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Kansas Historical Quarterly - Autumn 1977

Kansas Historical Quarterly, Autumn 1977

Volume 43

Autumn 1977, No. 3


Cover and contents

John S. Gray, "Veterinary Service on Custer's Last Campaign," p. 249 (Volunteer: Tod Roberts) | PDF version

Minnie Dubbs Millbrook, "An Old Trail Plowed Under--Hays to Dodge," p. 264 (Volunteer: Tod Roberts) | PDF version

Carolyn Berneking, "A Look at Early Lawrence: Letters From Robert Gaston Elliot," p. 282 (Volunteer: Tod Roberts) | PDF version

Harvey R. Hougen, "The Impact of Politics and Prison Industry on the General Management of the Kansas State Penitentiary," p. 297 (Volunteer: Tod Roberts) | PDF version

Donald E. Press, "Kansas Conflict: Populist Versus Railroader in the 1890's," p. 319 (Volunteer: Tod Roberts) | PDF version

James C. Juhnke, "Mob Violence and Kansas Mennonites in 1918," p. 334 (Volunteer: Tod Roberts) | PDF version

R. Douglas Hurt, "Naval Air Stations in Kansas During World War II," p. 351 (Volunteer: Tod Roberts) | PDF version

Bypaths of Kansas History: Before the Days of Deluxe Super Chief Service, p. 363 | PDF version

Kansas History Off the Press, p. 482 | PDF version

Kansas Historical Society Board


The Cover

The figures in this Picture represent Bat Masterson, left, and Wyatt Earp, obviously ready for action. The late Randy Steffen, Texas artist and author, did the original portrait in pencil and tempera from photographs and descriptions of the two lawmen. The sketch was made at the request of Gary Roberts, now of Norman, Okla., to honor Nyle H. Miller, long-time managing editor of the Quarterly and executive director of the Kansas Historical Society, at his retirement last year. It is published here through the of Roberts, Miller, and Steffen's widow, Dorothy A. Steffen.