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Kansas Historical Quarterly - Winter 1964

Kansas Historical Quarterly, Winter 1964

Volume 30

Winter 1964, No. 4


Cover and contents

Charles E. Hoffhaus, "Fort De Cavagnial: Imperial France in Kansas, 1744-1764," p. 425

Charles Richard Denton, "The Unitarian Church . . . " (part 2), p. 455

Louise Barry, comp., "Kansas Before 1854: A Revised Annals, Part Sixteen, 1847," p. 492

Bypaths of Kansas History, p. 560

Kansas History as Published in the Press, p. 561

Errata and Addenda, Volume 30, p. 572

Index to Volume 30, p. 573


The Cover

"Grouse-shooting—on the Missouri prairies," a painting by George Catlin. The scene probably derives from Catlin's stay at Fort Leavenworth in the autumn of 1832 (see Kansas Historical Quarterly, v. 28, p. 199). The grouse "make their appearance in these parts in the months of August and September," he wrote, "and the whole garrison, in fact, are almost subsisted on them at this time." The painting, U.S. National Museum No. 386409, courtesy Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.