Kansas Historical Quarterly - August 1948
Volume 16
August 1948, Number 3
Robert Taft, ""Pictorial Record of the Old West: VI. Heinrich Balduin Möllhousen," p. 225. (Volunteer: Gardner Smith) | PDF version
C. W. McCampbell, "W. E. Campbell, Pioneer Kansas Livestockman," p. 245. (Volunteer: Jodi Maranchie) | PDF version
William Clark's Diary, May, 1826-February, 1831: Part Three, 1829, p. 274. (Volunteer: Lynn Nelson) | PDF version
Recent Additions to the Library, p. 306
Bypaths of Kansas History, p. 325
Kansas History as Published in the Press, p. 328
Kansas Historical Notes, p. 335
From the cover: The steamboat Explorer used in the exploration of the lower Colorado River, 1857-1858, by the Lt. Joseph C. Ives expedition. From a sketch by H. B. Möllhausen reproduced as a lithograph in the official Ives report.