Kansas Historical Quarterly - May 1936
Volume 5
May 1936, No. 2
Cover and contents
James C. Malin, "Frank Heywood Hodder, 1860-1935," p. 115. (Volunteer: Lynn Nelson)
Lela Barnes, "Isaac McCoy and the Treaty of 1821," p. 122. (Volunteer: Lynn Nelson)
Thomas C. Wells, "Letters of a Kansas Pioneer, 1855-1860," p. 143. Letters begin March 12, 1855, as Wells begins his journey to Kansas. Several references to Isaac Goodnow, Manhattan, where Wells soon settled. (Volunteers: Marilyn Dell Brandy, Don Dowdey, Lynn Nelson, and Dick Taylor)
George A. Root, "Ferries in Kansas: Part IX--Arkansas River--Concluded," p. 180. (Volunteer: Gardner Smith)
Dorothy Leibengood, "Labor Problems in the Second Year of Governor Martin's Administration," p. 191. (Volunteer: Lynn Nelson)
William E. Smith, "The Grave of Sarah Keyes on the Oregon Trail," p. 208. (Volunteer: Elizabeth Lawrence)
Kansas History as Published in the Press, p. 213.
Kansas Historical Notes, p. 224.