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Kansas Historical Quarterly - August 1953

Kansas Historical Quarterly, August 1953

Volume 20

August 1953, Number 7


Cover and contents

James C. Malin, "Judge Lecompte and the 'Sack of Lawrence,' May 21, 1856: Part One, The Contemporary Phase," p. 465. (Volunteer: Tod Roberts) | PDF version

Philip D. Uzee, ed., "Midwestern Attitudes on the 'Kansas Fever,'" p. 495.

Rev. James M. Burke, S.J., ed., "Early Years at St. Mary's Pottawatomie Mission: From the Diary of Father Maurice Gailland, S. J.," p. 501.

Bypaths of Kansas History, p. 530.

Kansas History as Reported in the Press, p. 538.

Kansas Historical Notes, p. 543.

From the cover: Ruins of the Free-State Hotel, Lawrence, after the city's sacking by a proslavery mob on May 21, 1856. (See pp. 482-484.) The sketch, from a daguerrotype taken for Mrs. Charles (Sara T. L.) Robinson, is reproduced from her book, Kansas: Its Interior and Exterior Life (Boston, 1857).