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Anderson County

Image of Kansas map with Anderson County highlighted.

Anderson County Historical Society. Anderson County Kansas: Family Stories & History. Salina, KS: Kancen Printing & Advertising, 1989. (K/978.1/-An2/An2a).

Anderson County Kansas Histories. Garnett, KS: Anderson County Historical Society, 1977. (K/978.1/-An2/An2).

Campbell, James Y. First History of Anderson County, From the Earliest Period of the Settlement of the County to the Centennial Year of 1876 . . . . Garnett, KS: Garnett Weekly Journal, 1876. (K/978.1/-An2/Pam.v.1/no. 1).

Church, Olin. Lone Elm Days. N.p.: n.d. (K/978.1/-An2/Pam. v.1/no. 7).

"County's First White Settler was German Carpenter Who Walked from Kansas City," Garnett Review. Feb. 27, 1936. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: G 524).

Fink, Ed. Pictorial History & Folklore of Anderson County, Kansas, From Earliest Times to W.W. II. Garnett, KS: Garnett Publishing Co., 1990. (K/978.1/-An2/F495).

"First Log Cabin & Indian Lookout are Among Historic Sites to be Marked Here," Garnett Review. Jan. 9, 1936. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: G 524).

Hicks, Garold D. Anderson County Remembers: A Pictorial History of Anderson County, Kansas. Garnett, KS: Garnett Publishing, 1998. (K/978.1/-An2/R282).

Irwin, Albert. Kincaid: The First One Hundred Years. N.p.: 1985. (K/978.1/-An2/ Pam.v.1/no. 8).

Johnson, Harry. A History of Anderson County, Kansas. Garnett, KS: The Garnett Review Company, 1936. (K/978.1/-An2/J62).

________. "Markers to be Placed on Spot Where Early Homesteaders Lost Lives in Prairie Fire," Garnett Review. Feb. 6, 1936. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: G 524).

Johnson, William Alexander. The History of Anderson County, Kansas, From Its First Settlement to the Fourth of July, 1876. Garnett, KS: Kauffman & Iler, 1877. (K/978.1/-An2/J63).

Kansas State Historical Society. Anderson County Clippings, 1879-1999. (3 vols.). Topeka, KS: KSHS, n.d. (K/978.1/-An2/Clipp./v.1-3).

Knouse, Charles A., ed. Through the Years . . . Settlement & Founding of Greeley, Kansas. . . . Greeley, KS: Greeley Centennial Committee, 1957. (K/978.1/-An2/Pam. v.1/no. 4).

Lickteig, Dorothy L., & Dorothy M. Sommer. Greeley's Golden Years: Greeley, Kansas. 125 Year History. N.p.: n.d. (K/978.1/-An2/G812).

Peery, Judy, ed. Rush City Centennial, 1886-1986. N.p.: n.d. (K/978.1/-An2/B963).

Root, George A. "The Free State Colony Established by Thaddeus Hyatt," [Extracts from] Lawrence Herald of Freedom, Nov. 22, 1856-Aug. 8, 1857. [16 pp.]. (K/978.1/-An2/mss.).

"Wadsworth Mound, First of County Historic Sites, Figured in 'Underground Railroad,'" Garnett Review. Jan. 23, 1936. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: G 524).

Photograph of Westphalia Concert Band, ca. 1890s.Westphalia, Kansas: The First 100 Years, 1879-1979. N.p.: Westphalia Centennial Committee, n.d. (K/978.1/-An2/W528).