Kansas Historical Quarterly - May 1950
Volume 18
May 1950, Number 2
Robert Taft, "Pictorial Record of the Old West: XI. The Leslie Excursions of 1869 and 1877--Joseph Becker, Harry Ogden and Walter Yeager," p. 113.
Edgar Langsdorf, "A Review of Early Navigation on the Kansas River," p. 140. (Volunteer: Lynn Nelson) | PDF version
Edgar Langsdorf, ed., "The First Survey of the Kansas River," p. 146.
"The Renaming of Robidoux Creek, Marshall County," p. 159.
Russell K. Hickman, "Lincoln College . . . Part Two--Later History and Change of Name, Concluded," p. 164.
Bypaths of Kansas History, p. 205
Kansas History as Published in the Press, p. 216
Kansas Historical Notes, p. 221