Kansas Historical Quarterly - Winter 1977
Volume 43
Winter 1977, No. 4
Thomas P. Barr, "The Pottawatomie Baptist Manual Labor Training School," p. 377 | PDF version
James C. Duram, "Constitutional Conservatism: The Kansas Press and the New Deal Era as a Case Study," p. 432 | PDF version
Phillips G. Davies, ed. and trans., "Welsh Settlements in Kansas," p. 448 (Volunteer: Gordon Morgan) | PDF version
Burton J. Williams, "Nyle Miller's Kansas: 1951-1976," p. 470 | PDF version
Bypaths of Kansas History, p. 481
Kansas History Off the Press, p. 482
Errata, Volume 43, p. 488
Index to Volume 43, p. 489
The Cover
This watercolor by Marvin L. Thomas, A.I.A., of Topeka, is a conjectural representation of the Pottawatomie Baptist Manual Labor Training School, west of Topeka, as it appeared in the 1850s. The east and south elevations are depicted.