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Bourbon County History Bibliography

Image of Kansas map with Bourbon County highlighted.Barlow, Mary L. The Why of Ft. Scott. N.p.: 1921. (K/978.1/-B66/F776).

Calhoun, William Gunn. Ft. Scott, A Pictorial History. Ft. Scott, KS: Historical Preservation Association of Bourbon County, 1978. (K/978.1/-B66/F77ca).

Cobb, David Glenn, ed. "Letters of David R. Cobb, 1858-1864; Pioneer of Bourbon County." Kansas Historical Quarterly 11 (Feb. 1942): 65-71. (SP/906/K13q/v.11/no. 1/p. 65).

Coe, Elmer. Ft. Scott as I Knew It. Ft. Scott, KS: Monitor Binding & Printing Co., 1940. (K/978.1/-B66/F77cf).

Conkright, James D. A Social History of Ft. Scott, KS, at the Turn of the Century. Master's thesis, Pittsburg State University, 1973. (Not a part of KSHS holdings).

Cory, Charles E. Place Names of Bourbon County, Kansas: Streams, Towns, Deserted Villages, Local Place Names, Townships, etc. Ft. Scott, KS: Monitor Printing Co., 1900. (K/978.1/-B66/Pam.v.1/no. 6).

Ft. Scott Facts: A Ready Reference to Some of the Most Important Facts about Ft. Scott, Kansas; Historical, the Old Fort Museum, Recreation, Industrial. N.p.: n.d. (K/978.1/-B66/Pam.v.1/no. 17).

Ft. Scott's Heritage. N.p.: n.d. (K/978.1/-B66/Pam. v.1/no.15).

Freed, John D., ed. '86 Flood, "We Booked It Just for You!" Ft. Scott, KS: Author, 1987. (K551.57/F875).

Goodlander, Charles W. Memoirs & Recollections of Charles W. Goodlander of the Early Days of Ft. Scott. Ft. Scott, KS: Monitor Printing Co., 1899. (K/978.1/-B66/F77g).

Historic Preservation Association of Bourbon County. Footprints of Bourbon County Families. Ft. Scott, KS: Sekan Printing Co., 1991. (K/978.1/-B66/H629f).

History of U.S. 1st Dragoons; Founders of Ft. Scott, Kansas. N.p.: n.d. (K/978.1/-B66/Pam. v.3).

Kansas State Historical Society. Bourbon County Clippings, 1876-1999. (4 vols.). Topeka, KS: KSHS, n.d. (K/978.1/-B66/Clipp./v.1-4).

Lyman, Clifford H. Aaahh Bourbon, 1842-1865. Ft. Scott, KS: Author, 1984. (K/978.1/-B66/L989).

"100th Anniversary Edition," Ft. Scott Tribune & Ft. Scott Monitor. May 30, 1942. (Microfilm reel: F 307).

Richards, Ralph. Ft. Scott. Ft. Scott, KS: Ft. Scott Chamber of Commerce, 1936. (K/978.1/-B66/F77r).

________. From Home Folks & for Home Folks Came Most of the Facts & Figures in this Booklet. N.p.: n.d. (K/978.1/-B66/Pam. v.1/no.18).

________. The Forts of Ft. Scott & the Fateful Borderland (Clippings). Ft. Scott Tribune, 1941- 1942. (K/978.1/-B66/R392).

________. The Forts of Ft. Scott & the Fateful Borderland. Kansas City, MO: Lowell Press, 1976. (K/978.1/-B66/R392L).

Robley, T.F. History of Bourbon County, Kansas, to the Close of 1865. (repr.). Ft. Scott, KS: Sekan Printing Co., 1975. (K/978.1/-B66/R57/1975).