Norton County History Bibliography
Abernathy, Charles. Devizes. Newell, IA: Bireline Publishing Co., 1982. (K/978.1/-N82/Pam.v.1/no. 3).
Almena Community Chamber of Commerce. Treasure the Memories: Almena Centennial, 1893-1993, Almena, Kansas. N.p.: n.d. (K/978.1/-N82/AL65).
Bowers, D.N. Seventy Years in Norton County, Kansas, 1872-1942. Norton, KS: Norton County Champion, 1942. (K/978.1/-N82/B677).
Cameron, Roderick. Pioneer Days in Kansas. Belleville, KS: Cameron Book Co., 1951. (K/978.1/-N82 /C146).
Dieterich, Virgil C. A Story of Lenora, Kansas, 1873-1974. N.p.: n.d. (K/978.1/-N82/Pam.v.1/no. 2).
Duvall, Mrs. Fred. "Recalls School in Dugout 1873." Norton Daily Telegram. Nov. 21, 1934. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: N 893).
Foley, Bessie. Norton County. N.p.: n.d. (K/978.1/-N82/Mss.).
Hickert, John W. The First Eighty Years in New Almelo, 1878-1958. Norton, KS: Wilson Carter Printers, 1961. (K/978.1/-N82/N42).
Kansas State Historical Society. Norton County Clippings, 1879-1998. (2 vols.). Topeka, KS: KSHS, n.d. (K/978.1/-N82/Clipp./v.1-2).
Lathrop, Amy. "Early History of County and State is Summarized by Norton Writer." Norton Daily Telegram. Aug. 21, 1957. [1 p.]. (Microfilm reel: N 252).
__________. Tales of Western Kansas. Kansas City, MO: La Rue Printing Co., 1948. (K/978.1/-N82/L348).
Lockard, Francis M. The History of the Early Settlement of Norton County, Kansas. Norton, KS: Norton Daily Telegram, 1967. (K/978.1/ -N82/L78/1967).
Nicholson, John H. "A History of Norton County, Kansas." Master's thesis, Colorado State College of Education, 1941. (K/978.1/-N82/N523).
Norton Centennial Historical Committee. Norton Centennial, 1872-1972: From a Covered Wagon Ride to Community Pride, Norton, Kansas. N.p.: 1972. (K/978.1/-N82/N82).
Norton County, Kansas Handbook. N.p.: n.d. (Microfilm reel: LM 889 no. 12).
The Norton Traveler. N.p.: n.d. (K/978.1/-N82/Pam.v.2).
Welcome to the "Hub" of Northwest Kansas: Norton, Kansas. N.p.: n.d. (K/978.1/-N82/Pam.v.2).