Kansas Historical Collections - Volume XV
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1919-1922 - Volume XV
Graham, I. D. "Major General James Guthrie Harbord: An Appreciation." 15 (1922): 7-13. Chief of staff for General Pershing's AEF, Harbord moved to Kansas at age 13 (1879) and graduated from KSAC in 1886.
Morehouse, George P. "Kansas as a State of Extremes, and Its Attitude During This World War." 15 (1922): 15-28. A subjective KSHS presidential address discussing positions such as pacifism and "peace-at-any-price policy."
Grinnell, George Bird. "Bent's Old Fort and Its Builders." 15 (1922): 28-91. Famous trading post on Arkansas River west of present Kansas/Colorado border established by William and Charles Bent in 1828.
Connelley, William E. "Religious Conceptions of the Modern Hurons." 15 (1922): 93-180. The Hurons, or Wyandots, removed to Kansas in 1843; includes maps showing reservation and allotments (1855), and discussion of "Wyandot and Shawnee Indian Lands in Wyandotte County."
Connelley, William E. "Kansas City, Kansas: Its Place in the History of the State." 15 (1922): 181-191. Focus on William Walker and Wyandot Nation.
Francis, Clara. "The Coming of Prohibition to Kansas." 15 (1922): 192-227. From first territorial prohibitory laws to constitutional prohibition of 1880.
Harrington, Grant W. "The Genesis of Prohibition. Or, How `The Woman Whom Thou Gavest to be With Me' Did It." 15 (1922): 228-231. Margaret Newland Greever, the "Mother of Prohibition" in Kansas.
Swanson, Nina. "The Development of Public Protection of Children in Kansas." 15 (1922): 231-278. Her 1922 University of Kansas master's thesis, includes bibliography of relevant statutes.
Hess, Edith. "State Regulation of Woman and Child Labor in Kansas." 15 (1922): 279-333. Her 1922 University of Kansas master's thesis.
Craik, Elmer LeRoy. "Southern Interest in Territorial Kansas, 1854-1858." 15 (1922): 334-450. His 1922 University of Kansas doctoral dissertation.
Kriegh, Lieut. McKinley W. "A Summary of the Achievements of American Expeditionary Force in France, 1917-1919." 15 (1922): 451-456. Author, a native Kansan, was in France with Corp of Engineers.
Lee, Thomas Amory. "Early History of the Kansas Department, American Legion." 15 (1922): 457-481. Organized on May 10, 1919, Kansas department had 347 posts and 25,000 members by December 1921.
Doran, Thomas F. "Kansas Sixty Years Ago." 15 (1922): 482-501. Reflections on life of his family in Council Grove community during early 1860s.
Bingham, Anne E. "Sixteen Years on a Kansas Farm, 1870-1886." 15 (1922): 501-523. With her husband Charles, author built farm southeast of Junction City; she reminisces about many aspects of farm life.
Doster, Frank. "Eleventh Indiana Cavalry in Kansas." 15 (1922): 524-529. Doster's first experience with state that he would later adopt involved him as part of military escort in Little Arkansas peace conference of 1865.
"Battle of the Arikaree." 15 (1922): 530-547. Two personal accounts of "The Beecher Island Fight" of September 1868 by Scouts John Hurst and Sigmund Shlesinger.
Harris, Harry Jasper. "My Story." 15 (1922): 553-572. Curious reminiscence of territorial settlement near Osawatomie.
Byers, Oliver P. "Early History of the El Paso Line of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway." 15 (1922): 573-578. Reminiscence of railroad construction in southwest Kansas during late 1880s.
Morgenstern, William. "The Settlement of Bessarabia, Russia, By the Germans." 15 (1922): 579-590. Early 19th century migration; many of these people and their descendents removed to Russell County in 1878.
Lowell, James H. "The Romantic Growth of a Law Court." 15 (1922): 590-597. Some early (1850s) legal history with special attention to Holton, Jackson County.
Lowell, James H. "The Battle of the Spurs." 15 (1922): 598-599. "Underground Railroad" incident involving John Brown, north of Horton, January 1859.