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Ellen Douglas Denison Goodnow to Harriet Goodnow

View at Kansas Memory

Creator: Goodnow, Ellen Denison

Date: July 21, 1855

Level of Description: Item

Material Type: Manuscripts

Call Number: Isaac Goodnow Coll. #357 Box 1 Folder 40

Unit ID: 3625

Abstract: Ellen Goodnow, recently arrived at her homestead near Manhattan, Kansas Territory, wrote to her sister-in-law Harriet Goodnow in New England, regarding her trip West and her impressions of Kansas Territory. Ellen described her journey in a detailed but concise manner, and, in her first impressions, likened Kansas to "another garden of Eden. . .too good for bondage, or for the oppressor's rod [references to slavery]." A devout Christian woman, she also expressed her opinion that Satan held influence over the Missourians. Despite this ominous presence, Ellen still tried to convince Harriet to join them in the Territory by assuring her that Native Americans posed no significant threat.

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Title (Main title): Ellen Douglas Denison Goodnow to Harriet Goodnow


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Local Note: TKO Doc ID 102326