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Kansas Heritage Circle sample bequest

The Kansas Heritage Circle is the Foundation’s bequest recognition society.

Give by making a bequest in a will

Naming the Kansas Historical Foundation in your will is one of the simplest ways to make a lasting charitable gift. Bequests may be in the form of a stated dollar amount, a percentage of an estate, a particular piece of property, or the residual of the estate. (*See box for sample bequest language.)

*Sample Bequest Language
I________(your name) of ________ (city, state and zip code) give and bequeath_______ (written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property or residue of estate) to the Kansas Historical Foundation a Kansas not-for-profit organization (FEIN #48-6102800) located at 6425 SW 6th Avenue, Topeka KS, to be held as an unrestricted gift and administered under the policies determined by the board of directors of the Kansas Historical Foundation.