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Creator: Kansas. Governor (1903-1905 : Bailey)

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ID Title Creator Date Material Type & Level Online?
457738 Accountant Kansas. Governor (1903-1905 : Bailey) 1903-1904 Government record (Folder) No
457675 Accountant, State: Report of 1904 Kansas. Governor (1903-1905 : Bailey) 1904 Government record (Folder) No
309844 Address : to the Lawrence semi-centennial celebration, Lawrence, Kan. : typescript Bailey, Willis Joshua, 1854-1932 1904 Oct. 4 Manuscripts (Item) No
457739 Adjutant General, also note applications and military appointments Kansas. Governor (1903-1905 : Bailey) 1902 Government record (Folder) No
457742 Agriculture and Applied Science, Kansas State College, Board of Regents Kansas. Governor (1903-1905 : Bailey) 1903 Government record (Folder) No
457645 Applications, recommendations, and endorsements Kansas. Governor (1903-1905 : Bailey) 1902-1905 Government record (Subseries) No
457681 Appointments Kansas. Governor (1903-1905 : Bailey) 1903 Government record (Folder) No
457740 Assistant Adjutant General; appointment of Mr. R. Bunting for Quartermaster General Kansas. Governor (1903-1905 : Bailey) 1902 Government record (Folder) No
457741 Assistant Adjutant General, Quartermaster General, C to Z Kansas. Governor (1903-1905 : Bailey) 1902 Government record (Folder) No
457682 Asylum: Inquest and correspondence Kansas. Governor (1903-1905 : Bailey) 1903-1905 Government record (Folder) No
457683 Barber, Examiners Board Kansas. Governor (1903-1905 : Bailey) 1903-1904 Government record (Folder) No
457743 Barber Examiners Board, A to L Kansas. Governor (1903-1905 : Bailey) 1903-1904 Government record (Folder) No
457744 Barber Examiners Board, M to Z Kansas. Governor (1903-1905 : Bailey) 1903-1904 Government record (Folder) No
457684 Battleship Kansas Kansas. Governor (1903-1905 : Bailey) 1903-1904 Government record (Folder) No
457685 Charitable and correctional institutions Kansas. Governor (1903-1905 : Bailey) 1903-1905 Government record (Folder) No
457745 Charities and Corrections, Board of Trustees Kansas. Governor (1903-1905 : Bailey) 1902-1903 Government record (Folder) No
457749 Charities and Corrections, Board of Trustees; Lancing Penitentiary Kansas. Governor (1903-1905 : Bailey) 1902-1903 Government record (Folder) No
457746 Charities, Board of Trustees; Blind Education, Kansas City Kansas. Governor (1903-1905 : Bailey) 1902-1903 Government record (Folder) No
457747 Charities, Board of Trustees; Hospital for Epileptic Persons Kansas. Governor (1903-1905 : Bailey) 1902-1903 Government record (Folder) No
457748 Charities, Board of Trustees; Training School for the Feeble Minded [sic] Kansas. Governor (1903-1905 : Bailey) 1902-1903 Government record (Folder) No
457686 Cities and towns: A to J Kansas. Governor (1903-1905 : Bailey) 1903-1904 Government record (Folder) No
457687 Cities and towns: K to Z Kansas. Governor (1903-1905 : Bailey) 1903-1904 Government record (Folder) No
457688 Claims Kansas. Governor (1903-1905 : Bailey) 1902-1904 Government record (Folder) No
457728 Colorado Suit, water rights, Arkansas River Kansas. Governor (1903-1905 : Bailey) 1903-1905 Government record (Folder) No
457689 Commissioners of Deeds Kansas. Governor (1903-1905 : Bailey) 1903-1904 Government record (Folder) No
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