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Kansas Historical Quarterly - Summer 1954

Kansas Historical Quarterly, Summer 1954

Volume 21

Summer 1954, Number 2


Cover and contents

J. Neale Carman, "The Bishop East of the Rockies Views His Diocesans, 1851-1853," p. 81.

James C. Carey, "Juniata: Gateway to Mid-Kansas," p. 87.

James C. Malin, "Housing Experiments in the Lawrence Community, 1855," | PDF Version, p. 95. (Volunteer: Tod Roberts)

Helen M. McFarland, "Recent Additions to the Library," p. 122.

Bypaths of Kansas History, p. 140.

Kansas History As Published in the Press, p. 141.

Kansas Historical Notes, p. 149.

From the cover: "Lawrence When Six Years Old," from Henry Howe's Historical Collections of the Great West . . . (1873 edition).