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Ellis County Schools Bibliography

Image of 1887 Ellis County, Kansas map showing locations of rural schools, copied from Fifth Biennial Report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture."A High School General Metal Shop That Operates Day and Night to Train Students, Farmers, Defense Workers, Men and Women." Topeka Daily Capital. Oct. 11, 1942. [1 p.]. (Reel: T460).

"A Kansas School Almost Unique: No Furnace, Lunch Room or Auditorium, and Its Two Teachers, Sisters Whose Careers Total 79 Years, Live in the Building." Kansas City Star. May 13, 1956. [1 p.]. (Reel: 264).

"After 23 Years Hopewell School Again Attracts Attention." Hays Daily News. Nov. 28, 1976. [1 p.]. (Reel: NP 1248).

"Background Information-Not Secrecy-Is Issue in Hays School Board Suit." Wichita Eagle. Aug. 9, 1978. [2 pp.]. (Reel: NP 405).

"Big Bond Issue at Hays Is Defeated." Hutchinson News. Dec. 10, 1969. [1 p.]. (Reel: H2131).

"Committee at Hays Recommends Removal of Book from Library." Hutchinson News. Feb. 5, 1982. [1 p.]. (Reel: H2252).

Ellis County School Superintendent. Ellis County School Directory, 1947-1948. Hays, KS: Author, 1948. (K379.5/El5/1947).

Ellis County School Superintendent. Ellis County School Directory, 1949-1950. Hays, KS: Author, 1950. (K379.5/El5/1950).

Ellis County School Superintendent. Ellis County School Directory, 1956-1957. Hays, KS: Author, 1957. (K379.5/El5/1956).

Ellis County School Superintendent. Ellis County School Dirrectory, 1957-1958. Hays, KS: Author, 1958. (K379.5/El5/1957).

Ellis County School Superintendent. Ellis County School Directory, 1958-1959. Hays, KS: Author, 1959. (K379.5/El5/1958).

Ellis County School Superintendent. Ellis County School Directory, 1960-61. Hays, KS: Author, 1961. (K379.5/El5/1960).

Ellis County School Superintendent. Ellis County School Directory, 1961-1962. Hays, KS: Author, 1962. (K379.5/El5/1961).

Ellis County School Superintendent. Ellis County School Directory, 1962-1963. Hays, KS: Author, 1963. (K379.5/El5/1962).

Ellis County School Superintendent. Ellis County School Directory, 1964-1965. Hays, KS: Author, 1965. (K379.5/El5/1964).

"Ellis Voters Reject New High School." Hutchinson News. Oct. 6, 1971. [1 p.]. (Reel: H2147).

"Hays Dedicates Big New School Plant." Topeka Daily Capital. Dec. 15, 1939. [1 p.]. (Reel: T432).

"Hays Newspaper Files Suit Against School District." Topeka Daily Capital. Aug. 8, 1978. [1 p.]. (Reel: T945).

"Hays to Rename School for JFK." Topeka Daily Capital. June 12, 1969. [1 p.]. (Reel: T764).

"History Education in Ellis County Is on a Parallel With History Other Phases of Development." Hays Daily News. Nov. 11, 1929. [1 p.]. (Reel: H145).

"School Board Acquires Land." Topeka Daily Capital. Feb. 13, 1968. [1 p.]. (Reel: T748).

"Superintendent at Hays Resigns." Topeka Capital Journal. June 22, 1983. [1 p.]. (Reel: T2212).

"Zealous Group Hopes to Preserve Old Hopewell School in Buckeye District." Hays Daily News. Nov. 1, 1964. [1 p.]. (Reel: NP 1191).