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Atchison County

Image of Kansas map with Atchison County highlighted.

Anderson, George LaVerne. "Atchison, 1865-1886, Divided & Uncertain." Kansas Historical Quarterly 35 (Spring 1969): 30-45. (SP/906/K13q/v. 35/no. 1/p. 30).

________. The Widening Stream: The Exchange National Bank of Atchison, 1858-1968. Atchison, KS: Lockwood Co., 1968. (K/978.1/-At2/An23).

Atchison, Kansas, "The Town Reliable" : Illustrated Industrial Souvenir Magazine. Atchison, KS: Burbank's Printshop, 1909. (K/978.1/-At2/At2b).

Bixler, Eva. History of Towns & Trails of Atchison County. N.p.: 1948. (K/978.1/-At2/B55).

Byram, Jane (Price). Two Public Buildings in Atchison, Kansas: An Architectural History. Master's Thesis, University of Missouri, KC, 1971. (K720.9/B996).

Curtis, Linda Mae Krogman. Arrington Heights. N.p.: Author, 1977. (K/978.1/-At2/Ar69).

Dickson, Gary D. Atchison, Kansas: Memories of Years Past. Atchison, KS: Atchison Daily Globe, 1991. (K/978.1/-At2/At2gl).

Ingalls, Sheffield. History of Atchison County, Kansas. Lawrence, KS: Standard Publishing Co., 1916. (Microfilm reel: LM 684).

Jones, Bruce. Arrington--A Health Resort. Atchison, KS: Atchison County Museum, 1971. (K/978.1/-At2/Pam.v.2/no. 3).

Kansas State Historical Society. Atchison County Clippings, 1857-1999. (8 vols.). Topeka, KS: KSHS, n.d. (K/978.1/-At2/Clipp./v.1-8).

Maris, Isaac. Early Reminiscences of North-Eastern Kansas in 1857. N.p.: n.d. (K/978.1/-At2/Mss.).

Noll, Rita L. The Early Settlements of Atchison County. Term Paper, Washburn University, 1980. (K/978.1/-At2/N72).

Peltzer, Theodore F. A Photographic Study of 19th Century Architecture: Atchison, Kansas. Atchison, KS: Atchison Art Association, 1976. (K/978.1/-At2/Pam.v.2/no. 4).

Remsburg, George J. Historical & Other Sketches & Items. (5 vols.). N.p.: n.d. (K/978.1/ -At2/R288/v. 1-5).

Lithograph depicting Sumner, Kansas Territory, ca. 1855.________. "Old Sumner" [& Other Dead Towns]. N.p.: n.d. (K/978.1/-At2/Su6).

Roe, Catherine, & Bill Roe. Atchison Centennial, June 20-26, 1854-1954. A Historic Album of Atchison, Kansas. Atchison, KS: Lockwood Co., 1954. (K/978.1/-At2/R62).

Snyder, John W. The Scrapbook of Monrovia, Kansas. (Nos. 1-5). Pasadena, CA: Author, 1959-65. (K/978.1/-At2/M757).

Starnes, Raymond H. History of Huron, Kansas. Everest, KS: Author, n.d. (K/978.1/-At2/ Pam.v.2/no. 51).

The First Hundred Years: Effingham, Kansas, 1868. N.p.: n.d. (K/978.1/ -At2/Pam.v.2/no. 2).

Wilson, Irene C. Muscotah Centennial, June 21 & 22, 1857-1957. N.p.: 1957. (K/978.1/-At2/M971).

Wyman, Walker D. " Atchison, A Great Frontier Depot. " Kansas Historical Quarterly 11 (Aug. 1942): 297-308. (SP/906/K13q/v. 11/no. 3/p. 297).