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Issac Tichenor Goodnow to unknown recipient

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Creator: Goodnow, Isaac T. (Isaac Tichenor), 1814-1894

Date: January/February 1856

Level of Description: Item

Material Type: Manuscripts

Call Number: Isaac Goodnow Coll. #357 Box 1 Folder 47

Unit ID: 3629

Abstract: In the wake of the Wakarusa War, Isaac Goodnow wrote to an unknown recipient regarding recent skirmishes and negotiations between proslavery and free state supporters. According to Goodnow, Governor Shannon had demanded that the free state men surrender their Sharp's rifles and obey the laws of the "bogus" legislature. Governor Robinson had responded, telling his men to "keep the rifles, but surrender their contents." Goodnow also commented on the "determined heroism" of the free state women, and recounted the incident of voter fraud which occurred in the Delegate to Congress election between former Governor Reeder and J. W. Whitfield.

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Title (Main title): Issac Tichenor Goodnow to unknown recipient


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Local Note: TKO Doc ID 102327