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Kansas Historical Quarterly - May 1946

Kansas Historical Quarterly, May 1946

Volume 14

May 1946, Number 2


Cover and contents

James C. Malin, "Dust Storms: Part One, 1850-1860," p. 129. (Volunteer: Lynn Nelson)

Robert Taft, "The Pictorial Record of the Old West: II. W. J. Hays," p. 145. (Volunteer: Lynn Nelson)

Powell Moore, ed., "A Hoosier in Kansas; The Diary of Hiram M. Young, 1886-1895: Part One, 1886-1895," p. 166. (Volunteer: Lynn Nelson)

Helen M. McFarland, "Recent Additions to the Library," p. 213.

Bypaths of Kansas History

Kansas History as Published in the Press

Kansas Historical Notes

From the cover: "Group of Buffalo," painted by W. J. Hays in 1860. The original painting measures 4' 10" x 3' and is owned by the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. (See page 164 of this issue.) In reproducing the painting for the cover it was necessary to omit some of the detail at the margins.