36. Charley Pierce Came home with Fred to stay all night. Received a letter from John, also Nellie.
21 Tuesday. Clear & cool. High wind north west. Jack Matthews killed a beef I was there a couple of hours George Townsdin Called Also Grand Pap Groves & Lady Matthews. A. D. Goble hauled water from here to day. Made Door for Horse stable. Lady Empson Called this evening
22 Wednesday. Cloudy & cold High wind north. Went to Aurora. Sent John $25.00 Bank exchange 10¢ 1 Bottle of Beer 25¢ 1 cigar 5¢ = $25.40 Home 12:10 P. M. Archie Longtin rode with me from Aurora to Nelson Center. Lady Empson Called Also Hon Snavely. Also a peddler This evening clear and cold. George Broke down the Cart.
23 Thursday. Cloudy & cool. A. D. Goble Called to day. Went to Aurora in the evening Banquet Pythian. at Frank Leotoneaus [Letourneau]. Made a speech. Afterward Played High (5) with Old Man Pimet Don Atwood and the young Banker Beat them 3 out of 5 Home 2 A. M
24 Friday Cloudy and Cold Went to Rice after dinner. Received a letter from Lawyer Welker, Albion. Dr McCasey Calle[d] this evening. J. T. Henderson Called this morning.
25 Saturday- Cloudy & cold. High wind north. Dr McCasey Called. George went to town for our tricks [ticks?] Bed Stead, springs, lee chest, chair & other things Mother went to town. Lottie came home with mother. . . . Mother & George Home a


little before dark. A. D. Goble & E. Gardner Called The old Man at home with the Kids.
26 Sunday. Dull cloudy day. Charley & Lottie here. Grand Pap Groves Called twice to day.
27 Monday. Dull & cloudy in the morning. Charley & Lottie went to town Also George in the Buggy. Cleared up in the forenoon. Pleasant. Hauled straw. A. D. Goble hauled water from our tank. Lottie Goes to Lincoln to day. Charley makes a damed ass of himself. J T Henderson Called this evening
28 Tuesday. Good day. Went to town. Took Dudley to Dr Operate on his eye. Poor job of it. Home between 5 and six P. M. Frankie McCasey Came home with me.
29 Wednesday. Pretty good day.
30 Thursday. Thanksgiving Fearful High wind north and cold. We went to Goble to a big dinner & Turkey roast. Big crowd. George and Elmer Henderson went to town. Awful cold. George Home 7 P. M

December, 1893

1 Friday. Cloudy and cold. 7 Degrees above zero. Worked at Grove yard after noon. Grand Pap Groves Called in the morning.
2 Saturday. Wash day. Commenced to Sleet and then Snow about 9 A. M. Continued all day. Cold. Went to town with Henderson. Home at dark. Bad cold day Stormy Wind north and north east.
3 Sunday. Pretty decent day after the storm. Mother & I went to town after noon to turkey roast. Took Frankie McCasey home. Ate turkey with Dr and Mrs. McCasey. Home a little after dark. Grand Pap Groves Called to day and Borrowed 2 Envelops. He wrote to John at Kansas City.
4 Monday. Good day. Went to Rice for our mail. Received a letter from Lottie. Hon Snavely Called in the evening. Wash day. Congress meets to day. Now what will they do? Wait and See. Washed Our Buggy.
5 Tuesday. Good Day. Went to Ames & home 1:30 P. M Washed the Buggy. Lady Empson Called in the eve. George Laman & Anna Detrixhe were Married to Day by Judge Stoner, in Concordia. George is a Yankee & Anna is a Belgium French. Good luck to you George & Anna
6 Wednesday. Good day. Went to town. Sold 4 Hogs weight 9.25 4.70 per hundred = $43.45 Paid my taxes $31.14 Paid


Grand Pap Groves taxes $4.57 Paid John cash $2.00 for George Pants. cigars 30# = $36.01 [ ?]
7 Thursday. Good day. Repaired our Cart. Mother went to Dan Empsons after noon. J. T. Henderson Call [ed] this morning
8 Friday. Good day. Went to town with load of oats 53 Bus. Price 25¢ per bus. = $13.35 [?] Home 5 P. M Bought Shoes $2.25 over shoes 1.40 Cigars and Dinner 55¢ = $4.20
9 Saturday Cloudy & cool. Mother & Freddie went to town. George Came Home with them.
10 Sunday. Good day. Charley Pierce was here to. Moth[er] and the Kids went to church this evening. the old man at home alone.
11 Monday. Wash Day. Warm and pleasant. Turned colder about 4 P. M. wind north. Oda McIntosh Called. Grand Pap Groves Called to day looking for Jakes Kid which was lost. They found it asleep on the cob pile. I went to Matthews about 4 P. M. Paid Grand Pap for the Cart we bough [t] some time ago. I Paid his taxes $4.57 and Cash $3.43 Total $8.00
12 Tuesday. Clear & cold. High wind north east. J. T. Henderson Called this evening. Also W. H. Bolen Spotted heifer calved. Bull calf 12 Days over time.
13 Wednesday. Cloudy and cold. Old Man Goble Called this morning Also Lady Bell. I went to Jack Matthews when I had Dinner and helped make a gate for cemetry.
14 Thursday. Good day. Pleasant Went to town with oats 56 Bus. at 25¢ = 14.00 Received a sack of fruit from California. freight 75#. A rich present. Grand Pap Groves Called to day Also Goble & Tom Clegg. Bought 3 grave Roots from him for $1.20 Home from town 4:15 P. M
15 Friday Went to Rice in the morning for coal Stormed for about 1 hour. Genuine Blizzard. Went to town after noon. At tended lodge Paid my Dues $4.50 for this year. Staid all night with Dr. McCasey. Grand Good Supper.
16 Saturday. Good day. Mrs McCasey and Kid came home with me. Home at noon. Grand Pap Groves called and had dinner with us. George went to Minneapolis with the Concordia Team to play foot Ball. Mrs McCasey went to Jack Matthews in the eve. Mother Mabel & Fannie went to church in the evening.
17 Sunday. Fine day. Dr McCasey came this morning & George with him. C. C. Stoner & family visited us to day. Fedore


Leoffler Called to day to see about paying for Gyp and Kit. Head aches
18 Monday. Fine day. Wash day. Lady Empson Called. George went to town on train from Soonover. Young Mince Called and wanted to buy a team of Horses. I would not Sell on credit.
19 Tuesday Nice fine day. Went to Rice for our Mail. Jack Matthews Called this evening.
20 Wednesday. Fine day. Went to town with Hebert. Home after Dark This my Birth Day 51 Years old. Mother went to Henderson's
21 Thursday. Fine day. Went to Rice after noon. Lewis Hoffman Hurt himself today. Is now under the care of 4 Drs. Hen Snavely Called this eve.
22 Friday. Went to Rice in the forenoon. To town after noon. George brought the team home. Attended chapter. Paid my Dues for the year 1893-$3.00 Good Supper Staid all night with Dr McCasey.
23 Saturday. In town all day. Mother & Mabel Came to town. John [Young] & Harry Thompson Came up from Kansas City. Harry Thompson went home this eve. John & George went to church. Commenced to rain about 8 P. M George and Freddie went to Rice to meet John & Harry.
24 Sunday. Cloudy & Disagreeable. Rained a little. Lewis C. Hoffman Buried to day. very larg[e] funeral Precession. Funeral Services by Rev Dr. Kern. John & Mrs Kellenbarger had Dinner with us to day. Wind South.
25 Monday. Christmas Day Fine day but cool. Big dinner at Jack Matthews. We were all there. Our.Cattle got out to day. David Henry Secrist and Ella Stoner Married yester day. Rece[i]ved a letter from Alba stating she was married on the 20 of Dec 1893
26 Tuesday. Pretty cold in the morning. Boys went to Gobels for His Seed Hog. Turned Seed Hog with my Sows this day. Wash day. Ladies Empson & Bell Called. Also Dr. [Harry] Thompson. Sewing machine [man] Called. Boys went to Church at the Center in the eve.
27 Wednesday. Cloudy & cold. High wind South east. John & I went to Fedore Leofflers to See Some Stock. Leoffler not being at home we went to Aurora. And Saw him there. Paid C M. Troop [Troup] my lodge Dues $1.25 Home 1:30 P. M John went to


Rice for our mail. The Boys went to church in the evening. Grand Pap Groves Called and had dinner with [us]. I went to Henderson in the evening.
28 Thursday. Pretty good Day. The Boys went to Fedore Leofflers for 1 steer and one Heifer [for] which I am to allow him $30.00 On his note. Boys home about noon. John & Mother went to town after Dinner. Boys went to church in the evening. Henderson Borrowed my wagon.
29 Friday Pretty cold this morning. F. A. H. R. & Mrs. Thompson Called this morning. John & George went to town with chickens. Sold them for 2¢ per pound. Boys went to Church this evening.
30 Saturday. Good day. Boy [s] hauled Hay. Freddie & I went to town after noon. Charley came out in eve John met him at Soonover. George went to church in eve.
31 Sunday. Good day. John Mother Fred Mabel and the old man went to Thompson. George at home alone. Charley went to Thompsons with us. Boys went to church in the eve.

[Part Five, the Concluding Installment, Will Appear in the May, 1947, Issue]


45. Lottie was the wife of Charles Young.
46. William Henry Hagaman was a Concordia restaurant proprietor and brother of J. M. Hagaman, publisher of the Concordia Blade.--Concordia Blade, February 10, 1893.
47. The "legislative war" of 1893 was in progress. Both the Republicans and Populists claimed a majority of the house of representatives and each party organized a separate house. The state militia was called out. The door of Representative hall was smashed by a sledge hammer in the struggle for possession of the hall.-Kansas Historical Collections, v. 16, pp. 425-431.
48. Gen. James B. Weaver, Greenback candidate for the presidency, 1880, and Populist didate for the same office, 1892.
49. The Cherokee outlet, adjoining Kansas on the south, was opened to settlers at noon on September 16. 1893.