Kansas Historical Quarterly - Winter 1957
Volume 23
Winter 1957, Number 4
George E. Omer, Jr., "An Army Hospital: From Dragoons to Rough Riders—Fort Riley, 1853-1903," | PDF Version, p. 337. (Volunteers: Larry & Carolyn Mix)
William E. Berger, "A Kansas Revival of 1872," p. 368.
W. Stitt Robinson, ed., "The Kiowa and Comanche Campaign of 1860 as Recorded in the Personal Diary of Lt. J. E. B. Stuart," | PDF Version, p. 382. (Volunteers: Larry & Carolyn Mix)
James C. Malin, "Traveling Theatre in Kansas: The James A. Lord Chicago Dramatic Company, 1869-1871—Concluded," p. 401. (Volunteer: Chris Wynkoop)
Bypaths of Kansas History, p. 439.
Kansas History as Reported in the Press, p. 441.
Kansas Historical Notes, p. 445.
Errata and Addenda, Volume 23, p. 448.
Volume 23 Index, p. 449.
The Cover
A hospital ward at Fort Riley, 1900. From J. J. Pennell and C. S. McGirr, Picturesque Fort Riley (Junction City, 1900).