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Kansas Historical Quarterly - Winter 1958

Kansas Historical Quarterly, Winter 1958

Volume 24

Winter 1958, Number 4


Cover and contents

Allison Chandler, "The Horse-Car Interurban From Cottonwood Falls to Strong City," p. 385.

P. J. Staudenraus, "Immigrants or Invaders—A Document," p. 394.

Louise Barry, ed., "With the First Cavalry in Indian Country, 1859-1861—Concluded," p. 399.

James C. Malin, "William Sutton White, Swedenborgian Publicist, Editor of the Wichita Beacon, 1875-1887, and Philosopher Extraordinary: Part One," p. 426.

Langsdorf and Richmond, eds., "Letters of Daniel R. Anthony: 1857-1862—Concluded: Part Four, June 20 - September 14, 1862," p. 458.

Bypaths of Kansas History, p. 476.

Kansas History as Published in the Press, p. 477.

Kansas Historical Notes, p. 479.

Errata and Addenda, Volume 24, p. 482

Index to Volume 24, p. 483.


The Cover

Rolling and walking stock of the Consolidated Street Railway of Cottonwood Falls and Strong City, with crews and friends. They are posed on the old and new bridges over the Cottonwood river at Cottonwood Falls, December, 1914. Apparently both nags were camera shy. One hid his head behind a telephone pole, the other turned at precisely the right moment. Photo Riggs Studio, Cottonwood Falls.