Kansas Historical Quarterly - November 1945
Volume 13
November 1945, Number 8
"The Battle of Kansas," p. 481. [B-29s; Wichita Boeing] (Volunteer: Lynn Nelson)
George A. Root and Russell K. Hickman, "Pike's Peak Express Companies: Part III--The Platte Route," p. 485. (Volunteer: Lynn Nelson)
Theo. H. Scheffer, "Historical Encounter and Accounts of the Plains Prairie Dog," p. 527. (Volunteer: Lynn Nelson)
Bypaths of Kansas History
Kansas History as Published in the Press
Kansas Notes
From the cover: A B-29 Superfortress built in Kansas. The Wichita plant of the Boeing Airplane Company turned out the first prototoype model of the B-29, all the Superforts participating in the early raids on Japan, and the majority of those went into combat in the Pacific War Theater. Of the 3,888 Superfortresses built by all factories, 1,644 were Wichita made. Photographs through the courtesy of Boeing-Wichita.