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Beyond Lewis and Clark - Introduction

The Army Explores The West

Military explorers traveled west as early as 1804 to observe and record everything they found. With each expedition, understanding about the American West became more complete. What they learned profoundly changed the nation.

This online exhibit addresses military explorers from Lewis and Clark (1804) to George Custer (1874).  These explorers all passed through Kansas while gathering information for the U.S. government.

Tour the exhibit by browsing the links below.  Or visit our interactive Beyond Lewis and Clark Flash tour.


Beyond Lewis and Clark is an online exhibit developed by the Kansas Museum of History. It was the result of a partnership between the Kansas Historical Society, the Virginia and Washington State historical societies, the U. S. Army's Frontier Army Museum at Leavenworth, and the U. S. Army Center of Military History.

Contact us at kshs.kansasmuseum@ks.gov