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Archeology bibliography


  • Hoard, Robert J., and William E. Banks, eds., 2006, Kansas Archaeology, University Press of Kansas, Lawrence. Available through the Museum Store in Topeka and Museum Store Online.


Paleoindian 10,000 to 6,000 BCE

  • Hofman, Jack L. and Russell W. Graham, 1998, The Paleo-Indian Cultures of the Great Plains. In Archaeology on the Great Plains, edited by W. Raymond Wood, pp. 87-139. University Press of Kansas, Lawrence.

Archaic 6000 to 1 BCE

  • Hoard, Robert J., William E. Banks, Rolfe D. Mandel, Michael Finnegan, and Jennifer Epperson 2004 A Middle Archaic Burial From East Central Kansas. American Antiquity 69(4):717-739.
  • Thies, Randall M. & Thomas A. Witty, Jr. 1992 The Archaic of the Central Plains. Revista de Arqueologia Americana 5: 137-165.
  • Reynolds, John D. 1984 The Cow-Killer Site, Melvern Lake, Kansas. Anthropological Series Number 12, Archeology Department, KSHS, Topeka.
  • Schmits, Larry J. 1978 The Coffey Site: Environment and Cultural Adaptation at a Prairie Plains Archaic Site. Mid-Continental Journal of Archaeology 3 (1) :70-185.
  • Witty, Thomas A. 1982 The Slough Creek, Two Dog and William Young Sites, Council Grove Lake, Kansas. Anthropological Series Number 10, Archeology Department, KSHS, Topeka.

Early Ceramic 1 BCE to 1,000 CE

  • Marshall, James O. 1972 The Archeology of the Elk City Reservoir A Local Archeological Sequence in Southeast Kansas. Anthropological Series Number 6, Archeology Department, KSHS, Topeka.
  • Witty, Thomas A., Jr. 1999 Cuesta Phase Sites of the Big Hill Lake Area, Southeast Kansas. Contract Archeology Publication Number 19, Archeology Office, KSHS, Topeka.

Middle Ceramic CE 1000 to 1500

  • Blakeslee, Donald J., Editor 1978 The Central Plains Tradition: International Development and External Relationships. Report Number 11. Office of the State Archaeologist, University of Iowa, Iowa City.
  • Latham, Mark 2004 A Solomon River Phase Habitation Site (14ML417): Results of the 1980 KATP Field School. The Kansas Anthropologist 25:1-73.
  • Latham, Mark 2006 The Forsberg Site (14SA420): A Smoky Hill Phase Habitation Site in Central Kansas. The Kansas Anthropologist 27:39-83.
  • Roper, Donna C. 2001 Five Smoky Hill Phase Houses in Saline and Ottawa Counties: The Whiteford Excavations, 1934-1945. The Kansas Anthropologist 22:83-169.
  • Roper, Donna C. 2005 Ceramic Period Components at the Claussen Site, 14WB322, Wabaunsee County, Kansas. The Kansas Anthropologist 26:65-119.
  • Roper, Donna C. 2006 Smoky Hill Phase Settlement Patterns in the Salina Area. The Kansas Anthropologist 27:5-24.
  • Roper, Donna C. 2006 The Whiteford Site, or Indian Burial Pit: A Smoky Hill Phase Cemetery in Saline County. Anthropological Series Number 18. Archeology Office, Kansas Historical Society, Topeka.

Late Ceramic CE 1500 to 1800

  • Bevitt, C. Tod 1999 Life on the High Plains Border: Archeological Investigation of Three Late Prehistoric Habitation Sites in Southwest Kansas. The Kansas Anthropologist 20:1-106.
  • Bevitt, C. Tod 2006 14MP407, A Great Bend Aspect Site in McPherson County, Kansas. The Kansas Anthropologist 27:85-126.
  • Hawley, Marlin F., and Donald J. Blakeslee 2003 An Annotated Bibliography of Great Bend Aspect-Wichita Archeology and Ethnohistory. The Kansas Anthropologist 24: 107-146.
  • Hawley, Marlin F. 2005 Addendum to an Annotated Bibliography of Great Bend Aspect-Wichita Archeology and Ethnohistory. The Kansas Anthropologist 26:9-12.


  • Gebhard, David 1966 "The Shield Motif in Plains Rock Art." American Antiquity 31(5):721-732.
  • Horr, David and Alfred Johnson 1957 Petroglyphs of Central Kansas. Ms on file, Archeology Department, KSHS, Topeka.
  • O'Neill, Brian 1980 The Kansas Petroglyph Survey. Ms on file, Archeology Department, KSHS, Topeka.
  • O'Neill, Brian 1981 Kansas Rock Art. KSHS, Topeka.
  • Wedel, Waldo R. 1969 "A Shield and Spear Petroglyph from Central Kansas: Some Possible Implications." Plains Anthropologist 14(44):125-129.
  • Wells, Nova 1996 Petroglyphs of Saline River Valley, Kansas. Monograph No. 2, American Rock Art Research Association, San Miguel, CA.


Fort Aubrey

  • Galloway, Gene and Ray Mosely 1973 Archeological Resources Reconnaissance, Kendall Lake Site, Hamilton County. Environmental Resources Section, Corps of Engineers, Albuquerque District, New Mexico. Submitted to USDA Forest Service. Copies available from the Kansas SHPO, Topeka.

Fort Dodge

  • King, Marsha K. 1999 Results of Phase III Archeological Investigations at Fort Dodge (14FD315) Ford County, Kansas. Contract Archeology Publication Number 20, Archeology Office, KSHS, Topeka.

Fort Ellsworth

  • Adair, Mary J. 1997 Plant Use at Fort Ellsworth: Multiple Lines of Evidence. Paper presented at the Fifty-fifth Plains Conference, Boulder, Colorado.
  • Bozell, John R. 1997 Bone and Shell Remains from Fort Ellsworth, Kansas. Submitted to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District, Contract Number DACW41-97-P-0169. Copies available from the Kansas SHPO, Topeka.
  • De Vore, Steven L. 1996 Preliminary Field Report Geophysical Investigation at Fort Ellsworth, Kanopolis Lake, Ellsworth County, Kansas. National Park Service, US Department of the Interior, Denver, Colorado. Submitted to US Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District, Purchase Request KC 96-66. Copies available from the Kansas SHPO, Topeka.
  • Ziegler, Robert J. 1996 Fort Ellsworth Archeological Site (14EW26), Kanopolis Lake, Ellsworth County, Kansas. Kansas Anthropological Association Newsletter 8(2):8-9.
  • Ziegler, Robert J. (Editor). 2001 Historical Archaeology at Locality 6 of the Fort Ellsworth Site (14EW26) Kanopolis Lake, Ellsworth County, Kansas. US Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District. Copies available from the Kansas SHPO, Topeka.

Fort Harker

  • King, Marsha K. 1996 Overview of Fort Harker. Kansas Anthropological Association Newsletter 8(2):9-12.
  • King, Marsha K. 1997 Results of Archeological Investigations at Fort Harker 14EW310, Ellsworth County, Kansas. Contract Archeology Publication Number 17, KSHS, Topeka. Copies available from the Kansas SHPO, Topeka.

Fort Hays

Fort Scott

  • Clark, Caven P. 1992 Archeological Investigations at Fort Scott National Historic Site, Bourbon County, Kansas: 1992. Technical Report No. 28, Midwest Archeological Center, USDI, Lincoln, Nebraska.
  • Ketcham, Sally Johnson 1979 The Quartermaster Storehouse, Fort Scott, Kansas. Ms. on file, KSHS, Topeka.
  • Ketcham, Sally Johnson 1978 The Dragoon Barracks, Fort Scott, Kansas. Ms. on file, KSHS, Topeka.
  • Ketcham, Sally Johnson 1975 The Hospital, Fort Scott, Kansas. Ms. on file, KSHS, Topeka.
  • Ketcham, Sally Johnson 1978 The Headquarters, Fort Scott, Kansas. Ms. on file, KSHS, Topeka.
  • Ketcham, Sally Johnson 1973 Officer's Quarters No. 1, Fort Scott, Kansas. Ms. on file, KSHS, Topeka.
  • Ketcham, Sally Johnson 1977 The Guardhouse, Fort Scott, Kansas. Ms. on file, KSHS, Topeka.
  • Reynolds, John D. 1983 Archeological Investigations at Old Fort Scott, 14BO302, Fort Scott, Kansas. Archeology Department, KSHS, Topeka. Submitted to US Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Midwest Region, Contract No. 14-10-2:920-46. Copies available from the Kansas SHPO, Topeka.
  • Unknown. Reminiscences of Some Incidents in the Career of an United States Dragoon Between the Years 1839 and 1844. Ms. on file, KSHS, Topeka.

Fort Wallace

  • King, Marsha K. 1999 Results of Phase III Archeological Investigations at Fort Wallace (14WC303) Wallace County, Kansas. Contract Archeology Publication Number 21, Archeology Office, KSHS, Topeka.

Fort Zarah

Indian Missions

Iowa and Sac & Fox Mission

  • Witty, Thomas A. 1968 "Notes From the Editor." Kansas Anthropological Association Newsletter 14(1):7-8.

Ottawa Baptist Mission

  • Lees, William B. 1986 Jotham Meeker's Farmstead Historical Archeology at the Ottawa Baptist Mission, Kansas. Anthropological Series Number 13, Archeology Department, KSHS, Topeka.

Shawnee Indian Mission

  • Barr, Tom, Martin Stein, and Marsha King 2000 "Pack Rat with a Mission." Kansas Preservation, 22(6):6-7.

Wea and Osage Mission

  • King, Marhsa K. 1999 Results of Phase II Archeological Investigations at the Wea Presbyterian Mission, Osage River Subagency, and Wea dn Piankeshaw Baptist Mission (14MM322) Miami County, Kansas. Archeology Office, KSHS, Topeka.

Potawatomi Mission

  • Barr, Thomas P. 1977 "The Pottawatomie Baptist Manual Labor Training School." Kansas Historical Quarterly 43(Winter):377-431.

Pratt Delaware Baptist Mission

  • Gowing, Clara 1911 "Life Among the Delaware Indians." Kansas Historical Collections 12(1911-1912): 183-193.

Farms and Ranches

Hudson farmstead (14GR346)

  • Larson, Nadine, Michael Madson, and David Mather 2004 Cultural Resources Investigations at the Hudson (14GR346) and Simair (14GR354) Sites Greenwood County, Kansas. Contract Archeology Publication Number 25, Archeology Office, KSHS, Topeka.
  • Weston, Timothy 1993 Phase II Cultural Resource Survey of High Potential Areas Within the Southeast Kansas Highway Corridor. Contract Archeology Publication Number 10, Archeology Office, KSHS, Topeka.
  • Wulfkuhle, Virginia 2005 Face to Face with the Kansas Past. Kansas Preservation 27(2):19-20.

Simair farmstead (14GR354)

  • Larson, Nadine, Michael Madson, and David Mather 2004 Cultural Resources Investigations at the Hudson (14GR346) and Simair (14GR354) Sites Greenwood County, Kansas. Contract Archeology Publication Number 25, Archeology Office, KSHS, Topeka.
  • Weston, Timothy 1993 Phase II Cultural Resource Survey of High Potential Areas Within the Southeast Kansas Highway Corridor. Contract Archeology Publication Number 10, Archeology Office, KSHS, Topeka.

Johnson/Williams dugout (14GH102)

  • Bugarin, Flordeliz T. 2007 KATP Searches for the Nicodemus Past. Kansas Preservation 28(4):7-13.
  • De Vore, Steven L. 2007 Geophysical Investigations of Two Dugout Locations Associated with Nicodemus National Historic Site, Graham County, Kansas. Submitted to Nicodemus National Historic Site, Nicodemus, Kansas.
  • Wood, Margaret C. 2007 Explorations of the Struggles and Promise of African American Settlement on the Great Plains: Archaeological Survey and Testing of Sites Related to the Settlement Period and Early History of Nicodemus, Kansas.  Ms. of file, Archeology Office, KSHS, Topeka.

Mahaffie House (14JO356)

  • Lees, William B. 1989 Archeological Investigations at the Mahaffie Farmstead, Olathe, Kansas. The Kansas Anthropologist 10 (1 & 2):18-29.
  • Schmits, Larry J. Archaeological Testing of the Proposed Blacksmith Shop, Mahaffie Farmstead and Stagecoach Stop Historic Site, Olathe, Kansas. Submitted to the City of Olathe and the Kansas Historical Society.

Martin farmstead (14RP322)

  • Schoen, Christopher M. 1994 Phase IV Salvage Investigations at the Martin Farmstead (14RP322) i n Republic County, Kansas. Contract Archeology Publication Number 12, Archeology Department, KSHS, Topeka.

Cottonwood Ranch (14SD327)

  • King, Marsha K. 2003 In Search of the Pratt's Icehouse. Kansas Preservation 25(1):3-6.
  • King, Marsha K. 1998 Results of Phase II Archeological Investigations at the Cottonwood Ranch State Historic Site (14SD327). Archeology Office, KSHS, Topeka.

Dairy (14WN362)

  • Garst, Christine 2009 Phase III Cultural Resource Survey of Historic Period Archeological Sites within the K-96 Southeast Kansas Highway Corridor, Greenwood and Wilson Counties, Kansas. Archeology Office, KSHS, Topeka.