Kansas Historical Quarterly - Autumn 1976
Volume 42
Autumn 1976, No. 3
Theodore John Rivers, "A Study of the Laws of the Ottawa Indians as Preserved in the Ottawa First Book (1850)," p. 225
David E. Meerse, "'No Propriety in the Late Course of the Governor': The Geary-Sherrard Affair Reexamined," p. 237 | PDF version
C. Robert Haywood, "Pearlette: A Mutual Aid Colony," p. 263
Herbert Pankratz, "The Suppression of Alleged Disloyalty in Kansas During World War I," p. 277
Robert S. Raymond, "The Economic History of a Midwestern Retail Store, 1911-1934," p. 308 | PDF version
Bypaths of Kansas History, p. 329
Kansas History Off the Press, p. 331
Kansas Historical Notes, p. 337
The Cover
With the coming of the Zanesville (Ohio) colony to establish the town of Pearlette in Meade county, Kansas, early in 1879, came the type and press for publication of its newspaper, the Pearlette Call, first issued in April 16, 1870. The first page of the minipaper is reproduced on the cover, and the remaining 11 pages of the 12-page issue appear between pp. 272-273.