Kansas Historical Quarterly - Summer 1977
Volume 43
Summer 1977, No. 2
Charles L. Wood, "Cattlemen, Railroads, and the Origin of the Kansas Livestock Association—the 1890s," p. 121
James B. Beddow, "Depression and New Deal: Letters From the Plains," p. 140
David Redman, "Libel: Sullivan and the Kansas Connection," p. 154
Randall B. Woods, "After the Exodus: John Lewis Waller and the Black Elite, 1878-1900," p. 172
Joe W. Kraus, "The Publication of William Allen White's The Real Issue," p. 193
Robert K. Ratzlaff, "Le Hunt, Kan.: The Making of a Cement Ghost Town," p. 203
Timothy A. Zwink, "E. W. Wynkoop and the Bluff Creek Council, 1866," p. 217 | PDF version
Bypaths of Kansas History, p. 240
Kansas History Off the Press, p. 241
The Cover
Livestock raising was an important industry in Kansas in the 1890s—see article p. 121—and it still is today. This recent scene in the flint Hills area of eastern Kansas was photographed by Patricia D. Duncan, Lake Quivira, Kansas City.