Kansas Historical Quarterly - Spring 1959
Volume 25
Spring 1959, Number 1
Cover and contents
Alan W. Farley, "Samuel Hallett and the Union Pacific Railway Company in Kansas," p. 1.
Jean C. Lough, "Gateway to the Promised Land: The Role Played by the Southern Kansas Towns in the Opening of the Cherokee Strip to Settlement," p. 17. (Volunteer: Harriette J. Jensen)
John E. Sunder, "Telegraph Beginnings in Kansas," p. 32.
Emory Lindquist, ed., "The Letters of the Rev. Samuel Young Lum, Pioneer Kansas Missionary, 1854-1858: Part One, 1854-1855," p. 39
James C. Malin, "William Sutton White, Swedenborgian Publicist: Part Two, Kansas Exemplar of the Philosophy of Emanuel Swedenborg and Herbert Spencer," p. 63.
The Annual Meeting, p. .
Bypaths of Kansas History, p. .
Kansas History as Published in the Press, p. .
Kansas Historical Notes, p. .
The Cover
"The Union Pacific railroad yard at Wyandotte in 1867, photo by Alexander Gardner. This and the two which follow are from a collection of 150 photographs which Gardner took along the line of the Kansas Union Pacific to its end of track, '20 miles west of Hays,' in 1867."
Upper: Building a bridge across the Kaw at Wyandotte.
Lower: Office, Union Pacific Railway Co., E. D., at Wyandotte.