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Kansas Historical Quarterly - Spring 1972

Kansas Historical Quarterly, Spring 1972

Volume 38

Spring 1972, No. 1


Cover and contents

William H. Seiler, "Magazine Writers Look at Kansas, 1854- 1904," p. 1.

Peter H. Argersinger, "The Most Picturesque Drama: The Kansas Senatorial Election of 1891," p. 43.

Joseph G. Gambone, ed., "Kansas--A Vegetarian Utopia: The Letters of John Milton Hadley, 1855-1856," p. 65.

Bypaths of Kansas History, p. 235.

Kansas History as Reported in the Press, p. 237.

Kansas Historical Notes, p. 243


The Cover

Poets have long enjoyed license to rhyme as they please, landscape painters to move objects about for better balance, and cartoonists to accentuate the obvious. And so it was with Puck artists who delighted in sketching Kansas' U.S. Sen. William A. Peffer wearing whiskers longer than was his custom, as in this drawing, published under a copyright date of 1895. Other sketches are reproduced between pp. 64, 65.