Miscellaneous [sic]
Creator: Kansas. Governor (1863-1865 : Carney)
Date: 1862 - 1864
Level of Description: Folder
Material Type: Government record
Call Number:
Governor's Office, Governor Thomas Carney, Correspondence Files, Letters and other items received, Box 1 Folder 19
Unit ID: 453575
Space Required/Quantity: [Not stated]
Title (Main title): Miscellaneous [sic]
Scope and Content
Scope and content: These letters, spanning 1862 to 1864, are from the Secretary of State's office, government officials, and other individuals regarding miscellaneous affairs to Kansas Governor Thomas Carney. The Secretary of State's office provided Carney's certification for governor. Others wrote acknowledging passed legislation resolutions, asking about the property rights of women in Kansas, discussing the governor's election and land, and requesting recruiting commissioners.
Locator | Contents |
027-03-06-04 |
Index Terms
Creators and Contributors
Agency Classification:
Kansas State Agencies. Governor's Office. Specific Administrations. Carney, Thomas Administration.