Kansas Historical Collections - Volume XVI
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1923-1925 - Volume XVI
Connelley, William E. "Daniel W. Wilder, The Father of Kansas History and Literature." 16 (1925): 1-21. Biographical essay of pioneer journalist whose Annals were a monumental contribution to Kansas historiography.
Connelley, William E. "The Lane-Jenkins Claim Contest." 16 (1925): 21-176. Famous territorial land dispute between James H. Lane and Gaius Jenkins led to death of latter at hands of former; mostly reprints of letters and legal documents.
Berryman, Rev. Jerome C. "A Circuit Rider's Frontier Experiences." 16 (1925): 177-226. Memoir, completed in 1868, covering ministry in Missouri, Arkansas, and at Shawnee Mission in Kansas (1840s).
"Letters from the Indian Missions in Kansas." 16 (1925): 227-271. Correspondence from Methodist missionaries William and Thomas Johnson, Jerome C. Berryman, and others (1831-1845).
"The Expedition of Major Clifton Wharton in 1844." 16 (1925): 272-305. Journal kept during march by dragoon regiment from Fort Leavenworth to Pawnee village on Platte River; includes map of expedition's route.
Seabrook, S. L. "Expedition of Col. E. V. Sumner Against the Cheyenne Indians, 1857." 16 (1925): 306-315. Based on recollections of S. Gunther, a soldier in Sumner's command.
Raber, Charles. "Personal Recollections of Life on the Plains From 1860 to 1868." 16 (1925): 316-341. Raber worked as a teamster in Kansas and throughout the region.
Fouquet, L. C. "Buffalo Days." 16 (1925): 341-352. Frenchman, who settled in Wichita area in 1870, recounts his hunting experiences in series of letters (1922) to W. E. Connelley.
Haupt, William Henry. "History of the American Church, Known in Law as the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the State of Kansas." 16 (1925): 353-402. History of diocese from 1837-1869.
Harrington, W. P. "The Populist Party in Kansas." 16 (1925): 403-450. Important and often quoted study (originally his 1924 master's thesis, University of Kansas) by a former Populist.
Godsey, Flora Rosenquist. "The Early Settlement and Raid on the `Upper Neosho'." 16 (1925): 451-463. Lyon County settlement in 1855 and 1856 "free-state" raid on Neosho Rapids. See also: "Letter of John C. Van Gundy to William E. Connelley." 17 (1928): 593-601.
Zimmerman, Mark E. "The Pawnee Americans." 16 (1925): 463-475. Archeological evidence reflecting on Pawnees of northeastern Kansas and Southeastern Nebraska.
Thompson, Thomas E. "Early Days in `Old Boston'." 16 (1925): 479-487. Recollections of short-lived Howard (later Chautauqua) County town of 1870s.
Botkin, J. T. "Justice was Swift and Sure in Early Kansas." 16 (1925): 488-493. Story of two legal hangings and one lynching in Linn County in 1860s.
Botkin, J. T. "Concerning a Day When Cowboys Were Cowboys." 16 (1925): 393-396. Recollections of working cattle in southwest Kansas, 1883.
Badger, Gordon A., ed. "Recollections of George Andrew Gordon." 16 (1925): 497-504. Story of buffalo hunting on Plains in 1846.
Lapham, Amos S. "Looking Backward." 16 (1925): 504-514. Early history of Chanute, Neosho County, early 1870s.
Griffith, G. W. E. "The Battle of Black Jack." 16 (1925): 524-528. Recollections of John Brown's 1856 victory over Captain Pate and pro-slave company in southern Douglas County.
Sharp, Mamie Stine, ed. "Home-Coming Centennial Celebration at Council Grove, June 27 to July 2, 1921." 16 (1925): 528-569. Program events and comments on people and events associated with this early Santa Fe Trail town.
Gable, Frank M. "Memoirs of a Pioneer of Kansas." 16 (1925): 576-581. Experiences of settlers in Leavenworth County, 1850s.
Gardner, Theodore. "Andrew H. Reeder, First Territorial Governor." 16 (1925): 582-585. Sketch of his brief tenure (1854-1855) and subsequent flight, disguised as "wood chopper," from territory.
Denison, W. W. "Battle of Prairie Grove." 16 (1925): 586-590. December 1862 engagement involving 11th Kansas Infantry, in which Denison served, and General James G. Blunt.
Aaron, Madeleine. "The Audubon Society of Kansas and the Election of a State Bird." 16 (1925): 597-606. Society organized in 1908 to protect many local species; western meadow lark was chosen by school children on Kansas Day 1925.
Mitchell, W. A. "Historic Linn." 16 (1925): 607-657. Series of valuable articles, first published in La Cygne Weekly Journal, on people and events significant in history of Linn County, with emphasis on 1850s.
"Official Roster of Kansas, 1854-1925." 16 (1925): 658-745. Complete listing of territorial and state officials, plus Indian agencies and agents "Affecting Kansas" from 1805-1925.
"Indian Treaties and Councils Affecting Kansas." 16 (1925): 746-772. Notes including dates, places, and participants, 1541-1873.