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Kansas Historical Quarterly - Winter 1960

Kansas Historical Quarterly, Winter 1960

Volume 26

Winter 1960, Number 4


Cover and contents

Lorene Anderson Hawley, "Kansas Congressmen and Reapportionment," p. 345.

Raymond W. Settle and Mary Lund Settle, "The Early Careers of William Bradford Waddell and William Hepburn Russell: Frontier Capitalists," p. 355.

Kenneth Wiggins Porter, ed., "College Days at Cooper Memorial, 1895-1898," p. 383.

Miller and Snell, "Some Notes on Kansas Cowtown Police Officers and Gun Fighters—Continued," 410. (Volunteer: Mike McFadden)

Bypaths of Kansas History, p. 456.

Kansas History As Published in the Press, p. 457.

Kansas Historical Notes, p. 461.

Errata and Addenda, Volume 26, p. 464.

Index to Volume 26, p. 465.


The Cover

Abilene, major Kansas cowtown during the years 1867-1871, as it appeared in 1875 after the trail trade had moved on and the city had settled down. Courtesy Denver Public Library.