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Constitution Hall State Historic Site, LecomptonConstitution Hall State Historic Site, LecomptonConstitution Hall State Historic Site, Lecompton

Constitution Hall - Programs

Constitution Hall in Lecompton presents these ongoing programs. Find specific dates and times on the upcoming events links below.

Bleeding Kansas Program Series

Bleeding Kansas Characters

Territorial Days

Bald Eagle Rendezvous

Program support

The Friends of Constitution/Historic Lecompton is a partner with Constitution Hall. the friends can be contacted at Lecompton Historical Society, Main Office, 640 E. Woodson, Lecompton KS 66050, 785-887-6285, 785-887-6148, LaneMuseum@aol.com.

The Kansas Historical Society does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to, access to, or operation of its programs. The Historical Society requests prior notification to accommodate individuals with special needs or disabilities.

Upcoming Events


Driving directions