Ellis County Schools Bibliography
"A High School General Metal Shop That Operates Day and Night to Train Students, Farmers, Defense Workers, Men and Women." Topeka Daily Capital. Oct. 11, 1942. [1 p.]. (Reel: T460).
"A Kansas School Almost Unique: No Furnace, Lunch Room or Auditorium, and Its Two Teachers, Sisters Whose Careers Total 79 Years, Live in the Building." Kansas City Star. May 13, 1956. [1 p.]. (Reel: 264).
"After 23 Years Hopewell School Again Attracts Attention." Hays Daily News. Nov. 28, 1976. [1 p.]. (Reel: NP 1248).
"Background Information-Not Secrecy-Is Issue in Hays School Board Suit." Wichita Eagle. Aug. 9, 1978. [2 pp.]. (Reel: NP 405).
"Big Bond Issue at Hays Is Defeated." Hutchinson News. Dec. 10, 1969. [1 p.]. (Reel: H2131).
"Committee at Hays Recommends Removal of Book from Library." Hutchinson News. Feb. 5, 1982. [1 p.]. (Reel: H2252).
Ellis County School Superintendent. Ellis County School Directory, 1947-1948. Hays, KS: Author, 1948. (K379.5/El5/1947).
Ellis County School Superintendent. Ellis County School Directory, 1949-1950. Hays, KS: Author, 1950. (K379.5/El5/1950).
Ellis County School Superintendent. Ellis County School Directory, 1956-1957. Hays, KS: Author, 1957. (K379.5/El5/1956).
Ellis County School Superintendent. Ellis County School Dirrectory, 1957-1958. Hays, KS: Author, 1958. (K379.5/El5/1957).
Ellis County School Superintendent. Ellis County School Directory, 1958-1959. Hays, KS: Author, 1959. (K379.5/El5/1958).
Ellis County School Superintendent. Ellis County School Directory, 1960-61. Hays, KS: Author, 1961. (K379.5/El5/1960).
Ellis County School Superintendent. Ellis County School Directory, 1961-1962. Hays, KS: Author, 1962. (K379.5/El5/1961).
Ellis County School Superintendent. Ellis County School Directory, 1962-1963. Hays, KS: Author, 1963. (K379.5/El5/1962).
Ellis County School Superintendent. Ellis County School Directory, 1964-1965. Hays, KS: Author, 1965. (K379.5/El5/1964).
"Ellis Voters Reject New High School." Hutchinson News. Oct. 6, 1971. [1 p.]. (Reel: H2147).
"Hays Dedicates Big New School Plant." Topeka Daily Capital. Dec. 15, 1939. [1 p.]. (Reel: T432).
"Hays Newspaper Files Suit Against School District." Topeka Daily Capital. Aug. 8, 1978. [1 p.]. (Reel: T945).
"Hays to Rename School for JFK." Topeka Daily Capital. June 12, 1969. [1 p.]. (Reel: T764).
"History Education in Ellis County Is on a Parallel With History Other Phases of Development." Hays Daily News. Nov. 11, 1929. [1 p.]. (Reel: H145).
"School Board Acquires Land." Topeka Daily Capital. Feb. 13, 1968. [1 p.]. (Reel: T748).
"Superintendent at Hays Resigns." Topeka Capital Journal. June 22, 1983. [1 p.]. (Reel: T2212).
"Zealous Group Hopes to Preserve Old Hopewell School in Buckeye District." Hays Daily News. Nov. 1, 1964. [1 p.]. (Reel: NP 1191).