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Stevens County Schools Bibliography

Image of 1887 Stevens County, Kansas map, copied from Fifth Biennial Report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture.Stevens County School Superintendent. Stevens County School Directory, 1953-1954. Hugoton, KS: Author, 1954. (K379.5/St4/1953).

Stevens County School Superintendent. Stevens County School Directory, 1954-1955. Hugoton, KS: Author, 1955. (K379.5/St4/1954).

Stevens County School Superintendent. Stevens County School Directory, 1955-1956. Hugoton, KS: Author, 1956. (K379.5/St4/1955).

Stevens County School Superintendent. Stevens County School Directory, 1956-1957. Hugoton, KS: Author, 1957. (K379.5/St4/1956).

Stevens County School Superintendent. Stevens County School Directory, 1957-1958. Hugoton, KS: Author, 1958. (K379.5/St4/1957).

Stevens County School Superintendent. Stevens County School Directory, 1958-1959. Hugoton, KS: Author, 1959. (K379.5/St4/1958).

Stevens County School Superintendent. Stevens County School Directory, 1959-1960. Hugoton, KS: Author, 1960. (K379.5/St4/1959).

Stevens County School Superintendent. Stevens County School Directory, 1960-1961. Hugoton, KS: Author, 1961. (K379.5/St4/1960).

Stevens County School Superintendent. Stevens County School Directory, 1961-1962. Hugoton, KS: Author, 1962. (K379.5/St4/1961).

Stevens County School Superintendent. Stevens County School Directory, 1962-1963. Hugoton, KS: Author, 1963. (K379.5/St4/1962).

Stevens County School Superintendent. Stevens County School Directory, 1964-1965. Hugoton, KS: Author, 1965. (K379.5/St4/1964).

Thomson, Edith C. "Data on Stevens County Schools." History of Stevens County, Kansas. N.p.: Author, 1967. (K978.1/-St4/T383/pp. 54-62).