Kansas Historical Quarterly - Autumn 1955
Volume 21
Autumn 1955, Number 7
Emory Lindquist, trans. anded., "Letters of the Reverend and Mrs. Olof Olsson, 1869-73, Pioneer Founders of Lindsborg," p. 497.
Anderson and Farly, comp., "Bibliography of Town and County Histories of Kansas," p. 513.
Theo. H. Scheffer, "The Old Ghost Town of Lindsey in the Solomon Valley," p. 552.
James W. Covington, ed., "A Robbery on the Santa Fe Trail, 1827," p. 560. (Volunteers: Larry & Carolyn Mix)| PDF Version
Bypaths of Kansas History, p. 564.
Kansas History as Reported in the Press, p. 565.
Kansas Historical Notes, p. 568.