Kansas Historical Quarterly - August 1947
Volume 15
August 1947, Number 3
Harold J. Henderson, "The Building of the First Kansas Railroad South of the Kaw River," p. 225. (Volunteer: Harriette Jensen)
Theo. H. Scheffer, "Following Pike's Expedition From the Smoky Hill to the Solomon," p. 240. (Volunteer: Lynn Nelson)
J. Orin Oliphant, ed., "The Report of the Wyandot Exploring Delegation, 1831," p. 248. (Volunteer: Lynn Nelson)
Sister M. Lilliana Owens, S.L., "The Early Work of the Lorettines in Southeastern Kansas," p. 263. (Volunteer: Lynn Nelson)
"Letters of Julia Louisa Lovejoy, 1856-1864: Part Two, 1857," p. 277. (Volunteer: Lynn Nelson)
Bypaths of Kansas History
Kansas History as Published in the Press
Kansas Historical Notes
From the cover: The Leavenworth, Lawrence & Galveston railroad bridge across the Kansas river eighty years ago. It was the frst north-south railraod bridge across the Kaw (see pp. 225, 232). The engine, "Ottawa," was the first locomotive on the road.
The view is from a stereoscope photograph by Alexander Gardner of Washington, D. C.