Butler County Schools Bibliography
"Augusta Graduating Class of 1905 has Reunion Here." Augusta Daily Gazette. Apr. 12, 1961. [1 p.]. (Reel: A2071).
"Augusta High School Class of 1905." Augusta Daily Gazette. Apr. 22, 1961. [1 p.]. (Reel: A2071).
"Augusta Schools Show Progress Since the First School in 1866." Augusta Daily Gazette. Mar. 5, 1938. [1 p.]. (Reel: A2036).
Blood, L.N. "First Augusta Teacher Tells of First School." Augusta Daily Gazette. June 7, 1935. [1 p.]. (Reel: A2032).
Borger, Harold J. "Education." A Pictorial History of Rosalia Township and Rosalia, Kansas, 1869-1935. N.p.: Author, 1972. (K978.1/-B97/B645/pp. 88-99).
"Brief History is Given Today of High School: First High School Class Here Met in Year 1877." Augusta Daily Gazette. Dec. 5, 1955. [1 p.]. (Reel: A2062).
"Brief History of Augusta Schools." Augusta Daily Gazette. June 13, 1958. [1 p.]. (Reel: A2066).
"Building is Started: Junior High School is Put Under Construction Saturday." Augusta Daily Gazette. Dec. 6, 1937. [1 p.]. (Reel: A2036).
Butler County School Superintendent. Annual Directory of Butler County Schools, 1959-1960. El Dorado, KS: Author, 1960. (K379.5/B971/1959).
Butler County School Superintendent. Butler County School Directory, 1960-61. El Dorado, KS: Author, 1961. (K379.5/B971/1961).
Butler County School Superintendent. Butler County School Directory, 1961-62. El Dorado, KS: Author, 1962. (K379.5/B971/1962).
Butler County School Superintendent. Butler County School Directory, 1962-63. El Dorado, KS: Author, 1963. (K379.5/B971/1963).
Butler County School Superintendent. Butler County School Directory, 1963-64. El Dorado, KS: Author, 1964. (K379.5/B971/1964).
Butler County School Superintendent. Butler County Schools Directory, 1957-1958. El Dorado, KS: Author, 1958. (K379.5/B97/1958).
Butler County School Superintendent. Butler County Schools Directory, 1958-1959. El Dorado, KS: Author, 1959. (K379.5/B971/1958).
Butler County Superintendent of Public Instruction. Course of Study Rules and Regulations, Recommended for the District Schools of Butler County. El Dorado, KS: Walnut Valley Times, 1882. (K379.5/B976).
"Chronology of Augusta Schools." Augusta Daily Gazette. July 1, 1955. [1 p.]. (Reel: A2061).
"Corner Stone Laying Ceremony Impressive: Masonic Rites at New Junior High School Building Yesterday Attended by Many." Augusta Daily Gazette. Mar. 9, 1938. [1 p.]. (Reel: A2036).
Cummings, Will H. School Days at Rose, 1871-1938. N.p.: n.d. (K379.5/B976).
Dedrick, Lillian. "School Directory Pertinent Data is Given Today." Augusta Daily Gazette. Dec. 10, 1953. [1 p.]. (Reel: A2059).
"Douglass High School Commencement Marks 100th Year." Augusta Daily Gazette. May 15, 1986. [1 p.]. (Reel: A2175).
"El Dorado Votes Policy for Conduct." Wichita Eagle. Jan. 5, 1977. [1 p.]. (Reel: NP 367).
"El Dorado's New $400,000 School Building." Topeka Daily Capital. May 26, 1937. [1 p.]. (Reel: T404).
"First School For Potwin Community." Whitewater Independent. Sept. 28, 1961. [1 p.]. (Reel: W3782).
"First School Held at Chelsea in 1860: A Full Century of Education." El Dorado Times Centennial Edition. May 26, 1961. [ pp.]. (Reel:
"First School House in El Dorado a Log Cabin Built Probably in 1869." El Dorado Times. June 19, 1956. [1 p.]. (Reel: E151).
"First School Started in 1870." Douglass Tribune. Oct. 16, 1969. [2 pp.]. (Reel: D187).
"Former Pupil Benefactor of Country School." Wichita Eagle. Dec. 22, 1940. [1 p.]. (Reel: W1463).
Gilmore, Sue. "Modern Rural School Dedicated at Brainerd." Wichita Eagle. Nov. 18, 1963. [1 p.]. (Reel: W1828).
Gilson, Lulu. "Mrs. Gilson Recalls Former Teachers and Classmates." Butler County News and Butler Free-Lance. Mar. 14, 1957. [1 p.]. (Reel: E1237).
"Group of Four-Mile School Pupils." El Dorado Free-Lance. Mar. 3, 1955. [1 p.]. (Reel: E1248).
"High School Bonds Voted at El Dorado." Wichita Beacon. May 18, 1966. [1 p.]. (Reel: NP 576).
"Historic Sketch of Seventy-Year Old Webster School District Five." Butler Free-Lance. Sept. 17, 1953. [1 p.]. (Reel: E1247).
"History of Towanda Public Schools." Western Butler County Times. Apr. 17, 1958. [1 p.]. (Reel: T2866).
"History Reveals Growth of Local School System: First School Held in Rear of Store Building in 1866." Augusta Daily Gazette. July 5, 1956. [1 p.]. (Reel: A2063).
"Hundreds Inspect New Junior High: New $112,000 Structure Has Become the Popular Show Spot of Augusta." Augusta Daily Gazette. Sept. 19, 1938. [1 p.]. (Reel: A2037).
"Junior High School Project is Approved." Augusta Daily Gazette. Aug. 18, 1937. [1 p.]. (Reel: A2035).
Langford, Leah. "Old Building Was First Lincoln School." El Dorado Times. Jan. 21, 1982. [1 p.]. (Reel: E752).
"Leon High School is 75 Years Old." Augusta Daily Gazette. May 31, 1962. [1 p.]. (Reel: A2073).
"Leon Schools Show Much Change Since First Small Home." Leon News. Apr. 28, 1933. [1 p.]. (Reel: L3214).
"Local Schools History Given and Some Rules: Local Schools Have Functioned Here 94 Years." Augusta Daily Gazette. Feb. 25, 1953. [1 p.]. (Reel: A2058).
"Many Attend Program at Old Lincoln School." Augusta Daily Gazette. Aug. 28, 1937. [1 p.]. (Reel: A2035).
McEachern, Sharon. "Parents Fight Towanda Boe." Wichita Beacon. Oct. 23, 1975. [ 2 pp.]. (Reel: NP747).
"Modern Circles for Rural School." Kansas City Times. Dec. 5, 1964. [1 p.]. (Reel: 644).
"New Augusta Junior High School Building Will be Modern in Every Respect." Augusta Daily Gazette. Oct. 23, 1937. [1 p.]. (Reel: A2036).
"New Lincoln School." Augusta Daily Gazette. Oct. 27, 1955. [1 p.]. (Reel: A2062).
"Oil Field School House a Thing of the Past." Augusta Daily Gazette. Apr. 16, 1938. [1 p.]. (Reel: A2036).
"Old Grade School Registers Reveal Names of 1900-1908 Students, Teachers, Grades." Leon News. Mar. 7, 1963. [1 p.]. (Reel: L3226).
"Old Schoolmates to Hold Reunion Friday." Augusta Daily Gazette. Apr. 19, 1938. [1 p.]. (Reel: A2036).
"Paul Hawkins to be Grandview Speaker: Dedication is Set for Sunday." El Dorado Times. Jan. 11, 1961. [1 p.]. (Reel: E161).
Pickrell, Estel M. The History of Van Huss District. Leon, KS: Willam A. Sears, 1931. (K379.5/B976).
Planning Board for Butler County. Public Document on the Schools of Butler County. N.p.: 1964. (K379.5/B97/Pam.v.).
"Potwin's Stone School House." Butler Free-Lance. July 12, 1951. [4 pp.]. (Reel: E1246).
"Receive School Grant: Funds for Construction of Junior High Building Available." Augusta Daily Gazette. Sept. 28, 1937. [1 p.]. (Reel: A2036).
Satterthwaite-Kiser, Jennie. "Stories of Early Days at Walnut City School Are Told to Writer for the Douglass Tribune." Douglass Tribune. May 10, 1940. [1 p.]. (Reel: D178).
"School Bond Issue Given Approval in Close Vote." El Dorado Times. Dec. 1, 1961. [1 p.]. (Reel: E162).
"School Office Center Opens at Augusta." Wichita Eagle. Jan. 25, 1965. [1 p.]. (Reel: W3233).
"70th Birthday for Rose School District." Augusta Daily Gazette. Sept. 10, 1941. [1 p.]. (Reel: A2041).
"Short History is Printed About Floral School Plus Homecoming." Augusta Daily Gazette. Nov. 30, 1950. [1 p.]. (Reel: A2054).
"Students Present History in Local School Pageant." Augusta Daily Gazette. Nov. 19, 1959. [2 pp.]. (Reel: A2069).
"Sturdy Prospect Schoolhouse Built Seventy-nine Years Ago." Butler Free-Lance. July 5, 1951. [1 p.]. (Reel: E1235).
"They Recall Will White's Embarrassing Moment." Kansas City Times. June 9, 1950. [1 p.]. (Reel: 45).
"$379,000 Put into Andover School." Wichita Eagle. Sept. 5, 1967. [1 p.]. (Reel: W3314).
"White Water Seniors on Educational Tour, Guests of Capper and Houston." Topeka Daily Capital. June 3, 1937. [1 p.]. (Reel: T405).
Wolff, Zella L. "Harmon Ridge School District 'Four Little Girls in Calico.'" Butler Free-Lance. Apr. 23, 1953. [1 p.]. (Reel: E1247).
Woody, Vivian. "Old Grad Living in New York Remembers His Rural School." Kansas Teacher and Western School Journal 50 (Feb. 1952): 15. (K370.6/K13/V. 50/no. 6).