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As Published - November 1938

November 1938 (Vol. 7, No. 4), pages 422 to 430
Transcribed by lhn;
digitized with permission of the Kansas Historical Society.

Articles on Kansas history published in recent numbers of The Aerend, quarterly publication of Fort Hays Kansas State College, Hays, included: "That Was the Life," notes on early-day Oberlin, by Naomi Griffith, Summer, 1937, number; "A New Menace to the Middle West: The Dust Storm," by Victor C. Seibert, Fall, 1937; "The Western Frontier of 1860," by Raymond L. Welty, Winter, 1938; and "The Future of Kansas Archaeology," by Wayne Delavan, Summer, 1938.

Included among Kansas subjects of a historical nature discussed in a seven months' period by Victor Murdock in his front-page column, printed daily in the Wichita (Evening) Eagle, were: "When a Group of Kansans Strung a Railroad Line Lengthwise of Mexico," December 4, 1937; "Oldest of Branding Irons in Continuous Kansas Use Is Preserved by Wichitan [Fred Hinkle]," December 17; Kansas communities that work back, after oil excitement, to their old composure, December 27; "Low Down on Sunflower [Kansas emblem] as Found in Ancient Book," December 28; "What New Years Was Like Sixty-one Years Ago Today in the Town of Wichita," January 1, 1938; "Spartan Stamina of a Race That Showed in a Wichitan, the Late John (Jack) Abbott," January 4; Eagle township history, January 7; "One Long Cattle Drive from Texas to St. Louis Preceding Trail End Here," January 8; Salina Indian burial ground being excavated by G. L. Whiteford and others, January 10; "Reuben A. Cox Witnessed Entry of First Railroad Into Sedgwick County," January 12; "Record of First Lumber Yard Established in Wichita by Messrs. Weeks and Ewing," January 18; Ninnescah township settlers and their descendants, January 21; "Filling Extra Big Wagon With Buffalo Hindquarters Out West of Wichita," January 26; Viola township history, January 28; Burton car works north of Wichita, February 3; Greeley township history, February 4; "An Eye-witness Account of the Death of John Sedgwick," February 11; Lincoln's journey to Kansas in 1859, February 12; "Long Journey Into Wichita On the Running Gears of an Early-Day Wagon," February 17; Eugene F. Ware, February 25; "Short Step in Time From the Buffalo to the Long-Horn and From the Long-Horn to the Purebred Cattle



of This Day," March 3; "Series of Wichita Views Which For the Most Part Have Now Disappeared," March 5; "Strange Escape of a Drum From Fury of the Tornado Which Tore Up Towanda [in 1892]," March 17; "Thirty Red Prisoners of War, Several of Them Chiefs, Once Liberated at Wichita [in 1878]," March 18; "Glimpse of William Couch, Who Was Second in Command to Oklahoma Captain Payne," March 23; "Things C. A. Aikman Recalls About a Terrible Tornado [Towanda, March 31, 1892]," March 31; "Stage Coach Arrival Here [in 1870] That Has Been Followed by Years Rich in Happiness," April 4; "[Jesse Chisholm] Witnessed a Statement Confirming the Death of . . . Sequoyah in Old Mexico," April 12; memory of G. A. Reese, who "Played With Children of German Family Massacred by the Indians," April 13; "When Oklahoma Opened at an Exciting High Noon Forty-nine Years Ago Today," April 22; "One Ghost City [Cave Springs] in Kansas Which Never Had a Funeral Save That of Town Itself," April 27; "Picture of Prairie Dugout, Outpost of Civilization, on High Plains of Kansas," April 30; "Contributions of Nations to Population of Kansas When the State Was Young," May 5 ; "Old Arkansas City Letter, Written Sixty-six Years Ago, Tells a Story of the Past," May 6; "Kansas Pioneer Mother Who Would Not Believe That Her Baby Was Dead," May 7; "Reminiscence of Dr. E. B. Allen, Pioneer," May 10; "Story Shards in Kansas Tell of Tempering Pots by the Prairie Indians," May 12; "Big Well at Greensburg Which Is Fine Monument to the City's Pioneers," May 25; "Old Iron Bed of Press Served as Landing-Stage at the Speer Home Here," May 31; "Climax of a Frontier Episode in Kansas-the Massacre of a Merchant, Don Jose Antonio Chavez, and His Servants by a Band of Ruffians," June 15; "Changes in Campaigning Have Been Brought About By Motor and Microphone," June 16; "People Scratched Gravel Here at the Beginning or They Didn't Stay Long," June 23; masters of Wichita Lodge No. 99, A. F. & A. M., from 1871 to date, June 28, and "Legal Hanging in Kansas at the Very Beginning of the State's History," June 30.

Canville trading post's history was sketched by Marie A. Olson in the Topeka Daily Capital, December 5, 1937. The post, the site of which is in the present village of Shaw, was established in the Osage country in 1844 by Maj. A. B. Canville.

Wichita Sunday Eagle historical features for a seven-months' period include: "A Cow Man May Be Down But He Is Never


Out," the experiences of Frank Griffith, by Albert W. Bentz, and "Why Wichita Leads Nation in Traffic Safety," by Arch M. O'Bryant, December 5, 1937; "Wichita Official [L. N. Toland] Shows Talent as Artist," by Kenneth F. Sauer, December 12; "Memories of El Dorado and Its First Water Mill," by G. M. Weeks, and "Wichita Again Discusses Notorious Finney Bond Scandal," by Arch O'Bryant, January 16, 1938; description of surgical instruments used by W. P. Teague, assistant surgeon in the Forty-second North Carolina regiment during Civil War, by Pliny Castanien, February 13; "[Bruce Moore] Wichita Artist Attracts Attention With Work as Sculptor," by Albert W. Bentz, April 3; "When Wichita First `Took the Cars' Sixty-six Years Ago," coming of the first Santa Fe train to Wichita, May 16, 1872, by John Reed, April 10; "[Wilbur A. Weston] Wichita Man Has Daily Record of His Life for 55 Years," by Albert W. Bentz, and "[R. T. Aitchison's] Interest in Printing Prompts Collection of Rare Books," by Lovenia Lindberg, April 17; "Naftzger Print Collection Goes to Wichita Art Museum," by W. R. Beeson, May 1; "Anthony to Celebrate Founding of City 60 Years Ago," by Harry Peebles, May 22; "Five Great Corridors Mark Kansas Wheat Belt," by Lester F. Kimmel, May 29; "How Street Fair Brought Thrills to Wichita Years Ago," by Pliny Castanien, June 5; "Death of Barber County Man [Patrick Henry Bunker] Closes Story of Siamese Twins," by Lovenia Lindberg, June 12; "History of U. S. Highway 81 Has Much Interest for Wichita," by A. Q. Miller, and "Wichita's Chamber of Commerce Becomes of Age," by Ralph S. Hinman, June 19; "Wichita Weather Bureau Completes 50 Years of Service," by Jimmy Fullerton, June 26.

Historical articles of interest to Kansans appearing in the Kansas City (Mo.) Times during the first half of 1938 include: "Sandzen and Curry of Kansas, Pioneers of Art in the West," January 3, 1938; "[Dr. William M. Jardine] The Cowboy Who Became a Top Hand as Public Servant and Educator," January 26; "A Dramatic Story of 77 Years in the History of Kansas Day," January 29; "First Special Session in Kansas Called in State's Darkest Year [1874]," February 5; "Seventy-Five Years at Kansas State, the College of the Prairie Settlers," February 16; "The Days When the Rainmakers Tried Their `Magic' in Kansas," February 19; "Veteran of Populist Revolt [W. H. Ryan] Reviews Long Career in Kansas Legislature," March 5; "When [Glenn] Cunningham of Kansas Runs He Clocks Himself by His Stride," March 12; "Train-


ing of Teachers in Kansas Celebrated in Two Anniversaries [Seventy-five Years Ago, Kansas State Teachers College at Emporia Was Authorized]," March 18; "How Two Cities at Kaw's Mouth Got Tagged With the Same Name," April 5; "Traveling Libraries Take Culture to the Small Towns of Kansas," April 16; "'Hay Meadow Massacre' Climaxed County-Seat War Fifty Years Ago," May 5; "Move to Change Highway Marking Stirs Friends of Santa Fe Trail," May 13; "K. U. Memories of Kate Stephens as Scholar and Figure in Romance," May 19; "When Henry Allen Spied on Populists and Was Caught in Opera House Attic," May 25; "John Ise, the Downs, Kan. Singer, Still Hums as Teacher and Writer," June 1; "Osage Indian Band Saved Kansas From Rebel Attack 75 Years Ago," June 10, and "The Old Oregon Trail Revitalized by a Diary and a Kansan's Camera," June 20.

The story of Boston Corbett, reputed slayer of John Wilkes Booth, Lincoln's assassin, was reviewed by W. F. Hughes in his "Facts and Comment" column in the Rooks County Record, Stockton, January 27, February 3 and 10, 1938. Mr. Corbett was a resident of Cloud county in later years. The reminiscences of Mrs. J. H. Middlekauff, Hays' resident for more than seventy years, were recorded by Mr. Hughes in the March 17 and 24 issues.

Kansans and former Kansans in congress were named by Clif Stratton in the Topeka Daily Capital, February 6, 1938. Mr. Stratton's count shows the state has five senators and seventeen representatives.

Anthony's postoffice history as given by Ruskin Couch, postmaster, at the dedicatory services for the city's new postoffice building February 15, 1938, was recorded in the Anthony Republican, February 17. The office was established on June 14, 1878. George W. Moffat was the first postmaster.

The sixty-fifth anniversary of the organization of Winfield as a city of the third class was observed with a celebration and home-coming February 22 to 28, 1938. Winfield history was reviewed in considerable detail in the Winfield Record and Daily Courier in issues contemporaneous with the celebration. The charter was granted the city February 22, 1873.

Osawatomie's Graphic-News issued its fiftieth anniversary edition February 24, 1938. The following articles were among those featured in the thirty-two illustrated pages: "50 Years of Public Service by the Graphic-News; Founded by F. Pyle"; "Osawatomie Became City [of Third Class] October 1, 1883"; "Local


Masonic Lodge Charter Was Granted Seventy-nine Years Ago," by Lisle W. Chambers; "First Organization of Baptists in 1862, Rev. B. L. Read First Pastor," "First School in Osawatomie Was in 1857 on Subscription Plan," by C. S. Bixby; "Osawatomie Christian Church Was Organized in February, 1892," by the Rev. Luther Cole; "Presbyterian Church Is Another Half-Centenarian in Osawatomie," by the Rev. H. M. Throop; "American Legion Post Is Active Organization in This Community," by J. Frank Imes; "Hanlin-Kelley Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Established Six Years," by Lester M. Freeman; "Present Carnegie Free Library Had Its Start Back in 1889," by Mrs. Helyn H. Imes; "Eastern Star Chapter Has Been Active in Osawatomie Since 1882," by Mrs. Eleanor Beasley; "Women's Booster Club Since 1931," by Mrs. Dana L. Dunaway; "Build Church [Christian Scientist] 1927," by Mrs. C. S. Edgerle; "Elk's Lodge Is Thirty-Four Years Old," by Dr. A. W. Fairchild; "Active B. P. W. Club," by Christine Ward; "Mo. Pac. Booster Club 12 Years," by John H. Erickson; "In Osawatomie's Sport Realm"; "1. 0. 0. F. Lodge Is in Fifteenth Year," by A. W. Fairchild; "Rotary Eight Years Old"; "Osawatomie Methodism Dates Back to 1854; 86 Members in Two Years," by the Rev. Eugene Kramer; "Osawatomie Has Been a Missouri Pacific Town Since Early 1880"; "St. Phillips Church Built in 1921; Catholics First Met in School House," by Father John O'Connor; "Osawatomie's Municipal Water and Light Plant," by R. A. Hanfeld; "John Brown's Cabin," "The Battle of Osawatomie," by Anna L. January; "Osawatomie State Hospital," and "Samuel Geer Was First Postmaster."

Four historical articles of special Kansas interest published in the Kansas City (Mo.) Star early in the year are: "Last Indian Massacre in Kansas Was Carried Out Sixty Years Ago [in present Decatur county]," February 24, 1938; "Salina Is 80 Years Old," March 13; "[Dr. Thomas C. Hinkle of Onaga] Kansas Author of Animal Stories Creates Realm of Heroic Adventure," March 24, and "Call to War Against Slavery Given by Settlers in Kansas [in 1855]," June 18.

The history of the Kansas State Teachers College of Emporia, established by a legislative act signed by the governor March 7, 1863, was briefly reviewed in the March, 1938, issue of the Kansas Teacher.

Kansas oil history from 1860 was sketched in a four-page section of the Wichita Sunday Beacon, April 10, 1938. Maps illustrating the development westward by counties were featured.


"Along With Music, the Art of Living Has Been Mastered in Lindsborg, Kan.," was the title of an article written by Conwell Carlson in the Kansas City (Mo.) Times, April 28, 1938. He pictured these people in the process of assimilation. A typical example is the two-towered brick country temple, one inscribed in Swedish and the other in English. Their love for coffee and song, sill och potatis, knackebrod, polka grisar and smorgasbord are interesting reminiscences of their former days.

An "Early Abilene" edition was issued by the Abilene High School Booster, May 12, 1938. Featured articles included: "Tom Smith," by Merven Neis; "Wild Bill Hickok," by G. C. Etherington; "Chronological History of Abilene," by Mildred Hess and Wilma Staehli; "Grasshoppers of '74," and "Abilene Cattle Trail," by Kay Crawford; "Chisholm Trail," by Uretha Reynolds; "Wheels of Industry," by Dale Berger; "Local Government of Abilene," by Jane Giles; "Disasters of Early Abilene Flood of 1903," by Bob Owens; "Marked Sites in Abilene," by Rosemary Haslouer; "Well-known Abilene Names," by Jean Asling and Mildred Schultz; "Abilene's Churches," by Wendell Harmon; "Before the Dawn," by LeRoy Jolley; "Organizations," by Elma Monroe; "Early Railroad Lines Through Abilene Started the Town"; "Texas Street," by Frank Puckett; "99.98 Per Cent," by Wilmer Kuhn; "Some of the Early Publications of Abilene and the County"; "Abilene High School"; "The Story of T. C. Henry," by Christine Nelson, and "Smoke Eating [Fire Department]," by Robert Polley.

The Great Bend Herald is publishing a series of interviews with Don Dodge under the heading "Along the Pioneer Years," beginning May 13, 1938. Mr. Dodge settled in the Great Bend vicinity in 1871.

The sixtieth anniversary of the founding of Anthony was celebrated May 25-27, 1938. The Anthony Republican issued an illustrated 50-page historical edition on May 19 featuring pioneer reminiscences and histories of the city's churches, schools, railroads, postoffice, banks, clubs, library, fair association, and telephone company. Included among other headline articles were: "City Has Had 23 Mayors in 60 Years," "Story of Game and Wild Life," "Many `Highlights' Found in History of City's Administration and Government," "Anthony Located on April 6, 1878," "2,132 Residents Listed in 1885," "Sugar Mill Was Early Industry," "Plans to `Organize' Harper County Made in a Store at Baxter Springs," "Old Washington School Was Scene of County's Only Lynching in


1886," "Street Railway System Proposed for Anthony," "Anthony Charter Filed in July, 1878," "Anthony Legion Post Named for Local Boy Killed in France in 1918," "Newspapers Were Numerous in Early Day History of Anthony Journalism," "Most Disastrous Storm in History of County Occurred at Harper, May, 1892," "Anthony's Hose Team Takes National Championship in the Years 1888-1889," "Opening of Oklahoma Strip Marked by Excitement and Wild Confusion," "A Complete List County Officers," " `Old Opera House,' Once Among Finest Buildings of Its Kind in the West," and "Tennessee Colony Formed in County." A reproduction of the city's first newspaper, the Anthony Journal dated August 22, 1878, accompanied the edition.

Overbrook newspaper history was reviewed in the Overbrook Citizen, June 9, 1938.

A history of Salem Lodge No. 228, A. F. & A. M., was sketched by Ray Myers, Salem correspondent, in the Lebanon Times, June 9, 1938. A charter was granted the lodge on February 20, 1884, and in 1891 the lodge moved to Esbon.

The Leader-Courier of Kingman issued a well-illustrated sixty- page sixtieth anniversary edition June 17, 1938. Pictures of many of the city's business and professional men, business houses and institutions were printed. Also featured were histories of the city's clubs, churches, schools, railroads, bus lines, banks, library, post- office, Leader-Courier, flour mill, telephone, light and water plant. Titles of other articles included: "Kingman in 1908," "Dust Storm Hit County in 1904," "Kingman County Has Had Two Oil Discoveries in the Past Twelve Years," "Kingman Piped for Gas in 1929," "Blizzard of 1874 Told by Sebring," "Dedicate Courthouse at Kingman March 23, 1908," "County Officers Since Founding," "First Railroad Came to Kingman on June 3, 1884," "First Term of Court Held in Kingman in 1878," "Four Granges in Kingman County," "Street Cars in Use Here in 1887," and "First Christmas in Kingman."

Notes on Council Grove's library history were published in the Council Grove Republican, July 18 and 27, 1938. W. A. Miller, now of Washington, D. C., was the first librarian.

The story of a baby-mixing incident at a dance at the Hutchinson mill in Marysville in 1867 was reviewed in the Marshall County News, Marysville, July 28, 1938. The article related that the story


was told Owen Wister some years later and was incorporated into his famous Western novel, The Virginian.

A detailed "History of Neosho County Newspapers" was a feature of the seventieth anniversary edition of the St. Paul Journal, August 4, 1938. The history, written by W. W. Graves, publisher of the Journal, has also been issued in pamphlet form.

Potter county, Texas, recently observed the fiftieth anniversary of its organization and Gene Howe's Amarillo (Tex.) Sunday News-Globe celebrated the occasion with the issuance, on August 14, 1938, of a 280-page historical edition. Included among the feature stories on Southwest history were: "Chisholm Trail Was Named For a Trapper, Not a Cattleman," "The Spanish Horse Changed the History of the Great Plains," "Trail Driving Required Skill and Courage to Surmount Hazards," "Buffalo Hunting Industry Assumed Unbelievable Proportions," "Kidnaping of Four German Sisters Led to Brilliant Charge of Baldwin," "Stupidity of Plains Buffalo Was Partly Responsible For its Rapid Extinction," "Painted Horde Repulsed at Battle of Adobe Walls," "Bat Masterson Never Killed Men Needlessly," "Bent's Fort Planned to Resist Fierce Attacks," and "Coronado Leads His Swarthy Spaniards on the First of Many Expeditions."

The Fort Scott Tribune issued a twenty-four page "Made in Fort Scott edition" August 15, 1938, which reviewed the histories of some of the city's industries.

The Washington County Register, of Washington, observed its seventieth anniversary with the issuance of an 88-page illustrated historical supplement September 16, 1938. Among the numerous features were: A facsimile of the first page of Vol. 1, No. 1, of The Western Observer, Washington's first newspaper published March 25, 1869, by Mark J. Kelley; "A Brief History of The Washington County Register"; "Washington County From 1850 to 1938," written in part by Dr. Charles Williamson; "Early State History of the Discovery of Kansas"; "Fort Leavenworth Military Road," by George A. Root; histories of Washington, Hollenberg, Haddam, Palmer, Barnes, Mahaska, Enosdale, Greenleaf, Round Grove, Clifton, Linn, Kimeo, Hanover, Strawberry, and Morrowville, and thumbnail sketches of some of their leading citizens and business houses; "Former Editors Speak"; "Graduates of Washington High School From 1885 to 1938"; "Band in Washington for Fifty-five Years"; "Famous Route of Pony Express Is Depicted in Map by W. R. 430


Honnell"; "Cottonwood Station," by John G. Ellenbecker; "Soldiers in Washington County Cemeteries"; "Churches of the County," and a partial list of old settlers residing in the county before 1874.

Histories of some of South Wichita's schools, churches, and business houses were briefly sketched in the 24-page souvenir edition of The South Side Independent, Wichita, September 23, 1938.

An article, "Topeka's Three Namesakes in Other States Are Still Small, Struggling Towns," by Ken Kimbel, appeared in the Topeka Daily Capital, September 25, 1938. The towns Topeka are in Illinois, Indiana and Minnesota. There is also a Topeka Junction in Georgia.

Kirwin history was reviewed in the old settlers' edition of the Kirwin Kansan issued September 29, 1938.

A history of Pleasant Prairie School District No. 38, of Johnson county, was sketched in The Northeast Johnson County Herald, Overland Park, October 27, 1938.

The history of the Kansas State Teachers Association was reviewed by C. O. Wright in the Topeka Daily Capital, November 4, 1938. The association was organized in Leavenworth March 14, 1863.