Grand Army of the Republic - Manuscript Resources
This finding aid lists manuscript materials regarding the Grand Army of the Republic Civil War veterans group that are useful for genealogical research. The first line in each entry is the call number. Some manuscript material has been microfilmed. Most microfilm circulates through interlibrary loan, however, original documents do not. Please refer to the correspondence policy for information on how to request copies of original documents. Click here to see the GAR Bibliography.
Click here for information on our museum exhibit Bleeding Kansas & the Civil War
The society also maintains several historic sites related to the Civil War
MS 1258-1260
Abbott, James Burnett (1818-1897). Papers. 1815-1896. 154 items and 4 vols. on 3 microfilm reels. Microfilm of originals in the James Burnett Abott collection. Collection includes memoranda books and morning reports regarding free-state (anti-slavery) militia and activities, 1855-1857; staff rolls of officers and men of the 1st regiment, Kansas militia, on duty at Sugar Mound, Knasas, December 19-21, 1857; Memorandums [sic] of Soldiers' Statements, 1880-90, containing copies of letters and memoranda concerning soldiers' pensions; and copies of letters dealing primarily with pension matters, 1890-92.
Available through interlibrary loan. Notes on this microiflm copy and collection register at beginning of microfilm.
Coll. 126
Grand Army of the Republic, Kansas Department. Records. 1871-1936. Copies of charters listing founding members of posts, quarterly reports from local posts to the State headquarters containing names of officers and new or deceased or dropped members, registers of reunions, various records of individual posts, a list of 356 Civil War veterans apparently attending a Grand Army of the Republic reunion [1900?]. Also in the volume are 2 pages of names of 20th Kansas regiment members.