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Kansas Historical Quarterly - Winter 1968

Kansas Historical Quarterly, Winter 1968

Volume 34

Winter 1968, No. 4


Cover and contents

Waldo R. Wedel, "After Coronado in Quivira," p. 369.

David Edwin Harrell, Jr., "Pardee Butler: Kansas Crusader," p. 386.

C. S. Griffin, "The University of Kansas and the Sack of Lawrence: A Problem of Intellectual Honesty," p. 409. (Volunteer: Tod Roberts)

Nyle H. Miller and Robert W. Richmond, "Sheridan, A Fabled End-of-Track Town on the Union Pacific Railroad, E. D., 1868-1869," p. 427.

Michael J. Brodhead, "A Populist Survival: Judge Frank Doster in the 1920s," p. 443.

Bypaths of Kansas History, p. 457.

Kansas History as Published in the Press, p. 459.

Kansas Historical Notes, p. 460

Errata, Volume 34, p. 464.

Index to Volume 34, p. 465.


The Cover

The Hollenberg ranch Pony Express station as painted in 1953 by Dan Jacobson, of Kansas City, Mo. Born in Marshall county, Kansas, Jacobson inherited a love of the West from his pioneer family. More than a score of his Western paintings were exhibited in Kansas City the past summer.

The Hollenberg Pony Express station is located a few miles north of U.S.-36 near Hanover, and may be reached via K-15E and K-243. It is operated by the Kansas State Historical Society as a state museum.