Recent Additions - May 1939
Compiled by HELEN M. MCFARLAND, Librarian
(Vol. 8, No. 2), pages 184 to 207.
Transcribed by lhn;.
digitized with permission of the Kansas Historical Society.
IN ORDER that members of the Kansas Historical Society and others interested in historical study may know the class of books we are receiving, a list is printed annually of the books accessioned in our specialized fields.
These books come to us from three sources, purchase, gift and exchange, and fall into the following classes: books by Kansans and about Kansas; books on the West, including explorations, overland journeys and personal narratives; genealogy and local history; and books on the Indians of North America, United States history, biography and allied subjects which are classified under general.
We receive regularly the publications of many historical societies by exchange, and subscribe to other historical and genealogical publications which are needed in reference work.
The following is a partial list of books which were added to the library from October 1, 1937, to September 30, 1938. Government and state official publications and some books of a general nature are not included. The total number of books accessioned appears in the report of the secretary in the February issue of the Quarterly..
ASHLEY, GEORGE T., "If I Only Had Money," Hollywood, Cal., Author [c1935].
BARNARD, AMBROSE, The Emporia City Directory, 1887-8. Emporia, O T Kendall [pref 1887].
BARROW, PHILIP SHERIDAN, Booklet of the Golden Anniversary of the First Baptist Church of Horton, Kansas. [Horton, The Horton Headlight., 1937].
BARROWS, HARLAN H., The Need for Conservancy Legislation [Address Before the Kansas State Legislature, February 12, 1937]. Topeka, State Planning Board, 1937 Mimeographed.
BARTLING, EDWARD D., John Henry Kagy and the Old Log Cabin Home. Nebraska City, Neb [The Press Printing Company], c1938.
BASS, N WOOD, Origin of the Shoestring Sands of Greenwood and Butler Counties, Kansas. [Topeka, Kansas State Printing Plant, 1937] (Kansas Geological Survey, Bulletin, No. 23).
MIRY, WILLIAM A], When the Reliefers Took Rome. [Topeka, Mid-West Distributing Company, 1938].
BRISTOW, J T., The Overland Trail, Old Military Road and Pony Express..
Route in Its Relation to Atchison, Brown and Nemaha Counties in the 50's and 60's. Horton, Charles H Browne, 1937.
BROOKS, STANLEY TRUMAN, Above the Smoke. Philadelphia, DorranCe and Company [c1937].
BROWN, MRS MARY MAGDELENA (HODSON), Snowball, the True Adventures of a Real Cat. Atchison, c1937.
BURNS, WILLIAM RILEY, The Dark Command, a Kansas Iliad. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1938.
CAREY, HENRY L., ed and pub., The Thrilling Story of Famous Boot Hill and Modern Dodge City. Dodge City, Carey, 1937.
CARL, (Sister) HIDALITA, Kansas History As Seen in the Works of Margaret Hill McCarter. Seneca, The Courier-Tribune Press, 1938.
CARL, (Sister) MARY THARSILLA, A Survey of Kansas Poetry. Seneca, The Courier-Tribune Press, 1938.
CAUTHORN, RALPH M., Ingalls of Kansas. No.impr.
CHERRYVALE, METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, LADIES, eds., Favorite Quotations of Cherryvale People. [Cherryvale, Republican Print] n d.
CHRYSLER, WALTER PERCY, and BOYDEN SPARKES, Life of an American Workman. Philadelphia, The Curtis Publishing Company, 1938.
CODY, WILLIAM FREDERICK, The Life of Hon William F Cody, Known as Buffalo Bill; the Famous Hunter, Scout and Guide; An Autobiography. Hartford, Conn., Frank E Bliss [c18791.
[CURRY, MRS BELLE S 1, Parsons, Labette County, Kansas; Years From 1859 to 1895; Story of "The Benders." [Parsons, Bell Bookcraft Shop] n d.
DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, Kansas, History of the Kansas Daughters of the American Revolution, 1894-1938. Published by the Kansas Daughters of the American Revolution, 1938.
Kansas State Directory, Daughters of the American Revolution, 1938. N p., 1938 Proceedings of the Thirty-Ninth Annual State Conference, Wichita, Kansas, March 18, 19 and 20, 1937 No.impr.
DENHAM, ROBERT S., comp., The Emporia City Directory, 1890-91. Emporia, Ezra Lamborn [pref 1890].
DICK, EVERETT NEWFON, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890; a Social History of the Northern Plains From the Creation of Kansas & Nebraska to the Admission of the Dakotas. New York, D. Appleton-Century Company, 1937.
DICKERSON, JEFFERSON DAVIS, We're All Human at That. No.impr.
D'NOVA, Folly's Facets. St Joseph, Mo., Lawlor Printing Company [c1934].
DOAN, EDWARD N., Newspaper Libel in Kansas. Lawrence, University of Kansas, Department of Journalism, 1936.
DOLMAN, HELEN, and GEORGE WILLARD FRASIER, The Scientific Living Series. Syracuse, The L W Singer Company, [1937-1938] 5 Vols.
DON-CARLO, MRS LOUISA COOKE, Dear Things and Queer Things. Lawrence, The World Company, 1934.
DRISCOLL, CHARLES B., Driscoll's Book of Pirates. Philadelphia, David McKay Company [c1934].
DWYER, HAROLD, Livestock Lyrics and Other Verse. [Tipton, The Tipton Times Press, 1937]
EARHART, AMELIA, Last Flight. New York, Harcourt, Brace and Company [1937].
ELIAS, MAXIM K., Geology of Rawlins and Decatur Counties With Special Reference to Water Resources. [Topeka, Myers and Company] 1937 (Kansas Geological Survey, Mineral Resources Circular, No. 7) Planographed.
ELLENBECKER, JOHN G., The Indian Raid on the Upper Little Blue in Southern Nebraska During the Sixties. [Beatrice, Neb., Beatrice Printing Company, 1937].
---, The Jayhawkers of Death Valley. Marysville, 1938.
EMERSON, LUCIEN WALDO, Cimarron Bend. New York, The Macaulay Company [c1936].
FARNHAM, MRS MATEEL (HOWE), Ex-Love. New York, Dodd, Mead & Company, 1937.
FEAR, JOHN CAREY, Recollections of a Country Doctor. Lyndon, O J Rose, 1938.
FEHR, JOSEPH ANTHONY, Arlington. [Wichita, The Wichita Eagle Press, c1937].
FERNALD, MRS HELEN (CLARK), Smoke Blows West. New York, Longmans, Green and Company, 1937.
FISHER, MRS DOROTHEA (CANFIELD), Fables for Parents. New York, Harcourt, Brace and Company [1937].
FREE MASONS, ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED, Wyandotte Lodge, By-laws of Wyandotte Lodge No. 8, Adopted by the Lodge, January 2d, A L., 5869 Wyandotte, Gazette Book and Job Printing Office, 1859.
FRENCH, CHAUNCEY DEL, Railroadman. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1938.
GANN, WALTER, The Trail Boss. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1937.
GARRETSON, MARTIN S., The American Bison, the Story of Its Extermination as a Wild Species and Its Restoration Under Federal Protection. New York, New York Zoological Society [1938].
GATES, FRANK CALEB, Grasses in Kansas. Topeka, Kansas State Printing Plant, 1937 (Report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture for the Quarter Ending December, 1936).
GILSON, MRS AMELIA MAELZER, Permanent Peace and True Prosperity; or the Cause and Cure for Panic and War. [Leon, Kan., The Leon News Print, c1937].
GORE, CHALLISS, The Ghost in the Balance Sheet. New York, Scientific Press, Inc [cl935].
GOWENLOCK, THOMAS RUSSELL, Soldiers of Darkness. Garden City, N Y., Doubleday, Doran & Company, 1937.
GRAVES, WILLIAM WHITES, History of Neosho County Newspapers, Occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the St. Paul Journal, August 4, 1948 St Paul, The St Paul Journal, 1938.
---, and Others, History of the Kickapoo Mission and Parish, the First Catholic Church in Kansas. St Paul, The Journal Press, 1938 (Graves Historical Series, No. 7).
---, The Legend of Greenbush; the Story of a Pioneer Country Church. St Paul, The Journal Press, c1937.
GRAY, FANNIE SMITH, Missionary Plays and Pageants. Kansas City, Mo., Western Baptist Publishing Company, 1936.
GRESHAM, HUGH C., The Story of Major David McKee, Founder of the Anti-Horse Thief Association, Together With the History of the Anti-Horse Thief Association and the Anti-Thief Association. Cheney, Author, 1937.
GUILD, FREDERICK HOWLAND, The Development of the Legislative Council Idea. Topeka, Kansas Legislative Council, 1938 (Publication, No. 71).
HALL, MRS CARRIE A., From Hoopskirts to Nudity. Caldwell, Idaho, The Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1938.
HARRISON, MRS MARY (BENNETT), Thine Shall Be the Glory: a Dramatic Adaptation From the Story "He Is Here," by Charles M Sheldon. Boston [Walter H Baker Company, c1937].
HASELTINE, MRS BLANCHE (SAGE), The Poems of Blanche Sage Haseltine. Kansas City, Mo., Midwest Poetry Publishers [c1936].
HEINZ, GERARD, St. Benedict's Parish, Atchison, Kansas: an Historical Sketch Atchison, Abbey Student Press, St Benedict's College, 1908.
HERTZLER, ARTHUR EMANUEL, The Horse and Buggy Doctor. New York, Harper and Brothers, 1938.
HILL, K ETHEL, Evylena Nunn Miller's Travel Tree; Poems by Beulah May. Santa Ana, Cal., Fine Arts Press, 1933.
HILL, W A., Rome, the Predecessor of Hays. No. impr.
HOLLAND, AVIS, Biography-Daniel Read Anthony, the Fearless Knight of Kansas Journalism. Typed.
HONIG, L O., comp., Origin of Kansas Place-Names. Typed.
HOSTERMAN, A D., and J N GARVER, The Emporia City Directory for 1885-'86. Sioux City, Iowa, Tribune Print., 1884.
HUDSON, BEN SAM, Company E, 137th Infantry, A E F., 1917-1919. No. impr HUESTON, ETHEL, Calamity Jane of Deadwood Gulch. Indianapolis, The Bobbs-Merrill Company [c1937].
HUNT, ELVID, History of Fort Leavenworth, 1827-1947. 2d ed Brought up to date by Walter E Lorence Fort Leavenworth, The Command and General Staff School Press, 1937.
IRVINE, HOUSTON, The Kiowa Trail; Western Story. New York, Chelsea House N1935].
JOHNSON, MARTIN, Over African Jungles. New York, Harcourt, Brace and Company [cl935].
JONES, PAUL A., Coronado and Quivira. [Lyons, The Lyons Publishing Company, c1937].
Kansas BANKERS ASSOCIATION, Bank Management Commission, 1948 Report Based Upon a Survey of Operating Results of 455 Kansas Banks for the Year 1947. No impr.
Kansas BOARD of SOCIAL WELFARE, Division of Public Relations, Pertinent Facts Concerning Social Welfare in Kansas 1937. Mimeographed.
Division of Research and Statistics, Preliminary Observations on Social Welfare Activities; a Report to the Kansas Legislative Council (Kansas Legislative Council, Publication, No. 63, November, 1937) Mimeographed.
Kansas LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, Research Department, Concentration of State Tax Administration; Decentralized System in Kansas and Possibilities of..
Reorganization as Shown by Concentrated Systems in Selected States Preliminary Report. (Publication, No. 72, May, 1938) Mimeographed.
--- Cost of Government in Kansas: Total and Per Capita Cost-State and Local, Fiscal Years, 1929-1937. (Publication, No. 64, November, 1937) Mimeographed.
--- Finances of State Institutions, Preliminary Summary Tables Institutional Survey Report, No. 5 (Publication, No. 62, November, 1937) Mimeographed.
---- Financial Report of Kansas Social Welfare Activities, April 28 to December 31, 1937. (Publication, No. 67, February, 1938) Mimeographed.
--- Industries at the Kansas State Penitentiary, Fiscal Years 1911-1937 Institutional Survey Report, No. 6 (Publication, No. 73, May, 1938) Mimeographed.
--- Kansas Retail Sales Tax Fund.., (Publication, No. 68, February, 1938) Mimeographed.
--- Possible Department of Business Regulation for Kansas Preliminary Report (Publication, No. 79, August, 1938) Mimeographed.
--- Possible Department of Revenue for Kansas. Preliminary Report (Publication, No. 80, August, 1938) Mimeographed.
--- Prison Labor Problem in Kansas; a Survey by the Prison Industries Reorganization Administration. a Summary (Publication, No. 76, August 31, 1938) Mimeographed.
--- Public Assistance and Relief Bonds in Kansas, January 1, 1938, Through December 31, 1937. (Publication, No. 69, February, 1938) Mimeographed.
--- Public Assistance and Relief Bonds in Kansas, January 1, 1938, Through April 30, 1938. (Publication, No. 74, May, 1938) Mimeographed.
Salary Schedules for County Officers in Kansas Preliminary Report (Publication, No. 77, August, 1938) Mimeographed.
Social Welfare Costs in 1938, Prepared in Cooperation With Division of Research and Statistics, State Board of Social Welfare. (Publication, No. 70, February, 1938) Mimeographed.
Standardization of High School Tuition Laws. Preliminary Report (Publication, No. 61, November, 1937) Mimeographed.
State Administrative Reorganization; Summary of Departmental Reorganization. Preliminary Report (Publication, No. 65, November, 1937) Mimeographed.
State Financial Administration in Kansas Preliminary Report. (Publication, No. 81, August, 1938) Mimeographed.
State-Wide Barnes High School Law; Special Report to Council Committee on Education. (Publication, No. 75, May 23, 1938) Mimeographed.
Summary History of Kansas Finance Research Report. (Publication, No. 60, October, 1937) Mimeographed.
Summary History of Kansas Finance Research Report. (Publication, No. 60, October, 1937; Reprint, December, 1937) Mimeographed.
Kansas Magazine, 1938. Manhattan, Kansas Magazine Publishing Association, c1938.
Kansas STATE CHAMBER of COMMERCE, Kansas Year Book, 1937-1938. [Topeka, The Capper Printing Company, c1938].
-tion, and Kansas STATE PLANNING BOARD, Agricultural Resources of Kansas. Manhattan [Kansas State College], 1937 (Bulletin, Vol 21, No. 10)
Kansas STATE PLANNING BOARD, Water Resources of Kansas. (Kansas Legislative Council, Publication, No. 66, November, 1937).
Kansas SUPREME COURT, In Supreme Court of Kansas, October 4, 1937, in Memory of William Agnew Johnston. [Topeka, Kansas State Printing Plant, 1937].
Kansas UNIVERSITY, Memorial Services in Commemoration of Raphael Dorman O'Leary, Fraser Theater, University of Kansas, May 3, 1936. No. impr.
LEE, ALFRED MCCLUNG, The Daily Newspaper in America; the Evolution of a Social Instrument. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1937.
LERRIGO, CHARLES HENRY, A Son of John Brown. New York, Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1937.
LOMAX, JOHN A , and ALAN LOMAX, Cowboy Songs and Other Frontier Ballads, rev. and enl. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1938.
LYON COUNTY CHAPTER of THE Kansas Historical Society, First Annual Meeting, Emporia, Kansas, January 29, 1938. No. impr.
MCDOWELL, MRS MARGARET (DEAN), In the Land of Jonah and His Gourd; Home Letters of Margaret Dean McDowell. No. impr.
MCKERNAN, THOMAS ALOYSIUS, The Poet Priest of Kansas, Father Thomas Aloysius McKernan, by W. W Graves St Paul, The Journal Press, c1937.
McPherson County (Kansas) Farm Directory, January, 1931. [Topeka, Midwest Directory Publishing Company].
MADDUX, RACHEL, Turnip's Blood (in The Flying Yorkshireman, Novellas). New York, Harper and Brothers, 1938 (pp 175-220).
MARKHAM, WILLIAM COLFAX, Along the Highway of Life. Washington, D.C., Ransdell Inc [c1934].
MAY, BEULAH, Buccaneer's Gold, a Selection From the Poems of Beulah May; With Drawings in Printers Ink by the Author. Santa Ana, Cal., The Fine Arts Press, 1935.
---, and FILOMINA SHAFER, Cuentos de California. Santa Ana, Cal., Dennis Printers, 1937.
---, and Others, Daggers in a Star. New York, Henry Harrison [c1930].
MENNINGER, KARL AUGUSTUS, The Human Mind. 2d ed., corrected, enlarged and rewritten New York, Alfred A Knopf, 1937.
---, Man Against Himself. New York, Harcourt, Brace and Company [c1938].
MENNINGER, WILLIAM C., Psychiatric Hospital Therapy Designed to Meet Unconscious Needs. (Reprinted from the American Journal of Psychiatry, September, 1936).
---, Therapeutic Methods in a Psychiatric Hospital. (Reprinted from the_ Journal of the American Medical Association, August 13, 1932).
MILLS, ENo.S ABIJAH, The Story of Scotch. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company [1935] Waiting in the Wilderness Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1932.
Mo.EDER, JOHN M., Early Catholicity in Kansas and History of the Diocese of Wichita. Wichita, Diocesan Chancery Office, c1937.
MONROE, DAY, and others, Food Buying and Our Markets. New Edition Completely Revised and Enlarged New York, M Barrows and Company, 1938.
MOOTZ, HERMAN EDWIN, "Pawnee Bill," a Romance of Oklahoma. Los Angeles, Excelsior Publishing Company [C1928].
NETTELS, CURTIS PUTNAM, The Roots of American Civilization, a History of American Colonial Life. New York, F S Crofts and Company, 1938.
NEWELL, No.RMAN D., Late Paleozoic Pelecypods, Pectinacea. [Topeka, Kansas State Printing Plant, 1937] (State Geological Survey of Kansas, Vol 10).
NYSTROM, WENDELL C., The Selection and Provision of Textbooks; With Special Reference to Kansas. [Lawrence] Author [C1937].
Order for the Consecration of the Reverend Goodrich Robert Fenner as Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese of Kansas in Grace Cathedral, Topeka, Kansas, on St Michael and All Angels Day, Wednesday, September 29th, A D 1937. No impr.
OWEN, JENNIE SMALL, The Story of "Ma" Burdick. No.impr.
PARKER, GEORGE MARTIN NATHANIEL, Foot Prints From the City to the Farm. Newton, The Kansan Printing Company [c1914].
PATTON, MRS ELLEN (YOUNG), Mignonette. Atchison [Press of Haskell and Son], 1883.
PEARSON, PETER HENRY, Prairie Vikings. East Orange, N J., Karl J Olson [cl927].
PELZEL, HELENE, Nanka of Old Bohemia. Chicago, Albert Whitman and Company, 1937.
PLUMMER, No.RMAN, Rock Wool Resources of Kansas, Appendix. 1937 (Kansas Geological Survey, Mineral Resources Circular, No. 8).
Polk's Arkansas City (Cowley County, Kan Directory, 1936. Kansas City, Mo., R. L. Polk & Company, c1936.
Polk's Coffeyville (Montgomery County, Kan City, Mo., R. L. Polk & Company, c1935.
Polk's El Dorado (Butler County, Kan) City Directory, Mo., R. L. Polk & Company, c1934.
Polk's Independence (Montgomery County, Kan) sas City, Mo., R. L. Polk & Company, c1935 Polk's Wichita (Kansas) City Directory, 1936 & Company, c1936.
Polk's Wichita (Kansas) City Directory, 1937. & Company, c1937.
PORTER, KENNETH WIGGINS, The Jacksons and the Lees: Two Generations Massachusetts Merchants, 1765-1844. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1937 2 Vols.
---, Relations Between Negroes and Indians Within the Present Limits of the United States Washington, D. C., The Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, Inc., n d.
PROWANT, LEONARD ALLEN, Stanzas for Kansas and Christ Came at Christmas. Wichita, Privately Printed, 1937.
QUAYLE, WILLIAM ALFRED, The Blessed Life, Being a Series of Meditations on Manhood and Womanhood in Christ. New York, Hodder and Stoughton [c1901].
---, The Poet's Poet and Other Essays. Cincinnati, Curts & Jennings, 1897.
RAINEY, GEORGE, No.Man's Land; the Historic Story of a Landed Orphan. [Guthrie, Okla., Cooperative Publishing Company] c1937.
REDMOND, JOHN, Rambling Around in Old Mexico, via Oklahoma and Texas, With the National Editorial Association. Burlington, Kan [Redmond's Printery], 1924.
ROGERS, CHARLES ELKINS, Journalistic Vocations. 2d ed New York, D Appleton-Century Company [c1937].
ScARBERRY, ALMA Sioux, Thou Shalt Not Love. New York, Grosset & Dunlap, Inc [cl937].
SHELDON, CHARLES Mo.NROE, In His Steps To-Day. New York, Fleming H Revell Company [c1921].
SNELL, MRS JESSIE KENNEDY, Lore of the Great Plains. (Colby, Kan., Colby Free Press-Tribune, 1937].
SNo.W, FLORENCE LYDIA, Sincerely Yours. Muscatine, Iowa, The Prairie Press, 1937.
[SPRAGUE, AMY WEAVER, and others], The Story of a Clan. Privately Printed, 1938.
STAACK, J G., Spirit Leveling in Kansas, 1896-1985. Washington, United States Government Printing Office, 1938 (U S Geological Survey, Bulletin, No 889).
TARRETT, PAUL, Changing the Skyline, an Autobiography. New York, Whittlesey House [c1938].
STEWART, DONALD W., The Universal Obligation and Other Addresses. Independence [1928].
STILL, ANDREW TAYLOR, Sage Sayings of Still, Selected From the Writings of Dr A T Still, Founder of Osteopathy. Los Angeles, Wetzel Publishing Company, Inc [cl935].
STROUD, ALBERT, Ancient Myths, Modern Rhymes, and Other Stories of Other Times. Fredonia, Kennedy Printing Company, 1906.
TAYLOR, THOMAS ULVAN, The Chisholm Trail and Other Routes. San Antonio, The Naylor Company, 1936.
THOMAS, DOROTHY, The Home Place. New York, Alfred A Knopf, 1936.
THORP, N HOWARD, Songs of the Cowboys. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company [1908, 1921].
THURMAN, HARRIETT, Forever Yours. Philadelphia, Macrae-Smith Company, 1938.
TOPEKA DAILY CAPITAL, 1937-1938 Voluntary Classified Business and Professional Directory. [Topeka, The Topeka Daily Capital, 1938].
TOPEKA, ST JOHN'S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, [Dedication Service] July the Twenty-Fourth in the Year of Our Lord Nineteen Hundred and Thirty-Eight. No impr.
TOPEKA, UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Membership Roll July 1, 1938. [Topeka] The United Presbyterian Press [1938].
TRUITT, J W., comp and pub., General City Directory of Emporia, Kansas, 1883. Emporia, G H Rowland and Company, 1883.
VAUGHN, MILES WALTER, Covering the Far East. New York, Covici Friede [c1936].
VESTAL, STANLEY, Revolt on the Border. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1938.
WARKENTIN, ABRAHAM, ed., Who's Who Among the Mennonites, 1937. [Newton, Bethel College, 1937].
WEAVER, FLAvE J., Six Years in Bondage and Freedom at Last; a Tale of Prison Life. No.impr.
WERLING, J W., History of the Kansas District, Ev Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States Golden Anniversary, 1888-1938. [Newton, Herald Publishing Company, 1938].
WHITE, HAYS B., "Swinrazzem" and Other Poems. N p., 1937.
WHITE, WILLIAM LINDSAY, What People Said. New York, The Viking Press, 1938.
WHITTEMo.RE, MARGARET, Sketchbook of Kansas Landmarks. [2d ed revised] Topeka, The College Press [c1937].
WISCONSIN UNION, The Wisconsin Union Presents an Exhibition of Work by John Steuart Curry, September 24 to October 17, Madison, Wisconsin. N c1937.
YUST, WILLIAM FREDERICK, Fred Yust, Kansas Pioneer; a Biographical Sketch. Winter Park, Florida, The College Press, 1937.
BERKELEY, GRANTLEY F., The English Sportsman in the Western Prairies. London, Hurst and Blackett, 1861.
BIEBER, RALPH P., ed., Southern Trails to California in 1849. Glendale, Cal., The Arthur H Clark Company, 1937 (Southwest Historical Series, Vol 5).
CLARK, WILLIAM, Westward With Dragoons; the Journal of William Clark on His Expedition to Establish Fort Osage, August 25 to September 22, 1808. Fulton, Mo., The Ovid Bell Press, Inc., 1937.
ELLSWORTH, HENRY LEAvrrr, Washington Irving on the Prairie; or a Narrative of a Tour of the Southwest in the Year 1832. New York, American Book Company, 1937.
FRAZER, MARIE MILLIGAN, On the Old Trails in Wyoming. Laramie, Wyoming State School Supply, 1928.
FURLONG, CHARLES WELLINGTON, Let 'Er Buck, a Story of the Passing of the Old West. New York, G P Putnam's Sons, 1927.
GARRARD, LEWIS HECTOR, Wah-to-yah and the Taos Trail. Glendale, Cal., The Arthur H Clark Company, 1938 (Southwest Historical Series, Vol 6).
GATES, PAUL WALLACE, The Illinois Central Railroad and Its Colonization Work. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1934 (Harvard Economic Studies, Vol 42).
GREER, JAMES K., Bois D'Arc to Barb'd Wire; Ken Cary: Southwestern Frontier Born. Dallas, Dealey and Lowe, 1936.
HAFEN, LE Roy R., Fort Laramie and the Pageant of the West, 1834-1890. Glendale, Cal., The Arthur H Clark Company, 1938.
HALLENBECK, CLEVE, and JUANITA H WILLIAMS, Legends of the Spanish Southwest. Glendale, Cal., Arthur H Clark Company, 1938.
HILL, MRS ALICE (POLK), Tales of the Colorado Pioneers. Denver, Pierson & Gardner, 1884.
HOWE, MAURICE, ed., The Great West: Interviews. Montana, Sources of Northwest History., No. 4).
HULBERT, ARCHER BUTLER, and DOROTHY PRINTUP HULBERT, Marcus Whitman, Crusader. Part Two, 1839 to 1843 [Colorado Springs] The Steuart Commission of Colorado College and [Denver] The Denver Public Library [c1938].
INGERSOLL, CHESTER, Overland to California in 1847; Letters Written En Route to California, West From Independence, Missouri, to the Editor of the Joliet Signal Edited, With an Introductory Note by Douglas C McMurtrie. Chicago, Black Cat Press, 1937.
KYNER, JAMES HENRY, End of Track, as Told to Hawthorne Daniel. Caldwell, Idaho, The Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1937.
LEE, JOHN DOYLE, Journals of John D Lee, 1846-47 and 1859. Edited by Charles Kelly Salt Lake City, Western Printing Company, 1938.
MEREDITH, MRS EMILY R., Bannack and Gallatin City in 1862-1863; a Letter by Mrs. Emily R Meredith Edited by Clyde McLemore (State University of Montana, Sources of Northwest History, No. 24).
O'KEEFE, RUFE, Cowboy Life. San Antonio, The Naylor Company, 1936.
OLIPHANT, LAURENCE., Minnesota and the Far West. Edinburgh, William Blackwood and Sons, 1855.
PARTOLL, ALBERT J., ed., Mengarini's Narrative of the Rockies; Memoirs of Old Oregon, 1841-1850, and St. Mary's Mission (State University of Montana, Sources of Northwest History, No. 25).
PITZER, HENRY LITTLETON, Three Frontiers; Memories, and a Portrait of Henry Littleton Pitzer as Recorded by His Son Robert Claiborne Pitzer. Muscatine, Iowa, The Prairie Press, 1938.
POE, MRS SOPHIE (ALBERDING), Buckboard Days. Caldwell, Idaho, The Caxton Printers, 1936.
QUIETT, GLENN CHESNEY, Pay Dirt, a Panorama of American Gold-Rushes. New York, D. Appleton-Century Company, Inc., 1936.
SMYTHE, WILLIAM ELLSWORTH, The Conquest of Arid America. (New and rev ed) New York, The Macmillan Company, 1905.
WAGNER, HENRY RAUP, Henry R Wagner's the Plains and the Rockies, a Bibliography of Original Narratives of Travel and Adventure, 1800-1865. Revised and Extended by Charles L Camp San Francisco, Grabhorn Press, 1937.
---, The Spanish Southwest, 1542-1794, an Annotated Bibliography. Albuquerque, The Quivira Society, 1937 2 Vols (Quivira Society, Publications, Vol 7).
WALGAMOTT, CHARLES SHIRLEY, A Series of Historical Sketches in Early Days in Idaho: Six Decades Back. Illustrated by R H Hall Caldwell, Idaho, The Caxton Printers, 1936.
WINTHER, OSCAR OSBURN, Express and Stagecoach Days in California Stanford University, Stanford University Press [c1936]..
WISTAR, ISAAC JONES, Autobiography of Isaac Jones Wistar, 1827-1905; Half a Century in War and Peace. Philadelphia, The Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, 1937 (State University of.
WURZBACH, EMIL FRIEDRICH, Life and Memoirs of Emil Frederick Wurzbach, to Which Is Appended Some Papers of John Meusebach. San Antonio, Yanaguana Society, 1937.
AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY, Proceedings at the Annual Meeting Held in Worcester, October 21, 1936. Worcester, Society, 1937.
---, Proceedings at the Semi-Annual Meeting Held in Boston April 21, 1937. Worcester, Society, 1937.
AMERICAN CLAN GREGOR SOCIETY, Year Books Containing the Proceedings of the Annual Gatherings 26th, and 28th, 1935, 1937. Richmond, Va., American Clan Gregor Society [c1936, c1938] 2 Vols.
ARMSTRONG, ZELLA, comp., Twenty-four Hundred Tennessee Pensioners; Revolution-War of 1812. Chattanooga, The Lookout Publishing Company [c1937].
BERKS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY, PA., Transactions, Vol 3, Embracing Papers Contributed to the Society, 1910-1916. Reading, Pa., 1923.
Biographical Review, Vol 23, Containing Life Sketches of Leading Citizens of Hillsboro and Cheshire Counties, New Hampshire. Boston, Biographical Review Publishing Company, 1897.
BLISH, JAMES KNo.X, Genealogy of the Blish Family in America, 1637-1905. Kewanee, Ill [H L Throop, Printer], 1905.
BODDIE, JOHN BENNETT, Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight County, Virginia. Chicago, Chicago Law Printing Company [c1938].
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