Kansas Historical Quarterly - August 1938
Volume 7
August 1938, Number 3
Cover and contents
Edgar Langsdorf, "S. C. Pomeroy and the New England Emigrant Aid Company, 1854-1858," p. 227. (Volunteer: Lynn Nelson)
Raymond L. Welty, "The Policing of the Frontier by the Army, 1860-1870," p. 246. (Volunteers: Larry & Carolyn Mix)
Myra E. Hull, "Kansas Play-Party Songs," p. 258. (Volunteer: Lynn Nelson)
Berlin B. Chapman, "Removal of the Osages from Kansas," p. 287. (Volunteer: Lynn Nelson)
Martha B. Caldwell, "Some Kansas Rain Makers," p. 306. (Volunteer: Lynn Nelson)
Bypaths of Kansas History
Kansas History as Reported in the Press
Kansas Historical Notes