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Kansas Historical Quarterly - May 1947

Kansas Historical Quarterly, May 1947

Volume 15

May 1947, Number 2


Cover and contents

Harold J. Henderson, comp., "Ships in World War II Bearing Kansas Names," p. 113. (Volunteer: Tod Roberts)

"Letters of Julia Louisa Lovejoy, 1856-1864: Part One, 1856," p. 127. (Volunteer: Lynn Nelson)

Arch O'Bryant, "Differences in Wichita Indian Camp Sites as Revealed by Stone Artifacts," p. 143. (Volunteer: Lynn Nelson)

Moore, ed., "A Hoosier in Kansas: . . . Part Five, 1894-1895-- Concluded," p. 151. (Volunteer: Lynn Nelson)

Helen M. McFarland, "Recent Additions to the Library," p. 186.

Bypaths of Kansas History

Kansas History as Published in the Press

Kansas Historical Notes


The Cover

An air view of the United States Navy's heavy cruiser Wichita, named for Wichita, Kan. The ship was commissioned February 16, 1939, and served throughout World War II.

This picture and others (between pp. 120, 121), excepting that of the cruiser Topeka, are official U. S. Navy photographs. The view of the Topeka (facing p. 121) was received though the courtesy of Mayor Frank J. Warren, Topeka, and the Bethlehem Steel Co., Quincy, Mass.